Ferocity Ruleset_A Red Alert to Taunt Monsters


It's another battle mage secret and I must confess, it was almost impossible for me to make it to this week's battle presentation due to the fact that the given ruleset has proven difficult to come by. Nevertheless, I made it, and as usual, we will be discussing the ruleset do's and don't. The ruleset in question is "Ferocity" previously known as Fury before the later updates. Ferocity or Fury, whatever it may be called now didn't change from what it does. Actually, it is still Fury's ability with a ruleset name Ferocity. I want to dive into the discussion of ferocity but before then, I would love to extend my invitation to all spl lovers and fans. Please do not be on the sidelines. Join and have your own experience of things. Also, are you having thought of joining the weekly battle mage secrets? The weekly announcement post is a great place to start as it gives you the guidelines required for participation

Ruleset Ferocity

The ferocity ruleset simply means that all monsters on the battlefield get the fury ability. It is an anti-taunt ability because Fury does double damage on monsters with taunt which means that taunt monsters are not suitable for use battling with this ruleset. I doubt if there's any special strategy for this ruleset other than doing totally away with taunt ability monsters. However, I will discuss my strategy for the battle which is definitely not recommended since it failed its mission.

Overview of my strategy

The battle presented has a strategy that is reliant on magic reflect and poison. The strategy has an anti-ranged summoner in case the enemy option to use ranged monster, a reflect and heal monster as defense which is aimed at giving back a portion of magic damage to the monsters sending them out, and a poison brought to the battlefield by both a melee and ranged attack monster aiming to poison both the front row and the back-line monster of the enemy's teams. Unfortunately, that division of attack cost me the battle as it made the defense monster weaker in the sight of many attacks from the enemy. My guess is, if I had focused all my attack on the enemy's front-row monster, I may have won the battle

The Battle

Battle Details
RulesetFerocity: All monsters have the fury ability
Mana Cap15
Available ElementsWater & Death
Battling ElementsDeath Vs Death

Watch Battle Here

Team Selection

Rarity/Element: Rare/Death
Stats: -1 Ranged Damage✔️

I had thought of using another death summoner ahead of Contessa but the level at which the other summoners are wouldn't have been able to summon the monsters I used at their full stats. For this reason, I choose this monster which is at level 6 and offer a -1 ranged damage. With this choice, I was able to get the abilities needed in the summoned monsters and also was able to checkmate the few ranged monsters used on the enemy's team



Both the Haunted Spider and the Skeleton Assassin were chosen for the same reason of poisoning their opponent although for had a different direction of attack which I attribute to the cause of losing the battle. I had hoped for the possibility of the Haunted Spider poisoning the enemy's defense monster on the first hit but that obviously wasn't the case. Skeleton Assassin on the other hand did a great job but the opponent had distracted it much with some zero mana monsters.



The Carrion Shade and Furious Chicken which has a similar stat for the battle was supposed to be my side distraction in case the enemy attacked from behind. At least they would have delayed the attack on the main battling monster but unfortunately, the enemy choose to focus on one direction and that definitely gave them the winning. Perhaps, a lesson learned in the hard way for me.

That will be all for this week. I hope you enjoyed the read. Please join me next week for another battle mage secrets challenge same place. Leave a comment on how the strategy can be better or any other of your choice.

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