Love this opening moments with my son : My 5 best CL packs

Every day with my son we open the quest chests. It's like a ritual for us.
But today was a special day!
Thanks to my stacked SPS and my vouchers airdrops, I was able to collect 36 packs to open with my 6-year-old son.
No legendary, but beautiful packs all the same that my son asked me to share with you.

Capture d’écran 20211208 à 18.26.59.pngCapture d’écran 20211208 à 18.33.10.pngCapture d’écran 20211208 à 18.37.40.pngCapture d’écran 20211208 à 18.36.26.pngCapture d’écran 20211208 à 18.45.25.png

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