Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: "The Monster Grum. Grrrrrrr"

Hey Friends,

How are you?

In the entire #Splinterlands verse, what card is your favorite?

Lately, I've been liking Grum Flameblade. Who is Grum anyway? Let's talk a little about this Axe look-a-like card.

Grum Flameblade is known throughout his tribe as the strongest warrior. He is a great tank against mage enemies. Magic attacks hit his armor first and Grum at level 2, mage attacks are reduced. What I really like about Grum is his Bloodlust ability. Grum may be slow with only 1 speed but if it hits and the enemy dies, Grum enters into bloodlust and gets +1 on all his stats. When the battle has **Explosive Weaponry" rule, and the mana is high and Fire Splinter is available, I often use Grum with combo of the Martyr ability. It so satisfying to see Grum enter into Bloodlust and kills all his enemies. 😆 Let's take a look at some sample battles below.

Battle 1

Battle 2 - Alt Account


It's not a 100% sure win combo but its winrate is higher than usual. With the proper placement of "Martyr Ability", Grum can really be dangerous as hell. 😄

So what do you think guys? Share your thoughts below in the comment.

Don't forget to follow me here on PeakD @rinchaelle05 and on Twitter @CarloRiv1.

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