New Information you can get on the Splinterlands Rebellion card design.

I made a post about my thoughts on the Splinterlands card design eight months ago. With so many cards being released, new players must memorize cards based on their rarity type. Because there is no card rarity indicator on the card design, this makes it difficult for some people. The post can be found at this link: Use card rarity colors to improve the UI and UX for new Splinterlands players.

So, what did the previous Splinterlands card design look like? An example is shown in the image below.

If this display is shown to new players or those unfamiliar with Splinterlands, there is No indication of whether the card is common, rare, epic, or legendary. Unless, of course, you open a card catalog.

So I imagined that the next design would include a rarity marker, and I simulated it by Changing the background color at the mana points to a color that corresponded to the rarity of the card. And this is how it looked at the time:

We are aware that common cards are gray, rare cards are blue, epic cards are purple, and legendary cards are golden yellow.

When we look at the card, I believe it already demonstrates its rarity.

New Design in the Rebellion series.

It appears that Splinterlands has added instructions regarding card rarity in the fifth edition. Or perhaps that's just a hunch. But it appears that my guess was accurate when you look at the first design that was displayed. the type of card rarity is already indicated by the card's design.

All of the information is visible on the card displays.

The element logo is moved to the top right corner of the card, and the card edition is moved to the bottom left corner of the card. The depiction of blocks at the card level also makes it easier to know how many cards should be used when leveling up cards. This is preferable in my opinion, as it reduces the need for new players to memorize card catalogues.

Oh, and for those of you who are unfamiliar with The Rebellion Splinterrland set, it is the fifth edition of Splinterlands cards. Later, there will be 96 cards with the most recent design. And, interestingly, players can instantly recognize a card's rarity when they see it.

Please leave your thoughts. Thanks for reading!

🍃 Much appreciated. Terima kasih banyak. 🍃

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