Splinterlands - Planning for the future!


Hello everyone and welcome back to my splinterlands blog, today I will be making another Social Media Challenge post and it's about time I start with it, unfortunately the launch day has been changed from Thursday to Tuesday, but when I make long work days, I won't have time for this until Thursday. 😅

This weeks challenge is the same as last weeks, and where I mostly share awesome battles I had in the last weeks, I'm going to talk about something that's been on my mind for a couple of weeks now, planning the future of my Splinterlands career, because like most dedicated players, I'm here for the long run.

To find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, check out the splinterlands post here.


With the latest proposal to start working on the new set is probably going to pass things will change pretty soon, and the change will be significant, so let's talk about this some more.

Goodbye CL, Hello CA!

The launch of the new core set names Conclave Arcana is planned to be launched at the end of April 2025, meaning once it launches, Chaos Legion will rotate out of modern and will only be playable in wild (and some brawl frays and tournaments of course).

Because about 60% of my modern deck is Chaos Legion, which I'm playing for the last couple of months at the max level this will have a BIG impact for me, and while it's fun to play at the highest level this won't be an option for me with the new more expensive sets, many players with me are in the same situation, I'm playing my modern ranked battles in Gold 1 and Diamond 3 for the most part and it's heavily dominated with Chaos Legion decks, so this raises the question, what will I do because there are some options but also a big question mark at this point called Hardcore Mode.

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My situation is this: I play two accounts, my main has max CL summoners and when I bought them, it was almost cheaper to buy them at max level them to upgrade my gold levels to max, and this way I would be able to delegate the gold level summoners to my alt account, so I did exactly that - and while my alt is missing a lot of the strong legendary cards it's fun to play it and will mostly reach Gold 3 at the end of the season.
My main has a staked SPS bag of 71K, my alt has a much smaller bag of just over 7K.

The way I see it, I have a couple of options...

Option 1: Become a human wild player.

This way, I could still use my 'old' max level cards and I wouldn't mind to buy the wild pass. BUT as long as the SPS staking requirement stays the way it is now (double for wild), and I usually end up in Diamond 1 in wild league, I'm going to need a LOT more staked SPS, I'm working hard to increase it with ranked play, brawls and tournaments but it won't be enough to have a normal earning boost.

Also, I think many players will go to wild after the rotation, sharing the SPS rewards with more players means lower rewards per win.

At the same time, I can play my alt in modern, slowly buying a new modern set.

Pro: In this option I will still be able to play both frays for my guild.


Also, it can be less fun fighting mostly bots, too bad there isn't a human only wild league!

Option 2: Let Archmage play my main account, focus on alt in modern.

This has the same SPS staking requirements as option 1, and Archmage will take 35% of the earned SPS also so my earnings will be even lower. I will have more spare time, playing only 1 account but I think playing is fun so I don't mind spending the time, difficult options!

In this option, I can use my alt account to play in modern, I just need to accept I need to drop down to Silver again and hopefully work my way up to Gold again, with the new starter pack options for Conclave Arcana it's cheaper to make a starting deck, and buy the epics and legendary's I need to make a competitive deck, I can delegate all Rebellion cards I have on my main to this account as well, I didn't go heavy on Rebellion because it's a lot more expensive, but it's not that I don't have anything.


Pro: This way, both of my accounts can still play the brawl frays for my guild as well.

Con: My alt has a less extensive Rebellion reward set so I will be less competitive.

Option 3: Delegate my max set to my alt.

In this option my alt would get the max Chaos Legion set to play with in Wild, either by Archmage or myself, SPS requirement again is a problem here, but I think I'll just have to accept this, the difference here is that my alt has lower level Rebellion reward cards, and this way I could focus with my main account on a new modern deck so it can be a bit more competitive.

Pro: higher level reward cards to play with in modern, but maybe by April I will have the upgraded for my alt as well?

Con: As far as I can now see there are no cons to this option.

Option 4: The wild card - Hardcore Mode??

While we don't know a lot about the Hardcore Mode at this point, Matt is very secretive about it, so maybe it could be something huge, his plan is to bring more value to older cards.
In this case it's awesome I have TWO accounts, one could play this new Hardcore Mode, while the other will be a lower level modern player.


Like with everything in Splinterlands, there are SO MANY options and it's really difficult to see everything, also, as time passes I hope to earn more SPS and hopefully reach a total of 100k staked SPS before April next year, this will give me some higher earnings (but still not enough, which is ok for me).
Also both of my accounts will have higher level reward cards by then.

Like Matt said in @stever82 latest video on YouTube, players that were here early had the benefit of playing at max level in Modern, but this can't stay like this forever.
And I agree, the top level is for a select wealthy group of players, and because many players with me will face the same issue, and are basically forced down in leagues again I think this will have a very positive impact on the play ability of lower leagues because a lot more players will be in Bronze and Silver again, just like when I started playing three years ago.

I can literally break my head on this topic sometimes, so many variables! 😅

I think I'm mostly done buying Chaos Legion cards to complete my deck so I can start saving funds to invest in a new modern deck when the time comes, choices again! Will I save the funds in HBD or maybe it's better to buy HIVE with it and hopefully it's worth some more by April next year!

One thing I know is we're going to have a great future as Splinterlands players who held firm in the darkness, diamond hands!

Fellow splinter warriors, I salute you, VONAK!

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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