Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - RULESET: Super Sneak / バトルメイジ・シークレット ウィークリーチャレンジ - ルールセット: Super Sneak

Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

The Super Sneak rule is a straightforward rule. All monsters have the Sneak ability. However, there is one caveat: only “All melee units” are gain the ability.

Super Sneakルールはわかりやすいルールだ。全モンスターにSneakアビリティが付く。ただし1点だけ注意点があって、"すべての近接モンスター"にのみアビリティが付与される。

In other words, long-range and magic attack monsters will aim for the front of the line, so if the tank is chosen at random, it may be destroyed from the front.


If you use a monster with Snipe or Oppotunity abilities, you may wonder what has priority, but in that case, you can check this table.


Unit Targeting Priority



The combination of Lily Shieldpaw and Iziar is very good; the Void reduces magic damage and their high HP allows them to recover a lot.
The strategy is to use magic to take them down from the front while they are buying time in this way. You can only do this when the mana cost is big, though.

LILY SHIELDPAW と IZIAR の組み合わせはとても優秀。Voidで魔法ダメージも軽減できるし、HPが高いから回復量も多い。

In other words, if the Super Sneak rule makes it a hassle to know whether the target will come to the front or the rear, the strategy is to use Taunt to attract the target.
The advantage of this strategy is that the damage can be concentrated on the highly durable IZIAR. Moreover, even if she is killed, the next target will be concentrated on the first monster, so the other monsters will not be targeted.

つまり、Super Sneakルールでターゲットが前に来るか後ろに来るかわからないのがめんどくさいならTauntで引き付けてしまえ作戦である。
この作戦のメリットは耐久力の高い IZIAR にダメージを集中させることが出来る事。さらに、彼女が倒されても次は先頭にターゲットが集中するため、他のモンスターは狙われないというのが最大の利点。


In fact, in this battle, even though it was reduced to 2 HP by ROUND 3, it stayed on and stayed until the end without being knocked down. It was great that IZIAR was no longer attacked because QUORA's position was now at the head of the pack.

実際に、このバトルではROUND3にHP2まで削られるも、倒されずに粘って最後まで残っていた。 QUORA が先頭になったので IZIAR が攻撃されなくなったのが大きいね。

During this whole time, 2 magic attacks x 4 attacks are attacking the opponent's team, so they can zap them from the front and gain a numerical advantage. Once that happens, it's all ours.


It is effective against organizations that target healers and low HP attackers with Sneak, Oppotunity, and other abilities that change the target's position, but it also has a weakness. However, it also has a weakness: monsters with the Scattershot ability will randomly target you.


That means I don't like this guy!


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