Odd Ones Out ruleset, Flank the Enemy - I Found a Bug in This Battle

Hello Splinter lovers we are meeting again this week how are you today? I hope everybody has a good day. As usual today I want to write a post again in Splinterlands Community in order to join this contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme according to the contest is Odd Ones Out ruleset.


I play in the Diamond League Modern Format using my scholar account from Balthazar. This is their Discord if you want to join, but you must queue in the waitlist first because right now the scholar is full.
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Battle Link

If you want to watch the full battle link, click Here.
Video link :

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  • firefox_Pnlqx6UzRG.png Lost Magic, monsters with a magic attack can not be used in this battle.

  • firefox_mQU48gewN2.png Odd Ones Out, only monster with the odd mana cost can be used.

  • firefox_ypxotnbLdI.png Born Again ruleset all monsters have the Rebirth ability.

    • Rebirth ability, when this Monster dies it will self-resurrect with 1 Health once per battle
  • firefox_gyje0W51Zx.png
    mana cap.

  • firefox_hvNREZGMTg.png
    Can use elements Fire, Water, Death, and Dragon.

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My Lineup and strategy

According to the ruleset we have in this battle :

  • Odd One Out, I only know a few monsters that we can use in odd mana, I don't remember each monster, usually I will arrange the best formation to face the other rulesets in this battle as usual, and if I don't see the monster I want Because it turns out that the monster has even mana and it is an important monster, I will move on to the other best choice element.
  • Born Again, in this ruleset better if we used summoners/monsters who can give armor / Divine Shield (with this ability the monster will Ignore damage from the first attack). When the monsters die will resurrect again with 1 HP but the armor is still the same, and if have Divine ability will be reset again.
  • Lost Magic, with no magic monsters, we need to focus on dealing with range and melee monsters.

For the battle this time we decided to use the Water element because it has a summoner Kelya Frendul who can give armor to all friendly monsters. The armor will give big support to the friendly monsters in the Born Again Ruleset. We chose to focus on attacking the enemy monster in the front using a good tanker and also attack behind the enemy monsters using monsters with Sneak ability. Usually in the Born Again ruleset it's better if we focus fire attacking only 1 monster and kill it forever so decreases the damage of the enemy, but because of the Odd Ones Out ruleset, many strong monsters we have can't be used, that's why we decided to split the damage which I think it's better than force to use the weak monsters for focus fire. With this formation, I hope to destroy enemies in the front or rear positions faster than enemy monsters destroy us. This is my lineup :

chrome_AoKIaQqYvM.pngCan increase the armor and speed by +1. Because this is no magic ruleset the enemy needs to destroy the armor first before can decrease the HP, This summoner is suitable for this battle. The Speed buff will increase the chance for us to attack first, hit the enemy monsters, and evade the attack of the enemy range and melee monsters.
Legionanire Alvar, 1st position, attacker and tanker. This is our main tanker that has high armor the damage and speed are not that great thought. We use this monster because of the Born Again ruleset, When this monster dies and resurrects again with 1 HP the armor will be fully restored. The Demoralize will be good debuff if the enemy brings many melee monstersLegionnaire Alvar.png
Flying Squid, 2nd position, attacker and 2nd tanker. This monster has good speed and can attack from 2nd/this position because of the Reach ability. We use this monster because has high speed I hope can evade some attacks. The debuff ability Blind** will be inflicted on all the enemy monsters. Sometimes With Blind ability, the enemy will miss a lot when hitting our monsters.Flying Squid.png
Merdaali Guardian, 3rd position, Support. This monster can not attack but is crucial in this battle to prolong the life of the monsters in the first position. Repair ability will give 1 free damage monster every round. The increase in HP from the Strengthen ability will surely help too. The only problem this monster has is weak from attack, I hope the enemy monsters do not bring a monster with the Opportunity ability that can attack a monster with the lowest HP or Snipe ability which will attack the enemy range/magic or monsters who can't attack. Put in this position to make sure safe from attack to support the front tanker so can live as long as possible while our Uraeus and Pelacor Bandit destroy the enemy from behind.Merdaali Guardian.png
Uraeus, 4th position, attacker. Use this monster because of the Poison ability. Will cooperate with Pelacor Bandit as our main attacker to attack the enemy monster in the last position with Sneak ability.Uraeus.png
Pelacor Bandit, 5th position, attacker and tanker. This is our main attacker who has fast speed, great damage, and Flying ability with this ability I hope can evade some attacks. With Sneak ability it will join with Uraeus focus fire attacking the enemy monster in the last position.Pelacor Bandit.png

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The Battle

We will discuss the enemy strategy a bit :
The enemy focuses on attacking our monster behind with Sneak and Opportunity ability. In This battle, they bring 3 melee monsters which I think is good for us. our Legionnaire Alvar Demoralize ability decreases their attack by -1. The enemy with the Sneak ability monster Silent Sha-Vi is dangerous because has a higher speed than Pelacor Bandit and the ability Piercing will destroy the armor and if there is still damage left will decrease our monster's HP. The enemy Lira the Dark with Opportunity ability will be attacking our Merdaali, our lowest HP monster with 4 damage it's a high damage, fortunately, we have +1 armor, and the first Lira attack will destroy our armor only. I think the enemy anticipated our attack from behind too They brought the monster with Martyr ability Venari Marksrat every time this monster dies will boost all of the stats of the monster adjacent to this monster. With the Reborn Again ruleset The enemy monster Lira will get a 2x boost from Martyr ability, and make the enemy Lira the dark become hard to hit due to high speed. I think we will need our luck in this battle, Will our Blind ability help in this battle? We will see.

  • Round 1:
    The battle started with Buff and Debuff.
    The enemy Lira attacked first and destroyed our Merdaali Guardian armor, Although it only +1 armor from our summoner it made us safe from the first attack. In this round, we already can see how good Pelacor Bandit Flying ability and combined with Blind debuff. The enemy Silent Sha-Vi and Uraeus attack can not hit our Pelacor Bandit. On the other hand, our Uraeus easily hit the enemy Silent Sha-Vi and kill it for the first time although has a lower speed. Silent Sha-Vi brings back to live again.
    For our Front monster, I think it's better than the enemy formation, With the help of Merdaali Guardian it's impossible for the enemy with only 1 attacker Pelacor Deceiver can kill our monster.


  • Round 2:
    This time Silent Sha-Vi managed to hit our Pelacor Bandit but then our Bandit attacked Silent Sha-Vi and killed it again this time forever. The enemy Lira keeps attacking our Merdaali Guardian, but our Merdaali Guardian is still alive in this round although only left with 1 HP. The enemy Pelacor Deciever only left with 1 HP after receiving many attacks.


  • Round 3:
    Our Pelacor Bandit attacked the enemy Venari Marksrat killed it, activated the Martyr ability, and boosted the enemy lira Stats. Our Merdaali Guardian was killed by the enemy Lira for the first time and resurrected again with 2 HP and 1 armor.
    The enemy Pelacor Deceiver died for the first time hit by our Legionnaire Alvar and resurrected again with 1 HP.


  • Round 4:
    Our Pelacor Bandit managed to hit Lira in this round likewise the enemy Uraeus can hit our Pelacor Bandit, and left our Pelacor Bandit with 1 HP. The enemy Pelacor Deceiver died for the second time in this round attacked by our Flying Squid. Our Uraeus misses when attacking the enemy monster Lira.


  • Round 5:
    In this Round Lira changed the target to our Pelacor Bandit because the HP is lower than our Merdaali Guardian.
    • At round 5 I found a bug :
      After our Pelacor Bandit was killed by the enemy Lira it Resurrected again with 1 HP and 1 armor, it should have 2 HP and 1 armor, although it has the Strengthen buff, but it not working, I will explain more in "Did your Strategy Work Section".
      The enemy Lira the Dark hit by our Uraeus and left with only 1 HP.


  • Round 6:
    At the start of round 6, The enemy Lira attacked our Pelacor Bandit destroying the armor and disabling our Pelacor Bandit Flying ability with the Snare ability Lira Has. It makes the enemy Uraeus easily hit our Pelacor Bandit and kill it for the second time. The enemy Kra'Ar Xoc dies for the first time in this round attacked by our Legionnaire Alvar.
    Our Uraeus managed to hit Lira again although has a lower speed and this time killed it forever.


  • Round 7:
    Our Flying Squid after our Pelacor Bandit die in round 6 now has the highest speed in our monster so it attacked first and hit the enemy Kra'Ar Xoc and killed it for the second time. The last enemy Uraeus moves to the first position. Attacked and poisoned by our Uraeus, still managed to live in this round, Our Legionnaire Alvar failed to hit it due to the low speed it has.


  • Round 8:
    The enemy can't do anything in this round killed by our Flying Squid, and resurrected again with 1 HP and armor but attacked by our Uraeus destroyed the armor, and the attack from our Legionnaire Alvar killed it, and finished this battle with the victory in our side.

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Did your Strategy Work?

The Strategy is working, Our guess is right, the enemy brings many melee monsters. The Pelacor Bandit high speed and ability make this monster evade many attacks. Give a chance to our attackers in front Legionnaire Alvar and Flying Squid to destroy the enemy in the first position. The enemy's plan to boost the Lira stats is working too, It has very high speed after receiving the second effect of Martyr ability, fortunately, our monster still can hit it and kill it. We combined many abilities, buffs, and debuff to help us win this battle :

  • The armor and speed from our summoner help us win this battle.
  • The support ability from Merdaali Guardian. If not because of Strengthen's ability which adds +1 HP to the Pelacor Bandit it may have already died again when hit by Uraeus in Round 4.
  • The Pelacor Bandit High speed with Flying ability and debuff Blind to the enemy from Flying Squid.
  • The Legionnaire Alvar Demoralize ability which decreases the enemy Melee attack.
  • And the Last thing we need in this battle is luck, so our attack can hit the enemy, and the enemy attack can't hit us 😎. You can see that at round 5 our Uraeus with only 4 speeds can hit the enemy Lira of The Dark with 9 speeds.

The Bug :
This is the bug I found, In round 3 when the enemy Lira Kill our Merdaali Guardian it resurrected with 1 armor and 2 HP but in round 5 when the enemy Lira killed our Pelacor Bandit it resurrected with 1 armor and 1 HP, the Strengthen buff icon is still there.

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Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code https://splinterlands.com?ref=poplar-22 to join.

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