Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - The Djinn Oshanus Show


Hi guys,

Welcome to my blog. This is an entry to the Splinterlands social media challenge. For this week I’ll be sharing with you guys a battle I feel is kind of special to me. This is because I generally don’t like having to play low-mana battles. Low mana battles are very difficult for me to do since I have to be concise and make sure I don’t make mistakes in my card selections.

So for this battle, I had to be really careful. I used my account @rubilu for this and here is how it went.

Battle Rulesets

Ruleset IconDescription
image.pngKeep your distance: Monsters with Melee attack may not be used in battles.

My line up


My opponents line up


Summoner :

I chose the Bortus summoner for one reason and that’s for the Djinn Oshanus monster card. The thing is I could get the card with a different summoner but then after looking at my opponent’s history, I realised he might also wanna come with the same card so I had to go for the bortus summoner since this will allow me to reduce all his magic monster cards by 1. It worked as he had djinn oshanus in his lineup and I was able to render it useless against my monster.

As I said it was a 24-mana game and I only selected 3 monsters for the battle.

1st position

Djinn Oshanus. This card is an 8 mana card with 5 speed. Now with the summoner I picked I was able to render my opponent's magic cards useless against my djinn Oshanus card. It has a life of 10 which makes it nearly impossible to beat.


With this card, I had high hopes in my lineup and well it did pay off.

Round 1

As soon as it started my summoner reduced his magic monster cards to a 1 since they were all 2 magic. He added 2 magic cards to his lineup so it worked as I predicted. He brought forth a summoner which increases his speed by a 1 so he was able to attack me first. He djinn oshanus attacked my djinn oshanus card first but then it didn’t make damage since its magic was decreased.


I attacked his first position card back which is the Baakjira and reduced his health. His other cards in his lineup attacked my swamp spitter card and were able to reduce its life easily. His card again; the igor dark desire attacked my djinn oshanus and was able to make a -1 damage to its health. It was my turn to attacked and with my magi of chaos I attacked back and reduced the heath of his first monster card again.

My swamp spitter tried attacking and missed.

In the first round, none of our cards were killed.

Round 2

In round 2 his djinn oshanus attacked one more time but again didn’t make damage. I again attacked his first position card and was again able to reduce its health. My swamp spitter was once again attacked and this time around its health was reduced drastically. His Igor dark spear again made a successful attack on my djinn Oshanus and made damaged to its health. Swamp spitter made a successful attack on his first position card, Baakjira and was able to clear its shield.


In this round again none of our cards were killed.

Round 3

His djinn oshanus attacked first as usual and again made no damage. Mine attacked his first position card and made damage. He again attacked my swamp spitter and reduced its health. At this stage, my swamp spitter was about to die. His dark spear again attacked my oshanus and did the damage. I attacked back and did damage to his first position card.


Swamp spitter made the last attack of this round on his first position card and reduced his health one more time.

In this round, no monster died too.

Round 4

In round 4 it was the normal case as his djinn oshanus attacked my oshanus and didn’t get to damage him. My oshanus attacked back and cleared some health. My swamp spitter was again attacked and this time round it was hanging by a thread, left with just a single life. My oshanus was attacked and again a little impact was made to its health.


My swamp spitter made the first kill as it attacked and killed his first position card.

His djinn Oshanus card was replaced.

In this round, I killed just one of his cards and he couldn’t kill any of mine.

Round 5

In this round, his djinn attacked my djinn but made 0 damage. I attacked back and made damage. His card was able to attack and kill my swamp spitter since it had just one life remaining.


His dark desire again attacked my card oshanus and made damaged to its health. My magi of chaos attacked his oshanus and made some damage.

In this round, I couldn’t kill any of his monsters but he was able to kill my swamp spitter.

Round 6

My djinn Oshanus attacked back after he attacked as usual. I was able to clear some health and his coral wraith attacked my magi of chaos and made damage to its health.


His dark desire again made a successful attack on my oshanus.

In this round none of our cards were killed.

Round 7

Djinn attacked my djinn oshanus and as usual, made no damage. I attacked back and damaged his monster's health. He again attacked my magi of chaos and made damage. My magi of chaos attacked his djinn oshanus and made damage once more.


In this round, no monster was killed.

Round 8

His djinn attacked my djinn oshanus and made no damage as usual. My djinn retaliated and was able to make damage. He attacked my magi of chaos and made damage once more. His dark desire at this stage was slowly killing my djinn oshanus and it was scary to see what will happen in the next round.


In this round, too no cards died.

Round 9

His djinn again attacked my djinn and didn’t make an impact as usual. I made an impact and was almost killing his djinn oshanus. His dark desire attacked my oshanus one more time and made damage. He was left with a single life as with my opponent Oshanus.


My monsters had just one health each remaining for this round.

My magi of chaos attacked and killed djinn oshanus.

In this round, I killed one of my opponent's cards, djinn oshanus and he couldn’t kill any of mine.

Round 10

Since I killed his djinn Oshanus I was now the one with the highest spend so I attacked his card first and made damage. His coral wrath had a reduced magic damage of 1 so it was of no use attacking my djinn oshanus.


But then his dark desire monster which is a range card was able to attack and kill my oshanus. Magi of chaos came to the first position and attacked and killed his coral wrath.

Round 11 - 13

His dark desire card came into position but then didn’t land a single attack. My magi of chaos attacked and killed it to give me the win.


It was an intense battle. In this battle, I think the strategy was all that counted as with all sl games. But with some of them, you just pick the cards and know you’ll win. But with this match, it was not the case.


This is my battle link

All images are from splinterlands.com and splintertools.io

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