Splinterlands - Season 136 - Wild Pass Is Here

Season 136 is finished and we enter a new era of Splinterlands with the Battle Pass in the wild league. At a cost of 2000 DEC or 40 vouchers, it isn't so expensive and seems a great use case for people sitting on stacks of vouchers.

If some other in game benefits could be garnished from buying a battle pass, I am sure it would become a much loved feature in the future, even if at the moment there is much unhappiness about it from many at the moment. I think it has a lot of potential for enhancing the game in many ways and enhancing the reward system and how players get rewards from the game.

At the moment I don't intend to buy a battle pass as I have sold my Archmage bot and will just play modern when I fancy. Therefore this season I took advantage of the wild league for the last time for a while and played many games in Champion III, progressing as far as Champ II.

It seems crazy that I can play so many lower quality decks in Champ in wild but face max level decks in Silver II in modern. It makes playing in wild that much more fun, even if you earn less SPS. I am curious to see how modern will evolve now with the new rules. Will people switch to modern and start playing again?

I am not so sure, as once you free up time from grinding 25 matches in Splinterlands each day by using a bot, you would be hard to pressed to return for the small possible rewards. Whilst the Splinterlands team will probably re-introduce their own bots to modern with the infamous ghost cards, this might not improve the gameplay compared to accounts ran by different players with different gaming and collection goals, even if they had a bot running them.

My experience in Wild league was to play a much more varied range of accounts and have more chances to win, even against bots.

The introduction of the wild battle pass is purported to fight against bot farms and an interesting metric I will be studying over this season, is the amount of battles compared to previous seasons. Will this change work? Or will the bot farms continue, but with much less profit than before?`

For sure, it seems it will stop players with just 1 account they run a bot with from playing anymore. I have an alt account that I use to collect some cards, I will no longer play him anymore except in my guild. The bot has been sold and retired. I am wondering if it even makes sense to have an alt account any more and to merge with my main. I know many have been consolidating their accounts over the last months too.

An advantage to play in wild is that if you can climb the higher leagues, you can earn more glint which is essential if you are still collecting the remaining soulbound cards before the new set drops at the end of the summer. I am still quite behind in my Epic cards and would also like to get some more legendaries of course. It is hard to decide what to buy from the glint shop to optimise what I still need.

One area I am falling quite far behind on is my Glad card collection, I am still very far off from getting all that I need.

I was pleased to at least pull another Quora Towershead from a 27 glad pack opening. She is still 5 copies short to get me to level 3 though.

There are some complaints in the community that there are just too many cards in the game and these can be used by bot farms to farm the reward pool. Glad and soulbound cards, seem to have given them a boost.

I don't know what the solution is, as it seems there is always a way to work around anything that is introduced. I do prefer if cards were all NFTs and fully tradable though, even if I am excited to see what the new soulbound cards will be like.

Speaking of soulbound cards, I did manage to get the awesome War Pegasus up to max level finally. There are a few key soulbound cards I really want to have at max level, and War Pegasus was one of them with his great abilities. Using max level summoners now, it is important to have max level soulbound cards too.

There have been a few other cards that I have gotten to max level, including Goblin Psychic, Xenith Monk,Runemancer Atuat and Uriel the Purifier. I still have some way to go to get everything to max level, but it is cool to pick up cards if there are some good deals on the market, although my own deck value has also fallen quite badly.

The general crypto alt market has taken a real spanking the last weeks and Splinterlands assets have not been spared either. We have seen that SPS has fallen 40% in just 2 months, DEC seems to have also fallen some recently, probably due to some players liquidating assets.

I have tried to buy some DEC where I can at these low prices, with regards to SPS, it looks like it will start to head toward $0,005 and hopefully can find a floor. It really has been painful to see the value fall so dramatically, but hopefully things will turn around soon.

How was your season?

That's all for this update, thanks for reading.


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