New Tanker from Water Elemen ?

Hello everyone, today I will post my blog again about the new reward card from the Water element, Giant Alpine Skink, from the Splinterlands game, which you can get by draw a card using the Glint Shop.

Disclaimer :
This discussion may only suit someone with limited cards who can't rent or buy expensive/strong cards. I only have a standard card in my scholar account, Chaos Legion card or older, and I rent several cheap cards like Arkemis the Bear, Doctor Blight, etc. I battle in the Diamond League.

Giant Alpine Skink Ability

Shield ability, Reduced damage from melee and ranged attacks. Attack damage gets halved (rounded up), except attack 1 which deals 0 damage. Reduces the Thorns damage to 1, cancel Redemption damage
Phase ability, magic attack can miss this monster (using the same hit/miss calculation as for melee and ranged attacks).
Stun ability, when a monster with Stun ability hits a target, it has a chance to stun the target causing it to skip its next turn. This ability has 50% chance of activation.

Note :
The ability and stats above will show all at level 10/max level, I only have this unit at level 7 but it is already good enough to use it in the Diamond League battle in.

Rulesets Compatible With This Unit

I think this unit is compatible with many ruleset cause he is strong against range and melee attack and it can evade the magic. But I think it need more buff speed and Blind debuff.
Some ruleset that can increase this unit usefullness :

Melee Mayhem, melee attack unit can attack from any position. We can put this unit in front as a shield cause can evade any type of attack or put it behind, this unit melee attack of 4 is good enough.
Up Close & Personal, only monsters with melee attack may be used in battles. Because only Melee unit can be used The Shield ability from Giant Alphin is very useful. Sometimes dual type attack (melee and magic) unit like Quora or Olivia of the Brook can be used, this unit as a tanker can handle them better than other melee attack.

The Battle Using This Card

I will show the battle with this unit against The Grimbaldun Smith, I think this is the best tanker right now..
Battle using Giant Alpine Skink. , I'm using BLTZ-WIZARD-710, battle in the Diamond league :

Silenced Summoners ruleset, all summoner abilities, buff, and debuff disabled.
Fog of War, monster loses the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities. It mean, it can't attack from behind again, all unit can only attacking unit in the first position unless he have Scattershot.
Lost Legendaries, can not use the Legendary monsters..

This is very long battle both unit can't kill each other. Although Giant Alpine is strong, but we don't have Grimbaldun Smith Repair abilities (every round will restore some armor) and the enemy bring 2 healer for Grimbaldun while we only have 1 healer. Our Alpine die at round 23 because of the Fatigue and then attacked by the enemy , but it already give enough time as a shield for fatigue take action and kill both unit except Grimbaldun and Kra'ar XOC. Due to the higher health cause of the Scavenger ability our Kra'ar can win this battle. :


This unit if hit still weak against magic, cause not have Void (reduce magic damage by 50%) ability like Grimbaldun, magic unit is usually slow, only several magic unit is fast like Regal Peryton or Void Dragon , so with the right formation and speed buff this unit have potential becoming great tanker in several ruleset. Like this Lost Legendary we can't use Baakjira (Legendary unit) our famous tanker from Water element, lucky we still have this mini dinosaur unit. Further test and leveling this unit still needed to bring this unit max potential.

Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code to join.


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