Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Tofu Mirror

Hello everyone! This is my second entry for this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Today I'm sharing a battle of mine in Modern Diamond Ranked.


I fought an interesting battle where both players used the latest airdrop summoner: Eternal Tofu.


I think Eternal Tofu is a very good summoner. Before the Thorns was added, it looked like a very niche option to fight Risqruel Drath. Now, not only is it a 7 mana Mylor with many extra bonus, some of those bonus interect very well with Thorns. +2 HP might allow your monsters to survive an extra hit and/or get Healed for me, resulting in extra Thorns activations. Triage and Scavenger, also make your monsters survive longer, resulting in more Thorns. The Divine Shield also works for more Thorns activations.


Here's the battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_62225ca00f08eb72264a84eeae0d5e0e


This game has the following rule sets: Armored Up and Reverse Speed. We might have picked the same summoner, but we have very different teams with only 2 of the same monsters. I went with Grimbardun Smith in front, followed by Nalara Geinek. Next, I put Magi of Chaos, Venari Crystalsmith, Pelacor Arbalest, and Doctor Blight. They opted for Legionnaire Alvar in front, with Blinding Reflector in the second position. They followed it up with Venari Crystalsmith, Doctor Blight, and Iziar.


I gave the Divine Shield and Corrosive Ward to Grimbardun Smith, Nalara Geinek, and Venari Crystalsmith. They opted to give Triage and Scavenger to Djinn Renova, which was a big waste since Renova already has Triage. It took a while, but I was able to kill Iziar in round 3. I killed Alvar in round 4, Reflector in round 5, Renova in round 6, Crystalsmith in round 7, and Doctor Blight in round 8. They could never do enough damage to my Grimbardun Smith for it to be at risk.


What do you all think about this game? Would you have done anything different? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!


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All monsters and images used are owned by Splinterlands.io

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