# New hope in new season - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 80 Report Card


Hello, splinterlands cardholders! How are you? Welcome to the new season. Of course, with each new season comes the excitement of receiving the end-of-season chests prize. Some are cheerful, while others are sad. But don't worry. The next season in Splinterlands will be even more exciting. A series of cards will be made available. So just prepare yourself to use the best card battle strategy.

Talk about card battles. I'll look back at my previous season's performance. Both in the fight and rewards throughout the season.

Match Report


Silver Rank1297
Rating2440 - Silver I
Rating High2590
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.05 (283/269)
Longest Streak8

This season ended with a league drop for me. I was previously in the Gold 3 league. Last season, however, I switched to the Silver 1 league after the card I rented was canceled at the last minute. As a result, I lack collection strength of at least 50000 CP.

My final position in S1 was 1297, and I finished with 2440. I achieved my highest rating of 2590 last season. With that rating, I am already in the Gold 2 league if my collection strength is sufficient. But there is some good news: my win ratio has increased from 0.99 to 1.05!

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard42860
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold00

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotalπŸ’²Token
Legendary Potions365793🟑 3720
Alchemy Potions344579🟑 3950
DEC8920-🟣 892
SPS8.12222.785-⭐ 30.907
Merits1861092-πŸŽ€ 1278
CHAOS Packs202🟑 8000
Cards (Total)33942🟣 860

Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
283🟣 689 + ⭐0.485

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
🟣 2441 DEC
🟑 15670 CREDITS
⭐ 31.392 SPS

I have improved my prize acquisition from the previous season. If there was no legendary card previously, I received a harklaw legendary card last season. The total collection strength of the 42 cards I received was 860 CP.

What's even more exciting is that I received two chaos packs. When I open it, however, I still get a standard card and a rare card. Then, from my SPS acquisition last season, I received 30 SPS.

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(221.949)
Cancellation Refunds12.360

According to my card rental reporting, I spent 191,054 DEC for a season.

I began renting out my unused cards and was able to reduce the amount of DEC I needed to spend to power up my collection to Gold 3 status.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount Claimed
Staking Rewards51.208
NET SPS56.085
+ Voucher Drops4.153 🎟️

The majority of my SPS comes from staking rewards. While the results of the acquisition of SPS are reported as 56,085 SPS. I also received a 4,153 voucher during the season.

This is good for my earnings because, with an average SPS price of USD 0.055, I earn around USD 3, which is enough to buy more cards to complete my collection.

That concludes my progress during the last season. I was fortunate to come across this tool that allowed me to track my progress during the season and develop tactics for the following season.

If you haven't checked your performance, it's a good idea to use the SplinterStats - Season Report Card tool made by @kiokizz and @splinterstats . Simply input your game username and click generate. The performance report from the previous season will be available.

πŸƒ Much appreciated. Terima kasih banyak. Muchas gracias. πŸƒ

Dot Chaos 1.png

Talk about Splinterlands,
If you haven't tried out this fantastic game called Splinterlands yet, I invite you to join
It's free, but you'll need to invest in a beginning deck or buy gaming cards to gain real assets like cards and tokens.


If you already joined the splinterlands, and are looking for a place to grow. We need YOU. We are a chill, social guild looking for a few more active members! If you think you might be a fit, join us in our Discord


Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card.
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.

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