Community Engagement Challenge: Favorite Strategies / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: お気に入りの戦略

Community Engagement Challenge: Favorite Strategies

My favorite strategy is to buff OSHANNUS, which is why it's super-enhanced. I wonder if it is because the number of Oppotunity holders has increased.

お気に入りの戦略と言えば OSHANNUS をバフってポンなわけですが。最近対策されたのか負けることが増えました。Oppotunity持ちが増えたからかな?

So I'm thinking of other strategies, Death might be a good one, CURSED WINDEKU's Lv3 is good!

そこで他の戦略を考えているんですけど、Deathがいい感じかもしれない。CURSED WINDEKU のLv3は良いね!


However, I would like to introduce IZIAR & LILIY. IZIAR is a popular card but until a while ago it was not available in the market at Soulbound. It may be a combination that we haven't seen much of yet.

しかし、今回紹介したいのは IZIAR & LILIYです。 IZIARは人気のあるカードだけどちょっと前まではSoulboundで購入不可だったし。まだあんまり見ない組み合わせかもしれませんね。


Place DJINN CHWALA at the front and IZIAR at the tail. In between, I would suggest placing a magic attacker if appropriate.

先頭に DJINN CHWALA を置いて最後尾に IZIAR を置きます。その間には適当に魔法アタッカーでも置くのが良いかな?

IZIAR attracts attacks with its Taunt ability, but it has Void, which halves the magic damage. In addition, LILY's Triage heals 4 points every turn!

IZIAR がTauntアビリティで攻撃を引き付けるのですが、Voidを持っているため魔法ダメージは半減です。さらにLILYのTriageで毎ターン4点回復!

If the formation is mainly magic, our attackers will take down the attackers from the front while they take the time to defeat IZIAR.
In case of a fistfight, DJINN CHWALA will counterattack with Thorn. If you don't have Void, you can take it down quickly because magic flies from the back.

魔法主体の編成だった場合、IZIAR を倒すのに手間取っている間にこっちのアタッカーが前から落としていきます。
先頭で殴り合いする場合は DJINN CHWALA がThornで反撃します。後ろからは魔法が飛んでくるのでVoid持ちでない場合はサクサク倒せますね。

With this configuration, you can usually win if IZIAR is not defeated in one turn. 12 points of HP is not easy to defeat. However, if you are attacking from a long distance, or if you are carrying a lot of Sneak or Oppotunity, you may be defeated quickly.
It is also a matter of reading each other.

この編成では1ターンで IZIAR が倒されるようなことが無ければ大体勝てます。HPが12点はなかなか倒せません。しかし、遠距離攻撃ばかりだったり、SneakやOppotunityを沢山積んでいた場合はさくっと倒されてしまう場合があります。


In this battle, I was worried about my opponent's QUORA, but I was able to defeat it safely while IZIAR was holding out. Also, because of the super sneak rule, my opponent put DJINN CHWALA at the end of the line to prevent sneak attack, but I was using magic to attack from the front. This also worked to our advantage.

このバトルでは 対戦相手の QUORA が心配だったけど、IZIAR が耐えている間に無事倒す事が出来ました。また、スーパースニークルールだったので相手は最後尾に DJINN CHWALA を置いてスニーク対策をしているけどこちらは魔法で固めているので前から集中攻撃です。これも有利に働きましたね。

The advantage of this formation is that if IZIAR can withstand it, it almost always wins.
The weakness of this formation is that if IZIAR cannot withstand it, you will almost always lose.

この編成の利点は IZIAR が耐えれるならまず負けない。
この編成の弱点は IZIAR が耐えれない場合はほぼ負ける。

It's more IZIAR-driven, isn't it? Compared to placing IZIAR at the front and using TankHeal to withstand the attack, the possibility of being attacked is reduced by one, so it is easier to withstand the attack.
Basically, I think it is good to use it when you think they are going to attack with magic.

IZIARだよりなんですよね。先頭に IZIAR を置いてTankHealで耐えるのと比べると攻撃される可能性が1体分減るので耐えやすくはあるけど、 KULU >MASTERMIND なんかが入っているとつらいね。

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