Splinterlands - Season 134 - Glint-tastic!

Hello Splinterfans!

Season 134 has finished and what a difference a season can make! I saw the revamps to Gwen's Glint Shop have been pretty awesome that I was buying loads of cool stuff with my glints already! It was a totally unexpected result and another smart move by the Devs.

I was starting to get used to glints and choosing more cards that I want and then they throw this curve-ball at us and give us loot chests again! 😀 I have bought quite a few loot chests as much as possible!

Yes, the loot packs were dropping some pretty epic stuff and I won a beta pack, 2 legendaries and some gold foil plus energy! I was like, energy? Whats that, but of course, it is to play more rounds, so its a pretty cool thing to win.

I was really keen to open my beta pack and see my pull. I love the beta cards and will add them to my alt account. Musa Saline is now also maxed out for me which is awesome too!

The rewards kept coming and I also did a huge glad card pack opening with the 20 packs I could open! It was cool to bag a gold foil and legendary!

This season I managed to get to rank 893(1014), which is an improvement over last season of 1014. I was happy to hit into Gold 3, but couldn't progress further, plus the winnings from wild were just too much higher to resist!

My win ratio at 81 has turned positive which is a good thing, I was getting really beaten up the last few seasons grinding. I am just wondering if I will make it to Gold 3 or higher this season. It would be great to crack Gold 1 or Diamond 3.

In wild where my bot plays, it had a much better result this time too. It could be some of my new and upgraded cards helping to push things along.

My glint earnings were pretty good and this was also helped by renting 200k SPS which gives you a nice glint earnings boost too! Sadly the price of SPS seems to be tanking badly and maybe it could be worth to buy some instead of renting soon if it keeps getting so cheap.

My staked SPS has increased to 79 290 (78 826). Getting close to the 80k barrier, but the value of the SPS bag has decreased quite a bit from the lofty times a few months ago.

Card prices seem to still be falling and it could be a good time to grab those cards you want pretty cheap. Even land prices seem to be good on offer, but with no game there, I don't have much interest in buying anything land related and focus just on building my deck further.

How was your season?

That's all for this update, thanks for reading.


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