Social Media Challenge! - Very expensive! / ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ - めっちゃ高い!

Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

The other day, I suddenly found that I can now unlock Soulbound for the Rewards card in Rebellion. Is it a bug? I thought it was, but when I looked it up at night, I found out that it was made possible to disarm it early due to the results of a vote in a previous proposal!


Well, I can't buy it because it's crazy expensive.
No, I can buy common and rare normal cards, you know? But what I want is a gold foil card, so it's really expensive. Seriously.


That's why I'm going to write what I think about Soulbound.



If I remember correctly, when Soulbound was introduced, I think it was when DEC was gradually dropping and people were saying that the number of DEC issued - the number of SPS issued.
No, SPS was still high? Hmmm, my memory has been shaken up quite a bit and I'm not sure anymore...


Oh well. I'm not issuing any more DECs! I'll make the reward treasure chests SPS instead of DECs! Anyway, we won't give out DECs, we'll replace them with SPS! That's what they were doing, wasn't it? I think.


At that time, people didn't say “DAO gah proposaller gah! wasn't being said, so I think it was the management's policy. Maybe the loud whale song was echoing now. I don't know.


Anyway, as more and more DEC spring up, the amount of DEC on the market will increase, so the price of DEC will go down due to supply and demand!
So I've tried to keep DEC out of ranking rewards, battle rewards, and rewards rewards, but DEC still increase. That's because reward cards get burned and become DEC!”


I thought to myself, “I see what's going on here. Even if you only get 5 DEC for one common card, if you run 24 hours a day with a large number of bots, a large number of DEC will be issued in total.
As a countermeasure, the management said, “We will make the reward card Soulbound so that it cannot be rented, sold, or transferred. However, you will be able to rent, sell, and transfer them if you put the same amount of DEC as CP on the Soulbound card." The company announced.

この説明を聞いて なるほど と思ったね。コモンのカード1枚で5DECしかもらえないとしても、大量のBotで24時間回せばそりゃ大量にわいてくるわーって。

When I heard this, I was like. I see! This is a good idea! I thought. This way, even if you try to burn to get DEC, you can't burn or sell unless you pay the same amount of DEC after all.


Well, when it can actually be unlocked.



Tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Expensiveeeeeeeeeeee! Who would buy such a thing? And it's not a rip-off. Because the CP is 12,500 and it costs 125,000 DEC to unlock it. Oh, but that's still 40,000 more, or about 30% more? Well, I guess they want to make a profit, right?

くssssssssっそたかい!こんなんだれが買うねん!しかも、ぼったくりかというとそうでもない。なぜならCPが 12,500 なので、解除に125,000 DEC もかかるから。あーそれでも4万増えてるのか約3割増し?まぁ利益欲しいやろしそんなもんなんかな。


Besides, at such a price, there will be no buyers. I think it might be possible to buy a normal level 1 card for 5,000 DEC, but not a gold foil card.

それに、こんな値段だと買い手も付かないだろう。ノーマルだとレベル1が 5,000 DEC で買えるから有りかもしれないとは思うけど、金箔のカードは無理。

I thought so, but it's selling. Seriously? People who want it at this price are still buying it...



Well. Well. As for me, I think you should have been happy with the DEC for CPx1. I mean. Reward cards are obtained as battle rewards in the first place, and what about the need to spend a lot more DEC to actually rent or sell them?


And as I said at the beginning of this article, I can now also unlock the Rewards card for Rebellion. But apparently this requires CPx20 DEC. If it were cheaper. if Soulbound could be released for about CPx1, a large number of reward cards would flow to the market, and sellers would be happy to get DEC. Buyers are happy to get rewards at reasonable prices. Glad to see DEC Burned on trading and keeping the price. So, it was a win-win-win.


It's not too late to change the Soulbound release to the same price as CP? Really, really, really.



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以下の画像は私の紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLです。


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