Battle Mages Are Silenced

Silenced Summoners.png

Note: All battles were played manually and without the use of any Battle Helper


Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

This will be my entry for this week's Battle Mage Secrets where I showcased a battle with the featured ruleset Silenced Summoners. This is a ruleset where summoners loses all their abilities and the stats they provide.

The Battle that I will show to you this week was from my @crimepoet account which is an alternate account I'm using with max level CL deck and was playing at the modern format of the Diamond League.


But before I reveal my battle, let us learn more about this ruleset.

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Silenced Summoners

Rule Set IconDescription
Silenced Summoners
08-summoner.png Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities.

With the current card sets that are available, the mana cost of summoners were from 2-7 mana so when it comes to Silenced Summoners, the most appropriate summoner to use are those that would eat less mana specially with low mana battles.

Summoners by Mana Cost


These were the samples of summoners by mana cost and by these samples, the best option for summoner would be Talia Firestorm since it only have 2 mana cost and does not have abilities to begin with.

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Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup




03- Modern Diamond.png
Diamond League
Modern Format
57 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 01- fire.png Fire, 02-Water.png Water, 3-Earth.png Earth, 4-Death.png Death
Silenced Summoners
08-summoner.png Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities.
Holly Protection
All Monsters have the divine shield.png Divine Shield ability.
Heavy Hitters
All Monsters have the knock out.png Knock Out ability.

Opponent's Lineup


My Team


This battle comes with a 57 mana cap where the active rulesets are Holy Protection, Heavy Hitters and the featured ruleset for this week which was Silenced Summoners. With this in consideration, my lineup was consist of:

Summoner: Kelya Frendul - The summoner which has the least mana cost among the water element which allows me to use water units.

  • 1st Position: Arkemis the Bear - A 12- mana melee unit with Protect that gives +2 armor to all ally units together with Halving that halves the attack of the target. It also has Forcefield which turn damage from 5 or more attacks into 1 and Enrage that increases the speed and damage when taken damage.

  • 2nd Position: Kulu Mastermind - An 9- mana melee unit with Opportunity that allows it to attack the opponent with the least health together with the Shield ability that reduces the damage from melee and range attacks.

  • 3th Position: Deeplurker - A 6-mana melee with Opportunity that targets units with the lowest health and Poison debuff that makes the target lose health each turn. It also has Demoralize which reduces the melee damage of all opponent units.

  • 4th Position: Swamp Spitter- A 7- mana range unit that provides Repair to restore the armor of an ally unit and comes with Giant Killer to inflict double damage on opponents with 10 or more mana.

  • 5th Position: Nerissa Tridawn- A 9- mana magic that doesn't have any ability but can inflict 5 damage per turn.

  • 6th Position: Wave Brood- An 8- mana range unit with Taunt to force the opponent to attack this card followed by Void which reduce magic damage and Return Fire that reflects range attacks. It can also attack on the first position with Close Range.

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Revealing the Battle


1-8/26- Pre- battle Phase: Application of ability buffs and de- buffs by both teams.

Round 1:


As the first round ends, no monsters on both team has died but my team receives more damage with 6 damage on Wave Brood and 2 damage on Nerissa Tridawn as most of my team's attack on Couerl Lurker miss. Although Coeurl Lurker's health also droped by 4 when it was attacked by Swamp Spitter and also got Poison when it was attacked by Deeplurker at the cost of losing its Divine Shield due to Thorns.

Round 2:


During this round, the opponent team has defeated Wave Brood while also inflicting another 2 damage to Nerissa Tridawn and the opponent's Runi got the armor of Arkemis the Bear. That said, my team were also able to defeat Coeurl Lurker as it was already poisoned and its remaining health just melted away when it was attacked by Swamp Spitter who's got its damage doubled by Giant Killing. Supply Runner and Countess Sinash also recieves some damage due to the effect of Return Fire when they attacked Wave Brood while Runi receives 4 damage from Nerissa Tridawn along with its damage reduced to half due to the Halving of Arkemis the Bear.

Round 3:


On round 3, my team has defeated Runi despite it having Rebirth which allows it to revive when defeated but we were not able to damage the rest of the opponent units. On the other hand, the opponent was able to inflict 7 damage to Arkemis the Bear even when it got its armor Repair by Swamp Spitter which has triggered its Enrage as well as inflicts 2 damage to Nerissa Tridawn.

Round 4:


On this round, the opponent defeats Arkemis the Bear but not before it reduce the damage of Immolation through Halving. Kulu Mastermind also receives 3 damage in this battle but we were also able to inflict 11 damage to Immolation as well as defeat Supply Runner with Deeplurker attacking with Opportunity.

Round 5 and 6:


With round 5, both Immolation and Countess Sinash was defeated but before they left, they were able to inflict 4 damage to Nerissa Tridawn and reduce the health of Kulu Mastermind to 2. This has left Tinderlock to be the only remaining unit on the opponent's side but it has Last Stand which increases all of its stats.


But despite the boosted stats of Tinderlock it was still ended to be defeated as there are still many units left in my team and since it has more than 10 mana, it only makes it easier for Swamp Spitter to inflict more damage with Ginat Killer and to be finally finished of by Deeplurker.

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Battle Recap

Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at Splinterlands.

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Did My Strategy Work?

As mush as the opponent ask not to hurt him, it is a battle and there needs to be a winner but with summoner abilities not working due to the effects of Silenced Summoner ruleset, I choose to have the summoner with the least mana that is available to me while the rest relies on the abilities and stats that my units have in order to win the battle

That was it for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one.

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Previous Battles

Odd Ones Out.pngOdd Ones Out 2.pngNoxious Fumes 2.png
To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

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