Opening Rebellion reward cards

I went on a shopping spree today. Oh, it's not clothes or real-life stuff. It is something more exciting and you guessed right—Splinterlands Rebellion reward cards. With the advent of the reward shop, it is very easy for players to just go and shop at their own convenience and not wait for the season to end to open chests and pray for cards instead of other stuff.

The shop has various stuff to offer including exclusive card chests, reward chests, energies, merits, potions, and so on. So, life for a Splinterlands player is much easier now. Also, the soulbound cards of the earlier editions can be bought or rented from the market.

Game playing update - I am back from a break and now participate in brawls of my guild - KOG. However, I use the bot to play wild format as I am still trying to adjust to health issues and other family related stuff.

I have taken a few screenshots of the cards I bought. I have combined the cards and hope it helps in the long run. Each season, I keep buying more common cards to level them up soon. This time round, I also bought a legendary card although I was not lucky to get a gold foil one, though.

The stats of this card are impressive and the immunity is what attracted me most. I hope I can buy more of this card later and level up to get the blast ability too.

Rare cards. I have a few of them and hope to level up soon. I have yet to play full-time, so do not know the full potential of these cards. I am sure these are all very useful.

Trying my hand in the chest shop

I was not that unlucky and got merits and of course the potions are always helpful.

I got just one common gold from the common card draw. I used to get a few more in the previous draws.

Combining the commons
I have bought more common cards today and have combined them.

If you are new to splinterlands, do try opening an account and start playing for free. You can buy the spellbook if you like the game and start earning crypto. Splinterlands is based on the Hive blockchain and it has helped change the lives of many.

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