Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Theme: You'll be happy if you collect the gold foil cards! / Splinterlands ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ - テーマ: 金枠のカードを集めると幸せになれるよ!

Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Theme: Splinterlands 6 Year Anniversary!

This year's theme is also the 6th anniversary. Speaking of which, I see that the 6th anniversary celebration events started yesterday. They also have the biggest tournament of the year.



Awesome and gorgeous, but I won't be participating because I'm not KYC'd, and I don't have a card.
But I guess those who are proud of their skills should participate because all cards can be used at max level even if you don't have a card.



And as for the theme of this issue, **If you collect gold foil cards, you will be happy! **.
You're probably thinking that gold-framed cards are not relevant for beginners because they are priced higher than normal cards. Of course, they are basically expensive. But you can buy common and rare cards at surprisingly low prices. Besides, there are many advantages to having a gold frame card, you know?

そして今回のテーマですが 金枠カードを集めると幸せになれるよ! ってことです。

However, from a reward standpoint, it is a priority to get the cards you need. It is definitely better to buy multiple copies of frequently used common and rare cards than to buy one expensive gold-foiled legend card.


And don't charge an unreasonable amount. Get rewarded with more cards!
Make a promise to the Golden Lion of Fortune!


Is this the advantage of using gold foils?

1. if you use it in battle, you get a bonus to your rewards.


1. バトルで使用すれば報酬にボーナスが付く。

battle result

This is how the bonus is added to Glint and SPS. Note that this is not a 60% increase in battle rewards. The bonus value for calculating battle rewards increases by 60%, but I didn't understand the specific formula.
I'm not sure if the help is up to date with all the changes in the rank system.


2. you can participate in tournaments and Brawl for gold slots only.

2. 金枠のみのトーナメントやBrawlに参加できる。

I can enter Brawl's Gold Foil Only room and give the other rooms that are easy to get into to another player. I don't think I have that good of a win rate so I feel comfortable giving it to another player with a higher win rate.


I'm also wondering if, except for a few guilds, there aren't that many people with enough cards to play hardball in a Gold Foil Only room.
Of course, I don't have that many, but I do have gold foil of cards that are advantageous in the case of some rules, so when those rules come up, my win rate is super high!


3. it satisfies your desire for ownership anyway!

3. とにかく所有欲を満たしてくれる!

It depends on the individual, but just looking at all the gold-framed cards makes me happy. Especially when you have a gold frame of your favorite card, you will be very satisfied.
However, popular cards are very expensive, so you can't get them very often.
I'd love to have a Kitty gold frame, but it's just not possible...



Well, if any newbies have read this far, thanks. I'll leave you with a bit of good information.



For example, this PELACOR CONJURER, but it is very cheap even in gold foils.
The price for level 4 with MagicRiflect is 377.998 DEC ($0.290). If you buy this with normal cards, level 4 will be 182.482 DEC ($0.140).
This is twice the price, but at this price, why not buy a gold foil? Wouldn't you think so?

例えばこの PELACOR CONJURER ですが、金枠でもすごく安いですね。
MagicRiflectが使えるレベル4の価格が 377.998 DEC($0.290)です。これをノーマルカードで買うとレベル4は182.482 DEC($0.140)になります。

You may be tempted to buy a normal foil because gold foil are expensive, but with a cheaper card, the difference is negligible, so it is more convenient to buy a gold foil. You also get a bonus.


As a side note, gold frames are easier when leveling up. Normal is 5 for level 2, 14 for level 3, and 30 for level 4, so 2 for level 3 is not enough, and if you buy an additional level 2, you end up with 33. It's a pain in the neck!


There used to be some level 4 cards whose prices were almost the same for normal and gold framed cards, but I couldn't find them when I tried to introduce them now.
I recommend that you check the price of gold-framed cards as well, just in case there are such bargain cards.



The image below is my BATTLE URL with my referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, please sign up below.

以下の画像は私の紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLです。


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