Interesting Card Lineups and Combos


I think I'm going to use this space to talk about lineups and combos that I'm using or that I've come across or maybe even do some theory crafting. Basically this is just a place to put down some of my thoughts and maybe even get some insights from others.

I just started this game a week ago and am enjoying it a lot! I tanked up to Gold 1 and had the servers not gone down I would be able to make Diamond 3 had I wanted to spend on rentals to boost my power level.

As for my cards most of them are rented and although I am looking for good deals on rentals, my main goal isn't profit or best value. I might not make all of the money I spend on rentals back (although with chests and rewards I'd probably be close) but I'm not too worried about that right now.

Novice to Silver

From Bronze to Silver ranks I felt you could just pick a strong main lineup and a couple of good neutral monsters and you could end up winning most of your games. A secondary summoner and lineup definitely helps if you get a string of games where your main lineup wasn't eligible but that isn't great for keeping costs down.

All following cards are lvl 1
From Novice to Silver (Even now to Gold) My main summoner was
Alric Stormbringer
Info: Water Summoner, 3 cost, +1 magic to your monsters, Rare

  • Magic seems really powerful and useful in early ranks because it bypasses shield, can be used in ranged and melee spots and doesn't miss. You get a couple of magic monsters in your playable cards to start and with the +1 from Alric they can be decent in taking down high hp monsters in several rounds.
  • Can be countered by monsters/summoners that give reflect, high hp monsters + heal, silence ability or if you get sneak/sniped

Info (lvl. 1) - Water, 6 cost, 9hp, 1 magic dmg, shield ability

  • Great early lvl tank (or backline tank to stop the sneaks as well). Shield means he will take reduced dmg from melee and ranged
  • With Alric's buff he deals 2 magic damage which works well in most situations early on

Coral Wraith
Info (lvl. 1) - Water, 4 cost, 2 hp, 2 magic, 2 speed, sneak

  • A lot of my early wins, while figuring the game out, was because of Coral Wraith. His 3 magic dmg (Alric Buff) with sneak was very effective at taking out enemy backliners. A mistake I made several times though was when I got out speeded by another monster's sneak or I ended up putting him in the middle of the lineup a lot (pos. 3+) If you have the room you need to make sure that hes not last (because of sneak), there is another lower HP card (opportunity) and try to avoid pos. 2 (blast)...but this isn't always possible.
  • To ensure backline kills you should try to pair this with another monster with sneak/snipe/opportunity (Dwarven Wizard(my fav),Sniping Narwhal, Elven Cutthroat, Sabre Shark, Sandworm if its a high mana game, parasitic growth, battering ram, feasting seaweed

Dwarven Wizard
Info (lvl.1 ) - Neutral, 3 Cost, 3 HP, 1 magic, Snipe

  • Paired with Coral Wraith, if you can get them both to survive 1 or 2 rounds you end up with a ton of damage to their backline.
  • More HP...but still can't survive enemy Coral Wraith or Sand Worm sneaks

Sand Worm
Info (lvl.1) - Neutral, 9 Cost, 5 HP, 5 dmg, Sneak

  • I actually didn't get Sand Worm until Gold...but I saw him a lot. Even though I never had huge trouble dealing with him (when I positioned well) after thinking I think it would be a good rent because its Neutral (for when you can't use your main) and it would be helpful for those games where you have high mana.
  • Sand Worm is slow so you have to make sure you position well so it can make use of the sneak and high damage

And that's pretty much it...I just ended up filling with the playable magic damage cards they give you.
Crustacean King (for heal), Sea Genie, Ice Pixie, Medusa, Elven Mystic, maybe rent a mermaid.

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