Community Engagement Challenge: What is a scholarship? / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: スカラーシップとはなんぞや?

Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Support Articles

The theme of this year's conference is “Scholarship, Best Practices - Do's and Don'ts”.

今回のテーマは「スカラーシップ、最良の手法 - やるべきこととやってはいけないこと」だそうです。

When I hear the word “scholarship” it reminds me of Axie Infinity. I used to earn SLP by renting it out as a manager for a while. I was only able to do it for a short period of time, though, because I stopped earning money right away.

スカラーシップと聞くと Axie Infinity を思い出しますね。私も一時期はマネージャーとして貸し出してSLPを稼いでいたこともあります。すぐに稼げなくなっちゃって短期間しかできなかったけどね。

The Axie scholarship was so profitable that some people bought furniture, motorcycles, mountains, farms, and so on.



Now, if you are a manager and you want scholar to delegate cards to you to play. How do you distribute the rewards earned, i.e., SPS, reward cards, and potions? How will SPS and other rewards be exchanged between the manager (the lending player) and the scholar (the borrowing player)?
If that is not clear, both the manager and the scholar will be in trouble.


・How will the reward cards be divided, how will SPS be divided, Glint, Merits, etc.? How will the SPS be divided?
・If there is no quota, you will not make any money at all, and too high a quota will demotivate scholar. Be realistic.


I'm going to pass, because I'm sure there's a blog or two out there right now that says “I'm not sure how to do this, but I'm not sure how to do it! I'll leave it to others who know better.


For your information, in Axie Infinity, the entire account was rented out. scholar did not have the authority to transfer SLP, so the earned SLP was calculated and distributed after the manager collected it.

ちなみに、引き合いに出した Axie Infinity ではアカウントごと貸し出すイメージでした。スカラーは報酬となるSLPを移動させる権限が無いため、稼いだSLPはマネージャーが回収したのちに計算して分配してました。

It would be more work for the manager, but it was not going to allow scholar to run away with their rewards.




Splinterlands also seems to have the ability to distribute rewards to different accounts, which would allow for automatic distribution of rewards to managers.
If a manager delegates cards to a scholar's account, and then allows the manager to set up the distribution of rewards on this screen, it would seem that it would be possible to set up a scalarship.

Splinterlands にも報酬を別のアカウントと分配する機能はあるようで、これを使えばマネージャーに報酬を自動分配できるようです。

However, if a scholar buys or sells cards without permission or sends SPS to another account, he/she could take the total amount without giving the reward to the manager.


Account & Keys - Posting Key

In the meantime, I think I can solve this problem if I can give them an account that only has a valid posting key as described here and let them play...
I could not figure out how to set that up.


If you have a page or something with detailed settings for playing Splinterlands with an account that has only a posting key set up, please look there. And please let me know. I could not find a page that explains it. 🥲.


I guess those who are interested will do their own research on how to manage the scholarship and make it work. If it were me, I would probably delegate the minimum required cards and ask for further advice on how to have the rewards set up automatically, but it would be difficult to calculate how much I earned and how much was distributed. I would have to generate a log of each reward sent to me for distribution.



Well... In order to check up to this point, I inadvertently put the Master Password into a translation tool and typed the Active Key in the URL.
I changed the Master Password in a hurry because I did something I shouldn't have done from a security point of view.

さーて。ここまで調べるためにうっかり Master Password ごとを翻訳ツールにぶちこんでみたり、URLに Active Key を打ち込んでしまったり。
セキュリティ的にやってはいけないことをしてしまったので慌てて Master Password を変更しておきました。

Even if you are going to prepare and operate a scholar account in the future, it is a good idea to check the procedure for changing the Master Password, Active Key, and Posting Key.
It is also a good idea to know how to change the Master Password, Active Key, and Posting Key even if you are playing as a scholar player.

今後、スカラー用のアカウントを用意して運用にするにしても、 Master Password や Active Key 、Posting Key を変更する手順を確認しておくのが良いと思います。

The simple procedure is as follows


1 . log in to Hiveblog and change the Master Password.

1.Hiveblogにログインして Master Password を変更する。

Change Password

2 . Delete the account once from Hive Keychain.

2.Hive Keychain から一度アカウントを削除する。

Remove from Keychain

3 . Add an account with a new Master Password

3.新しい Master Password でアカウントを追加

Add an account

*The details of the change procedure refer to the following site. Good because it is carefully explained in Japanese and easy to understand! 🥰 (This is a Japanese site.)



You can read articles like “How to Install Hive Keychain” and “How to Download Master Password in PDF format” if you want!

「Hive Keychainのインストール方法」や「マスターパスワードをPDF形式でダウンロードする方法」の記事なんかも書かれているので必要に応じて読むといいよ!

So, I did not fully understand the setup to operate the scholarship. However, I feel that if it can be easily operated, the initial investment will be reduced and the player population will increase.


I hope this challenge will help to get the knowledge base in place and make it easier for anyone to do the scholarship.



The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.

以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。


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