Ferocity Ruleset, in high mana battle and Aimless ruleset

Hello everybody I want to write another post in Splinterlands Community in for Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is Ferocity Ruleset.

I'm playing with my main account.

Battle Link

If you want to watch the full battle link you can click Here.
The video :


From left to right :

  • Aimless ruleset, all monsters has Scattershot ability.

    • Scattershot ability will make the attack of range and magic hit random target.
  • Ferocity, all monsters have Fury ability.

    • Fury ability, the Monster does double damage to targets with the Taunt ability.
  • Mana Cap 40.

  • Can use all elements Fire, Water, Earth, and Life

My Lineup and strategy

For this High mana battle, my strategy only don't bring a monster with Taunt ability, Usually Wave Brood from Water element is good monster with taunt ability but not in this ruleset. The ruleset Aimless will make range and magic hit random monsters so I'm trying to focus fire attacking monster in the first position hoping the monster behind can get a random hit finishing other monsters. I predict the enemy will bring many magic attacks.

This is our lineup:

Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
Kelya Frendul, Summoner. Can increase armor and speed for all friendly monsters by 1I will use this monster because has armor in case the enemy bring monsters with many range attack, and the speed will help to make the monster attack first and increase the chance to hit the enemy.
Diemonshark, 1st position, Attacker and Tanker. Has the ability Trample.Has high armor and HP suitable for being a tanker, Has a high speed of 4. Trample ability make this monster kills the enemy monster and will attack the monster behind it immediately
Flying Squid, 2nd position, attacker, and 2nd tanker Has ability ReachThis melee monster can attack from this position because has Reach ability. This monster has a good attack of 3 but too bad not to have any armor, but at least he has high HP so suitable for 2nd tanker.
Djinn Oshanus, 3rd position, attacker and 3rd tanker. Has the ability VoidThis monster is a good defender and has high speed and the Void ability will decrease the enemy magic damage by half. With high speed, Hope can evade many enemy attack melee and range.
Deeplurker, 4th position, attacker. Has the ability Opportunity.This monster will attack the enemy monster with low HP has good damage, and can attack from everywhere, we put it in here because he is weak if go attacked, I think this position is rather safe. I hope not got hit by Aimless ruleset though.
Scavo Hireling, 5th position, attacker. Has the ability Sneak, and Flying.I used this monster to Repair the armor of all friendly monsters if got hit by range.
Kuluswimhunter, 6th position, attacker. Has no abilityJust used this monster because has rather good HP in case the enemy brings the monster with sneak ability, this monster attack is not bad either.

The Battle

  • Round 1 :
    The battle started with Buff and Debuff. Our monster Djinn Oshannus who has high speed attack first.
    • Our Scavo Hireling death attacked by Kulu Mastermind and killed by Deeplurker. Not even has chance to used repair ability.

  • Round 2
    • Our Kulu Swimhunter killed by enemy Kulu Mastermind, withouth having a chance to attack in this round.
    • Finally the enemy Baakjira after many attack death in this round killed by Deeplurker

  • Round 3:
    • Our Diemonshark die attacked by the enemy Deeplurker
    • The enemy Kulu Mastermind die attacked by our Deeplurker

  • Round 4:
    • The enemy Pelacor Bandit die killed by our Deeplurker
    • In this round finally the Angelic Mandarin attack our Djinn Oshannus but miss due to high speed.

  • Round 5

    • Our Flying Squid killed by the enemy Deeplurker
    • Bad luck the enemy Nerissa Tridawn Scattershot attaked our Deeplurker and killed it.

    Only left our Djin Oshannus.

  • Round 6-9 :
    You can see our Jinn Oshanus hold very long time, almost can win against 3 enemy monster. But finally died attacked by enemy Nerissa Tridawn who only has 1 HP left. In the end we lost.


We lost, the strategy is not good enough, and the enemy only use 1 magic monster. and bring monster opportunity ability that has good damage, that ruleset Aimless was not in our favor, range, and magic rarely hit Djinn Oshanuss. who has a strong defense, but instead hits another monster who is weaker. We put too much offense in Monster on the first position, the enemy brings Baakjira who is hard to kill, and 2 monsters with opportunity ability who has high damage. We lost by 1 hit, if only in the last round we can kill Nerissa Tridawn then the Angelic Mandarin will goes to first position and can't do anything because it's range monster.

Another option in this battle :
I think if we replace Kulu Swimhunter with Nerissa Tridawn who has high Magic Damage and HP, we can win this battle although this monster is slow.

Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code https://splinterlands.com?ref=poplar-22 to join.


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