Social Media Challenge! - Buy this Reward Cards! / ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ - このリワードカードを買え!

Social Media Challenge!

Have you gotten your new Rebellion rewards card yet? I don't have a single card yet. I would like to get the flying monster absolute killer man, but I guess the quickest way to get it is to go for the rarity draw?


And the release of new reward cards means that Chaos Legion reward cards will be unlocked and on the market.
Is now the time to get the cards you're missing? But the gold foil cards are crazy expensive. Isn't the DEC fee crazy to make them tradable?


Legends are outrageously expensive, but I wonder if I can manage to buy commons and rares. But it's going to be tough for beginners.
It seems that beginners without cards can't even fight properly without first collecting the minimum required cards, but there are cards that are included in that minimum. The reward cards that have been unlocked this time include.


So. Here are some recommendations for such reward cards.



First, a card that seems to be priority number one.


VENARI MARKSRAT is a very high rate member of my team, and his Martyr ability is very strong!
The first 30 days can be released for 200 DEC, and the market price is about 220 DEC. If you don't have it, you should buy it.

私の編成にものすごい高確率で入ってくる VENARI MARKSRAT さんです。Martyrアビリティがやっぱり強い!Lv1でいいため、コスパもいい。
最初の30日は 200 DECで解放できるため、マーケットのお値段も 220 DEC程度。持ってないならぜひ買っておくといいですね。

We are careful not to raise the level of the game, as it is assumed that they will be defeated. We also need to prepare the partner to be strengthened by VENARI.


And next is the SWAMP SPITTER. This is another monster that is used very often.

そして次は SWAMP SPITTER ですね。こちらもとてもよく使うモンスターです。

Water's team often uses KELYA FRENDUL, so the Repair ability is very useful. It's great that it has 2 attack points.

Waterのチームは KELYA FRENDUL が使われることが多いのでRepairアビリティがとても便利。攻撃力も2点なのが素晴らしいね。

I often put OSHANNUS at the front and him at the tail. Combined with OSHANNUS's high evasive power, his durability is very high.

私は先頭に OSHANNUS を置いて、最後尾に彼をおくことが多いです。回避力の高い OSHANNUS と組み合わせると耐久力が爆上がりです。

The third is RAVENHOOD WARDEN. He should be used at lvl 3 if possible.

3番目は RAVENHOOD WARDEN です。彼は可能であればLv3で使いたい。

Because from Lv 3, the attack power becomes 2 points. There is a big difference between one and two points of attack power. With one point of attack power, you're completely protected by the Shield ability.


I'd like to combine him with monsters that have Void or VoidArmor abilities if possible, since the extra armor won't work against magic.
I think I often put CURSED WINDEKU at the front and him at the back, but I also think he would be great with the Thorn ability!

でも、使用する編成を思い出すと CURSED WINDEKU を先頭に置いてその後ろに彼をおくことが多いような気もする。Thornアビリティとも相性最高だよね!

RAVENHOOD WARDEN may be a bit expensive, but the other two are highly recommended. Please buy and use them.

RAVENHOOD WARDEN はちょっと高くつくかもしれないけど、そのほかの2体は超お勧め。ぜひ買って使ってください。



It has high HP and void ability, so its durability is very high! Her attacks are also magic, so they always hit the target! I often put her at the end of the line, but I think it is also powerful to put her at the front and heal her with a healer.


If your opponent is mainly magic, it can be very durable and can withstand a lot of damage by itself! If you put it at the end of the line, it is very powerful when combined with LILY SHIELDPAW!

対戦相手が魔法メインの場合なんかはすごい耐久力を発揮して一人で耐えきることもあるよ!最後尾に置く場合は LILY SHIELDPAW と組み合わせるととても強力!

Another one I can recommend is DRYBONE RAIDER. She is used a lot too.

もう一体お勧めできるのは DRYBONE RAIDER さんです。彼女もよく使われるね。

If possible she should be used at Lv 2! It gives her 2 points of attack power for long range attacks and adds the Shatter ability. It makes her insanely strong!
As mentioned above, there is a big difference between 1 and 2 points of attack power, but Shatter is also a great ability.


Because of her large cost, I think she will be used in high-cost battles, and in those cases, monsters with high armor values often appear. She is very, very good at destroying that armor while inflicting damage!


However, it takes three cards to get to Lv2, and the market price is over 16,000 DEC. It is not so easy to buy. Especially for beginners.

しかし、Lv2にするには3枚のカードが必要で、マーケット価格で16,000 DEC越えなのである。そう簡単に買えるわけじゃない。特に初心者には。


It is not that you only need to have this card, but that you need to combine it with other cards to make it powerful!
In that sense, you should collect multiple common and rare cards that are more versatile or easy to combine with other cards rather than powerful but expensive legend cards.


Beginners especially. Please consider a lot and buy.


The image below is my BATTLE URL with my referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, please sign up below.

以下の画像は私の紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLです。


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