Stun The enemy Double The Damage - Heavy Hitters Ruleset

Hello Splinterlover, how are you today? I hope you have a great weekend. Today I will make a post again about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is Heavy Hitter ruleset.

I play in the Modern Format Diamond League, using my scholar account from Balthazar.

Battle Link

If you want to watch the Battle Link
Video link:


  • Holy Protection ruleset, all monster have Divine Shield ability.
    • Divine Shield ability, for the first attack the monsters will ignore the damage.
  • Heavy Hitters, all monsters have the Knock Out ability.
    • Knock Out ability, does double damage when attacking an enemy that is stunned.
  • mana cap.
  • can use elements Water and Earth.

My Lineup and strategy

  • For the Holy Protection ruleset especially in the low mana battle we need to focus fire cause easier to kill the enemy. Every unit usually does not have too high HP/armor. If possible we bring as many units as possible because the enemy needs at least 2 hit to kill our unit.
  • We will bring a unit with the Stun ability to maximize our damage.

We decided to use a summoner from the Neutral element which can use all elements except Dragon, and for the element we choose water, cause have many small mana monsters with good stats. This is my lineup :

Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
Lux Vega, Give speed, armor, and speed +1 to all friendly monsters.This is the only summoner from the Neutral element with almost the same buff as the Kelya Frendul summoner from the water element but with 1 more buff, the increasing HP, and 1 more mana to use, it needs 5 mana cost to use this summoner. With increasing speed, our monster has a chance to attack first, evade the enemy attack, and hit the enemy. Armor buff is important because it can block the damage from range and melee monsters, the enemy needs to destroy the armor first before it can decrease the HP. The increasing HP will increase all our unit HP make it hard to kill and it will buff the effectiveness of the Heal ability because more HP will increase the HP it restored.
Pelacor Bandit, 1st position, attacker and tanker. Has the ability Sneak, and Flying.This is our main attacker who has fast speed, great damage, and Flying ability (increases the chance to evade melee and ranged attacks by 25%) with this ability I hope it can evade some attacks. This monster will defend against the range and melee attack by evading it, the weakness of this monster is a magic attack. This unit usually puts behind and attacks the enemy monster in the last position because it has Sneak ability, but I put it in the first position because of the high speed and damage, in a low mana battle 4 damage and 6 speed are high.
Tide Biter, 2nd position, Attacker and 2nd tanker, has ability Reach, Reflection Shield, and True Aim.This unit can attack from the 2nd position because has the Reach ability, have good HP and speed, suitable to become a 2nd tanker. Reflection Shield ability will ignore the damage of the Thorns and Blast effect. This monster can't missed because of the ability of True Aim.
Merdaali Guardian, 3rd position, support, has the ability Tank Heal, Repair, and Strengthen.We use this monster to increase the survival of the tanker and another monster, it Heal our monster HP in the first position and restores the unit armor with the highest damage. The Strengthen ability will increase all of the ally monster HP to +1, combined with our summoner will give a total increase of 2 HP/Hit Point. I put it here to make it safe from front and back attacks. This monster's weak against attack and it can't attack.
Igor Darkspear, 4th position, attacker, has the ability Stun.Have good damage of 3, and the ability to stun is very good, because of the Heavy Hitters ruleset, although the success rate to inflict upon the enemy while attacking is only 50%. If the enemy got stunned it will skip the turn for 1 round. The Weakness is that his speed is not that high.
Xenith Archer, 5th position, attacker. Has no ability.Only costs 2 mana but has good HP and speed but low damage. I put it in the back to protect Igor Darkspear in case the enemy brings a monster with the Sneak ability which attacks the monster in the last position. In this battle we need this monster to inflict damage, if Igor gives a stun effect this monster will do double damage because attacking the monster with the same position as the Igor.
Chaos Agent, 6th Position, Tanker, Has Ability Dodge, Phase, and BackfirePlace in the last position, to protect our attacker from the monster with the Sneak ability. This monster although can't attack can reflect the enemy's attack if the enemy attacks this monster and misses. With the Backfire ability it will deal 2 damage. It has a good evade ability, the Dodge ability which increases the chance of avoiding enemy attacks by 25%. Phase allows this monster to avoid magic-type attacks. This monster can't attack.

Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :

Did your Strategy Work?

Yes, the strategy going great, although the enemy had a great tanker who hard to hit, but all our units had good speed especially Pelacor Bandit and Tide Biter who can't miss attacked it, and with the help of the Stun ability we could kill it easily. The Stun several times inflicted upon the enemy unit but due to the low HP we can't see it do double damage, only 1 time we can see it :

  • The enemy Pelacor Conjurer with 6 HP who got Stun effect was Hit by our Pelacor Bandit with 4 damage and kill it because it gave double damage :

The enemy attacked our monsters in several positions in the round 1 :

  • Stitch Leech and Uraeus attacking our Chaos Agent
  • Celestial Harpy attacking our Merdaali Guardian
  • Dax Paragon and Xenith Archer attacking our Pelacor Bandit

but due to the Holy Protection ruleset, it's not effective because the first hit our monster immune to the damage, Pelacor Bandit got damaged because already hit by Xenith Archer before.

Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code to join.


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