Defense is Good Offense, is that True ? 26 vs 11 damage

Blue Purple Retro Illustration Word Puzzle Game Presentation.jpg


I just started playing Splinterland around February 2022, This is my 3rd blog for Splinterlands, this time i want to show battle from my scholarship account bltzr-wizard-710 which is the scholar account i get from Balthazar guild that has max level all Chaos Legion deck and right now is playing on the Gold League of the Modern Format, it can go up to at least diamond event champ, In Challenge this time i will Used Baakjira monster with very big HP and good Defensive skill.

For those who are new of splinterlands and interested want to know more, you can go to the link .



This time I will review Battle of Monster Baakjira in Gold League with Ruleset Stampede and 99 Mana. 99 Mana is often referred to as High Battle Mana, can use any monster with the large Mana we have, it can used monster with Summoner Fire , water, and Earth.
Ruleset Stampede if a monster has a "Trample Skill" ("after killing 1 monster it will attack 1x the monster behind it") and kills an enemy it will continue to attack the next monster behind it without stopping,until there are monsters that don't die when attacked, although the ruleset is favorable for monsters with trample skills this time I didn't bring it, because I guess the enemy will use magic-type attacks

Baakjira Lore

Hailing from the deepest ocean in all of the World, the Delortane Trench, Baakjira, is one of a few remaining Baleenvast left, a monstrous whale so big that it dwarves everything else native to the Splinterlands, even the largest of dragons. They rarely stray from the safe depths of the Delortane Trench but on rare occasions fishermen have seen them breach for the mouthful of air that will last them an entire year before they need to breath again. Ancient maritime folklore says that seeing one of these beasts is supposed to bring you good fortune and bless you for the remainder of your voyage.

This is the monster i brought :

Why i Used It
Kelya Frendul.png- Speed +1
- Armour +1
Kelya Frendul is Summoner from Water, from Chaos Legion card Collection. He give all Friendly monster unit +1 speed and armour. This is very popular summoner among water team, he cost 4 mana and give speed and armour which is very usefull, Water monsters are famous because they can adapt to all situations. They have monsters with small mana and monsters with large mana that have large HP
baakjira 5.png- Void ((immunity to poison)
- Slow (reduces the speed of all enemy monsters)
- Strengthen (All friendly Monsters have increased Health)
- Heal (Adds own HP every round, restores 1/3 of the max health, rounded down)
Has Very big HP 13 and rather slow speed 2. The weakness is the speed is slow only 2, so it get hit often, but the big HP will help he survive longer especially with skill heal he have. He can't attack, as a tanker he did his job well, especially when fighting enemies with magic types. You will see how good it's in this battle.
Angelic Mandarin.png- Triage Heals the friendly back-line Monster that has taken the most damage
- Heal is max health divided by 3, rounded down. Minimum is 2
Functioning as attacker and support, heals HP wave Brood behind, ensuring Wave Brood lasts a long time. It can heal Wave Brood which have 15 HP after strengthen skill from Baakjira then according to his skill description 15:3 = 5 Hp every round will be restored
Kulu Swimhunter.png- This monster has no skillAs an attacker, he has considerable damage, and high speed ensures that no attacks on the enemy miss.
Merdaali Guardian.png- Tank Heal (restores the HP of the monster in first position every round by 1/3 max health round up)
- Repair (Restores some armor to the friendly Monster whose armor has taken the most damage)
As a support it can heal baakjira which according to description of Tank Heal when have 14 HP (with strengthen skill) : 3 = 4.66 round up to 5 HP is restored every round, and give bakjira 1 armour every round.
neristar tridawn.png- This monster has no skillThis is a monster with high damage, high HP, with decent speed, functions as an attacker and 2nd tanker in front after Baakjira.


Round 1 part 1:
Round 1 part 1.gif

Battle start with buff and debuff and the first attack is done by the Kulu Swimhunter who has the fastest skill towards mycelic Slipspawn,

Here we can see after the Buff and Debuff that our damage is far behind that of the enemy, the enemy has a total of 26 damage (grund double attack skill with total 8 damage), while our team only has 11 damage

Round 1 Part 2 :
Round 1 part 2.gif
Wave Brood takes damage from 5 enemy monsters except for Grund who attacks Baakjira. The total damage from the 5 monsters that attack is 15 damage, but he is still alive because he has a shield and void skills.
This round ends with Wave Brood having 5 HP remaining.
In this round, Grund also attacked Baakjira with 2x attacks. The first attack (4 damage) was blocked by the shield and the second attack reduced HP by 4. Bakjira has 10 HP left in this round.
The enemy who also has a monster with the skill taunt Mycelic Slipspawn at the end of this round has his HP reduced to 3.

Round 2 :
round 2.gif
Baakjira and Wave Brood get Heal in round 2 from Angelic Mandarin (Wave Brood) and Merdaali Guardian (Baakjira).
The monster that has the taunt skill on the enemy side Mycelic Splipspawn dies in this round first followed by my Brood Wave, leaving only the tanker Baakjira in front with HP by 10.

Round 3 :

Here we see how powerfull is Baakjira as tanker, especially against monster with magic type.
All types of enemy attacks aim at Baakjira both arrows, magic and Meele, with a total attack of up to 22 damage. Enemy grunds that have extraordinary attack abilities (8 total damage) are not supported by good defensive abilities, no armor and also only 3 speed, minus with Baakjira's slow skill only 2 speed left for Grunds, at the end of this round Grund only had 2 HP left.
Here we see that some Grund and Cornealus' attacks don't hit Baakjira. The Mage of Chaos who has the Oppress skill (2x damage to enemies who cannot attack) attacks Baajira for the first time,
and reduces HP by 4, the Mage of Chaos damage is 4, when attacking Baakjira it should produce 8 damage, but because Baakjira has the Void skill (mage damage is reduced by 1/2) so the HP that decreases is only 4.

And Baakjira continuously recovers his own HP assisted by the Merdaalion Guardian who heals Baakjira and restores his armor
At the end of this round, Baakjira's HP remained 5 because he received so many attacks.

Round 4 :
round 4.gif
Grund, who only had 2 HP left, received an attack from Kulu Swimhunter and died. So that Cornealus enemy monsters with Arrow types and have skills close range "can attack in the first position", Heal themselves, and Reflect arrow attacks back to my monster because have skill "return fire"

Round 5 :

The enemy Cornealus repeatedly reflects arrows from Angelic Mandarin and Kulu Swimhunter, who fortunately still have armor and are assisted by Angelic Mandarin's Triage skill (heals the monster's HP behind).
Baakjira survives despite receiving an enormous attack.

Round 6 :

Thanks to Nerissa Tridawn who has great Magic damage, Cornealus can finally be killed before our arrow monsters die from the reflection.
The enemy Runemaster Florre came forward and took a lot of damage. At this point, victory can be confirmed because the enemy's total damage is only 9 left, and Baakjira's HP still has a lot left.

Round 7 :
Round 7.gif
Runemaster Florre still survives this round, but only 7 HP left because no one is healing.

Round 8 :
Round 8.gif
Runemaster Florre dead and the Mage of Chaos stepped forward

Round 9 :
Round 9.gif
Mage of Chaos Receive many attack and HP only left 1.

Round 10 :
Round 10.gif
Mage of Chaos dies followed by Queen Mycelia and the battle ends in victory.

My Battle Link

My Battle Video :


In my opinion, to deal with this type of magic attack enemy with the ruleset mana 99, this formation is good enough on my scholar account. Which can also be done if we rent at a low cost.
You don't have to rely on more expensive cards like Axemaster/Runemaster Kye.

Of course by replacing Kulu Swimhunter with one of the 2 cards above, our attacks will increase and kill enemies faster.
For example Runemaster Kye, although he has the same attack as Kulu Swimhunter, he has the Fury skill (double damage against monsters with taunt skills), so when he attacks the enemy's Mycelic Slipspawn he will deal 6 damage.
Likewise with Axemaster who has a Double Attack skill with a total of 6 damage.

This strategy has a weakness, when against monsters that have Affliction skill (Enemy monster will lose the ability to Heal if hit by a monster having affliction ability. (Tank heal ability won't work either) There's a 50% chance of afflicting the enemy.) like Doctor Blight or Goblin Psychic, etc.

There is no perfect strategy/formation in splinterlands, each formation has a counter, that's what makes this game interesting, encouraging people to keep learning.

Thank you for reading.


Credit Thumbnail Create using Canva.
Baakjira Lore taken from

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