Battle Weekly Challenge: "Minotaur Warrior"

Peace Dear friends,

My challenge will describe Minotaur Warrior's major role in the victory of a battle for a better position in the Gold league leader boards. I am thankful for the battle challenge team that gives us an opportunity to present our strategies around a specific monster in action on board. This battle is one of my favorites due to the ruleset that allows all melee attack monsters to attack the last monster on the enemy team instead of the first monster. Although my Minotaur was not as experience to perform in the Gold league leaderboard competition, I took advantage of the ruleset which helped compensate for the gap in my team. it was a great battle after the submission of both teams. I am going to present this interesting match.



The two summoners on the board were Lyanna Natura from the earth elemental series and Daria Dragonscale categorized to the Dragon elemental series. Our team selection was not too complicated even though the super sneak ability added to the monster brought great offensive power from both sides of the board.



Great description from Splinterlands Lore Wiki

The Minotaurs are the only people in Anumün rugged enough to inhabit the Giant Grasslands of Primordia, where the Dinosaurs roam. They live in wandering tribes, sleeping in hide tents and hunting Rexxies for their meat, clothing, and weapons. Minotaur spears are longer than they seem.


The Minotaur Warrior is an earth elemental monster. It is registered in the Alfa and Beta series of Splinterlands pack where many powerful cards are selected or rented to support my progression in the Gold league. Minotaur Warrior level three was put in second place in the order of selection for battle. It has this low level with no piercing ability because of alternative cards that I used to select for battle in the higher league. Even though the ruleset "Super sneak and mana cap 30" creates challenges from the opposite side with high-level cards, I was confident to bring equal or even more melee strikes in the arena.


Super sneak: All melee attack monsters have the sneak ability

I propose to share my short adventure meeting this powerful earth summoner under the pressure of including a low-level melee monster in this ranking battle of the gold league. Daria granted me a wider possibility to choose monsters with melee from all elemental including dragons. In this match, the rulesets were composed of super sneak and mana cap limited to 30. Minotaur Warrior was selected to support the offensive power in our effort to successfully defeat our opponent.




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I have displayed below the details about my BATTLE CHALLENGE which is my entry for this weekly publication on diverse Social media.



The lineup of the cards in the arena

Super sneak rule set attributes sneak ability to all melee monsters on the battlefield.

Summoner: Lyanna Natura level 4 - Earth elemental Splinter, All my opponent monsters had plus one health added to the total health point.

First, let’s present all party's lineup. My opponent lineup has taught valuable lessons. Positioned cards were monster from the life element positioned in the following order

  • Lyanna Natura level 4 - Heart addition to all friendly monsters
  • Failed summoner level 3 - Gold, magic reflect speed 3 heart 7
  • Flesh Golem level 4 - Gold melee and speed 4 heart 10 - Abilities Heal, Sneak
  • Javelin thrower level 4 - Range 3 speed 6 Hearth 6 - Ability Piercing
  • Nectar Queen level 4 - Melee 4 speed 4 hearth 13 - Abilities Flying, Sneak
  • Brownie level 1 - Melee 1 speed 5 hearth 2 - Abilities Swiftness, Sneak
  • Centaur level 1 - Range 1 speed 4 hearth 5 - Ability snipe

Although I couldn't anticipate the selection of my opponent, I knew that I will face many monsters with consequent melee attacks. Therefore, I made sure that all my offensive cards could put more damage on the opposite side.

Summoner: Daria Dragonscale level 5, was selected to unlock the abilities of my team monsters and increase the melee attack. The earth elemental monsters were selected for this match in order to put on the board Minotaur Warrior.

Here is a description of my team lineup

  • Daria Dragonscale level 5
  • Rexxie level 4 - Melee 8 speed 4 hearth 7 defense 2 - Abilities 'trample' and sneak
  • Minotaur Warrior level 3 - Melee 4 speed 4 hearth 4 defense 3 - Abilities reach sneak
  • Hobgoblin level 6 - Melee 5 speed 4 hearth 6 defense 2 - Abilities reach, 'inspire', sneak
  • Tower griffin level 5 - Range 1 speed 5 hearth 4 defense 2 - Abilities fly, 'protect'
  • Brownie level 4 - Melee 4 speed 6 hearth 2 defense 2 - Abilities 'swiftness' inspire sneak


The line of both teams wasn't perfect but the outcome of the battle became clear even before to completion of the first round.


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My strategies

Tower griffin and Brownie were key monsters in the success of this strategy then came Rexxie and Minotaur Warrior to seal the faith of my opponent. In the battle with the Super sneak, I had to withstand all attacks from enemy three melee monsters while I brought five melee monsters. Griffin added a second layer of defense which helped me considerably holding the line despite the multiple attacks. The swiftness from Brownie gave on top of the already increased armor the ability to dodge attacks but also stricks at incredible speed. My opponent was in difficulty at this point but additional surprises were to come. Inspire ability from Orc sergeant and Brownie made all my melee monsters super killer band in the arena.

Did my strategy work?

Yes, my strategy worked. I was surprised to not see on the opposite line more melee monsters since Earth elemental series got so many crazy monsters such as Stonesplitter Orc and others. In fact, the first round finished with half of my enemy line destroyed. When the total of melee strick each round is counted, considering the double strike of Hobgoblin, we have 33 without trample but 41 in certain rounds. My lineup strategy was a complete success. Furthermore, the low level of Minotaur was not even considered in the first round. My opponent made a simple mistake to not add defense to its monsters.



If you are interested in the current contest, please get more information concerning a battle challenge shared on a specific theme Minotaur Warrior, link to the official contest announcement Splinterlands Weekly challenge


What will I try differently next time?

We had the pleasure to complete this weekly battle challenge article since the rulesets were exciting. I would have replaced the role of Minotaur Warrior in the team with Flesh golem. Considering the difference in mana for each card a large mana cap is recommended or different team monsters. Flesh golem and Harvester would have been great replacements for Rexxie and Minotaur Warrior in this match. Mylor Crowling at the right level could be my favorite summoner for this selection of ruleset.


Did I like the Minotaur Warrior? why and Why not

I selected Minotaur in the Bronze and Silver league when I was first coming in the Splinterlands game. As time passes my interest shift from Minotaur Warrior to Orc Sergeant. I didn't like to select Minotaur Warrior because its contribution to the team effort is limited in the higher league. I was to replace Minotaur in the match described in this post I would choose Biceratops.

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Thanks for reading my Battle challenge Minotaur Warrior and spend some time on my blog.

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