Social Media Challenge! - Which is the best bargain? / ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ - お買い得なのはどれだ?

Social Media Challenge!

Without fear of all kinds of things. Splinterland is a little less exciting. If anything, the DAO mess seems more exciting? It's not good!


I don't want the management to waste money, effort, and time on useless things, so I want them to develop with a proper core. For that reason, I don't want them to swing around too much in their proposals. Don't you think so? I'm not English native, so I don't know the details and background.


For my part, I'd like to see more new players. I'd like to see a lively Discord and Twitter feed like before.


Now let's return to the main subject



Chaos Legion cards, they've gone down quite a bit! Maybe it's a good idea to buy the cards you use more often now.
That said. I don't think you know what to buy at first, so I picked some recommended cards.


First, for Death. This is the one I use most often.


Recently, I have been using Death more and more. In that case, I almost certainly put CURSED WINDEKU at the beginning.

最近、Deathを使う事が増えました。その場合はほとんど確実に先頭に CURSED WINDEKU を置いています。

The ability to counterattack is very powerful, and the high HP, Thorn, and 3 attack points make it very useful. It is often used together with RAVENHOOD WARDEN, and it works well with Protect.

やはり反撃系アビリティは強力だね。HPが高くThornを持っているうえに攻撃力が3点だからとっても便利。 RAVENHOOD WARDEN と一緒に使うことも多いね。Protectとの相性もばっちりだよ。

CURSED WINDEKU and RAVENHOOD WARDEN should be Lv 3. It increases attack power. VENARI BONESMITH is lvl 4, Poison ability is very strong.

CURSED WINDEKU と RAVENHOOD WARDEN はLv3がいい。攻撃力が上がるからね。 VENARI BONESMITH はLv4だね。Poisonアビリティが強いんですよ。これが。

CURSED WINDEKU is a very reliable tank at low to medium mana costs, but its weakness is that it is weak when it is gorged with magic. But if you think your opponent is going to attack mainly with magic, maybe don't use Death?

CURSED WINDEKU は低~中マナコストの時にとても頼りになるタンクだけど、弱点は魔法でゴリ押しされると弱いこと。でも、相手が魔法メインで攻めてくると思われるときはDeath使わないかな?

I can find all three for 4239.794 DEC. RAVENHOOD WARDEN is too expensive at lvl 3, so lvl 1 is ok? Then it costs only 1434.736 DEC.

いまなら3つ合わせて 4239.794 DEC で売ってるね。 RAVENHOOD WARDEN はLv3にすると高いからLv1でもいいかな?それなら 1434.736 DEC で済むね。

The next recommendation is these of Earth. The strategy is to buff the magic attacker and attack.


It is reasonable to buy all this for 4660.378 DEC! By the way, Gov. has gold foil cards that are cheaper. Funny, isn't it?

これだけ買っても 4660.378 DEC だなんてリーズナブル!ちなみに、ゴブは金箔カードのほうが安かったりします。おかしいね?

Earth is strong when loaded with magic attackers because Summoner can +1 magic attack power, and even better when mixed with Neutral magic attackers.


Magic is a must-hit and can ignore armor. In other words, high firepower! However, it also has a weakness: if a Void ability holder is in the lead, it is weakened at once.
If everyone's favorite OSHANNUS is placed, that alone is a considerable disadvantage.


And then there's this...WATER WITH OSHANNUS!

あとはやっぱりこれですね。Water with OSHANNUS!

OSHANNUS will also avoid magic once it reaches lvl 2. It is strong! Furthermore, if you strengthen it with the combination of VENARI MARKSRAT and RIVER HELLONDALE, you will have a super evasive tank!

OSHANNUS はLv2になれば魔法も避けてくれる。強い!さらに、 VENARI MARKSRAT と RIVER HELLONDALE のコンビネーションで強化すれば超回避タンクの出来上がり!

But it's a little expensive, isn't it?


Now you can get all this and more for only 2816.075 DEC! 2816.075 DEC for this much!

いまならなんと! これだけ入って 2816.075 DEC!

Wow! Very cheap!


In fact, if the opponent is attacking with magic, you can be unbeatable. However, recently I have been losing more often because of countermeasures, such as being attacked from behind with Oppotunity or Sneak, or having my recovery blocked by Affliction ability.


I simply don't like being hit by high attack power. And depending on my luck, I can't avoid them and get hit.


However. It really has become cheap, hasn't it? When I got it all back in the day, you know how much it cost...


But well, when new players come in, it's good that cards are cheap. Maybe. Management, I'm really asking you!



The image below is my BATTLE URL with my referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, please sign up below.

以下の画像は私の紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLです。


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