Community Engagement Challenge: Tournament strategy! / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: トーナメントを攻略する!

Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Support Articles

Unlike Battlemage Secrets, hasn't the difficulty level of the challenges increased since it became an Engagement Challenge? I really had a hard time with the last one for Splinterlands Lore. It's hard to write the commentary for this year's tournament. It's better than last time, though.

Battlemage Secrets の時とは違って、Engagement Challenge になってからお題の難易度が上がってない?前回の Splinterlands Lore の奴とかマジで悩んだよ。今回のトーナメントの解説も書きにくいんだよね。前回よりはましだけど。

Well, it's easy to write down the steps of doing this, doing that, and doing this, you know? But why do we participate in tournaments? It depends on the person.


Those who do not want to be stingy with expenses and aim to improve their skills in order to win.
Those who want to maximize their income by considering cost-effectiveness and the amount of prize money.
Those who participate without thinking too much.


I don't know how to satisfy everyone.


Well. I haven't done tournaments for a long time, but why haven't I? I'm sure if I scratched the minimum reward line, I'd have plenty of time to get my money's worth. Maybe I was just too lazy to think about it.


If I had participated in a few more tournaments, this article would have been a piece of cake. I guess I'm stuck with my hassle!



Now, there are a few important points to consider when entering a tournament.
First, why go out? It doesn't matter what it costs, it's a test of skill! I'm going to be a Splinterlands Master! If you are saying, I am sorry, I don't know.


If I can make a positive SPS even after subtracting the participation fee, I'll earn a little bit of money while also testing my skills. I'm not sure if this is for you. Targeted at.



So, the first step is to find a tournament to participate in?


I look for tournaments with timing that I can participate in from a list of tournaments like this. In my case, it would be a Bronze or Silver tournament. In this picture, the top two look good, but the top one is for gold Foil only, so I guess not.


I'll be participating in the second Silver League, the one with unlimited cards available. It's just Saturday and Sunday. Well, it's Anytime, so it doesn't matter if it's on a weekday.


Oh, Anytime is a tournament format where teams form and battle within 24 hours. You see the Anytime written above the date time? After 24 hours, round 2 will begin and you will have one more go at it.


Participating in Tournaments

So, I decided which tournament to enter, so I just hit ENTER... I can't press it, so I press VIEW.

で、出場するトーナメントも決まったのでぽちっと ENTER を...押せないのでVIEWを押します。


I see that the STAKED SPS is in red. I need more than 6,000 SPS, but I can't press ENTER because I don't have enough SPS. So I borrowed some SPS from someone else. Yes, STAKED SPS is over 6,000.

STAKED SPS のところが赤字になってますね。ステーキング量が足りません。6,000 SPS以上が必要なんだけど、足りてないからENTERが押せないんですねー。しょうがないのでよそからちょっと借りてきてっと。はい、 STAKED SPS は6,000以上になりました。

The next POWER is the power of the card. That is the total CP amount of cards I have in my possession that can be used in this tournament. This has been cleared.
The cards that can be used in this tournament are Chaos Legion and Rebellion, which are listed below. I'm a Chaos Legion main, so you had plenty of card power to spare!

次の POWER はカードのパワー。私が所持しているカードの中で、このトーナメントで使用できるカードのCP合計量ですね。これはクリアしていますね。

Finally, confirm the entry fee, press ENTER, and you're good to go! Note that for AnyTime, the event will start automatically when the time is up, but if it is a single elimination event, you need to enter before the time. I only participate in AnyTime because I don't like to be held up for a long time. I mean, tournaments themselves are a pain in the ass, so I don't participate.

最後に 参加費を確認してENTERを押せばオッケーです!AnyTimeの場合は時間になれば自動的に始まりますが、もしシングルイリミネーションの場合は時間前にエントリーが必要なので注意です。私は時間拘束されるのが嫌なのでAnytimeしか参加しないけどね。というか、トーナメント自体めんどくさくて参加しないけどね。

And when it is time to start.



It will look like this, so press NEXT BATTLE to organize your team. The team formation is the same as in the usual ranked battles.
No problem if you o.......what’s?

こんな感じになるので NEXT BATTLE を押してチームを編成します。チーム編成はいつものランクバトルと同じですねー


Um, um, um. Why are all the card levels maxed out? What happened?






The reason I'm being an idiot above is because I didn't think I could win a battle against a player with max card level. But in fact, I was told that my level was limited to the league limit. So I was simply a bad player and losing. Embarrassing 🙈.
Thank you @mrskjp.

@mrskjp さん、ありがとうございました。


After 24 hours, you will see results like this.



My result is 3 wins and 8 losses; that puts me in 151st place on Day 1.


Now, let's remember here. Someone said, “I'm sure if I scratched the minimum reward line, I'd have plenty of time to get my money's worth. ” But I didn't get it.
I guess the card level limit of the league has been removed, so people with high card levels are participating. There's no way you can win like this, right? Oh, seriously? They let beginners participate in this kind of hell?


By the way, I did not advance to the second day, so my battle is over on the 1st day of Morochi. The FINAL ROUND of the second day is now taking place, but it does not concern me.

ちなみに2日目には進めなかったので私のバトルはもろちん1日目で終わりです。現在2日目の FINAL ROUND が行われていますが、私には関係ありません。

In case you are wondering, the second day has not ended yet, but as of about 4 hours left, this is the line where the rewards will be given.



4 wins and 7 losses - that was close! One more win to go! Well, I did my best, I did my best, I'll never play in a tournament again!


To be honest, I was sure I could get in at least the reward line, right? I was licking my chops.


I assumed there was a level cap for tournaments. If there is no level cap.

I think the advice would be “never join a tournament if you are a beginner!

I guess that would be my advice, but how are you doing on this slightly chilly Sunday afternoon?






I said “don't participate” because I figured that if there was no level cap set by the league, then I could never beat someone with high level cards, but I was wrong.


I was told that card levels will be lowered to the league's maximum level. So, it might be possible for players who are proud of their skills to participate in tournaments up to the level of the cards they have.


By the way.


'It helped, didn't it? My 200 DEC! It helped me get my SPS, didn't it!!!!”


I accomplished… NOTHING!!


The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.

以下の画像は紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。


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