My BATTLE MAGE SECRET Weekly Challenge! Ferocity

Hello there, this is my entry to the new "Battle Mage Secret Weekly Challenge!". If you want to participate or know more about the challenge, click here. This week we have to formulate a strategy with the Ferocity ruleset.

RULESET: Ferocity

With the Ferocity ruleset, all units will have the 'Fury' ability

The ferocity ruleset is very easy to understand as all units will have the 'Fury' ability. With the Fury ability monsters will deal double damage to the units that have Taunt ability. So, we should not use such units in this ruleset.

Let's see how this ruleset affects my lineup and how I strategies for the following battle. But first, let's focus on my lineup.

My Lineup

This is my lineup for the battle

Mylor Crowling
Position 1
Unicorn Mustang
Position 2
Oaken Behemoth
Position 3
Queen Mycelia
Position 4
Goblin Psychic
Position 5
Doctor Blight
Position 6
Magi of Chaos

This was a 43-mana cap battle and it only had one ruleset:

  • Ferocity - All monsters have the Fury ability

All but the 'water' element were active during this battle. I went with the Earth element and used the Mylor Crowling as my summoner. It gave all my units 'thorns' ability.

I used the Unicorn Mustang as my tank. It comes with a strong attacking strength doing 4 melee attacks with good speed. It is also an impressive defender and comes with a huge health and 'Void' ability. So, it is very effective against mages as well.

Next was the Oaken Behemoth, it is a costly unit costing 12 mana but has great stats. It attacks with 2 magic attacks and 3 melee attacks so a multi-attack type unit and this is perfect for second place because of its 'reach' ability. This one also comes with 'Void Armor' and 'Knock out' abilities so it is also very effective against any type of attack.

In the third position, I placed the Queen Mycelic. It is also a mage but only deals with 1 magic attack. Costing just 4 mana it was not a bad choice. One of the most effective abilities it comes with is called the 'Protect' which gives extra 2 armour to all the friendly units. This one also comes with the 'amplify' ability which increases the thorns damage dealt to the enemy units.

Goblin Psychic came in the next position in my lineup. This was very useful as it comes with the 'tank heal' ability and I had two strong tanks at the front of the lineup which would gain a lot from extra healing. It also deals 2 magic damage so it is a good attacker as well.

The next in line was a neutral unit called Doctor Blight, this is a very interesting unit that costs only 4 mana but comes with 3 interesting abilities called 'affliction', 'camouflage' and 'poison'. All these make it very strong even though it deals only 1 magic attack with low speed and health.

Last but not least was the Magi of Chaos. This one costs 6 mana to use and even though it doesn't come with any ability of its own but it has a powerful attack. Doing 3 magic damage and coming with 6 health, adds to the overall attacking strength of my lineup.

Now that my lineup was set let's talk about my strategy for this game.

My Strategy

This was a 43-mana cap battle and was a non-restrictive battle in terms of active elements and rulesets. I just had to make sure I don't use any units with the 'taunt' ability. Apart from that I applied the fundamentals and used a powerful tank at the front of the lineup in the form of Unicorn Mustang having the ability to reduce the magic damage.

I supported it with a secondary tank as well. After I had two strong units at the front I used slightly weaker units (in terms of health) in the middle. I also went with heavy magic damage and almost every unit dealt with a magic attack.

I used the Mylor Crowling as my summoner which would punish my opponent for using melee attackers during this battle and I was expecting at least 1-2 melee units from my opponent.

In hindsight, I left my back line a little weaker but I had enough attacking strength overall so I was not too worried about it.

I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube. Battle Link

My opponent went with a dragon summoner - Quix the Devious which ought to decrease my unit's speeds and range attack damage by 1. Since I didn't use any ranged attacker so it was useless.

They used two strong tanks just like I did in my lineup. But I had 'thorns' ability on all my units so I had an advantage.

Round 1 ended with the demise of their strong tank Djinn Chwala while I still had all the units on the battlefield.

In round 2, my opponent finally managed to take down my Mylor Crowling, it survived for a long and took my heavy blows. I was satisfied with its performance and endurance. This round also saw the demise of another strong tank on my enemy side, the Carnage Titan.

Round 3 and round 4 were just a nightmare for my opponent, they couldn't even get rid of my secondary tank, the Oaken Behemoth who got healed back up and was doing multiple attacks at the same time. One after the other, all the enemy units got eliminated easily. They stood no chance against my strong defence and great attacking strength.

I registered an easy win at the end.


Ferocity is not the most interesting ruleset. You just have to make sure to not use any units with the 'taunt' ability and everything would be normal.

I resort to the fundamentals of the game at this ruleset. I use a strong tank and maybe a secondary tank as well to make the frontline as strong as possible and attack from the middle and end of the lineup as much as you like.

Let me know if this ruleset bothers you or you just ignore it and go back to the fundamentals and don't do anything special. I just take it as a standard ruleset with no taunt monsters.

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