Splinterlands Battle Mage - Fire & Regret

Hello Splinterfans!

This week we have the new Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge with the ruleset Fire & Regret.

Fire & Regret is a ruleset that doesn't make Sloan fans like me very happy as it can hamper my ranged attacking plans. However, there are still some times that you can still use ranged attack to good measure without falling foul to the regret part.

With ranged attack usually being out of the equation, that leaves your opponent with the choice of a melee or magic attack. Which one are they most likely to use? If you make a guess and try to counter this, it could pay dividends.

In today's battle I try to debuff a magic attack and buff my monsters using ranged attack and martyr. Will I succeed?

On to this week's battle.

My Team

This is a low-mana battle with also armored up ruleset, so this is a consideration too.

Summoner/ MonsterReason
Kelya FrendulExtra speed and shield
Djinn OshannusVoid ability
Venari MarksratMartyr ability
UraeusSneak and Poison abilities
Merdaali GuardianHeal abilitiy
Supply RunnerExtra speed ability
Torrent FiendCannon fodder

My opponents

Summoner/ Monster
Thaddius Brood
Venari Bonesmith
Life Sapper
Corpse Fiend
Wily Coyotian

The rules for the battle are:

What Doesn’t Kill YouAll Monsters have the Enrage ability.
Armored UpAll Monsters have 2 Armor in addition to their normal Armor stat.
Fire & RegretAll Monsters have the Return Fire ability.


Watch the Battle on Splinterlands

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ROUND 1 & 4 - Djinn Oschannus vs. Riftwing

My plan has worked as I have a tank with magic void ability and my opponent has gone for a magic attack. Importantly I added a healer to my line up. The second part of my plan was to use the fire and regret ruleset to my advantage with Venari Merksrat and by activating his martyr ability when he dies.

This is going to be a longer battle as Djinn Oshannus keeps my opponent busy while my sneak attack will pick off his monsters one by one. I chose Uraeus to use his poison ability as an extra attack.

By round 4, Djinn Oshannus has been poisoned but is still standing. Uraeus has picked off his first victim Wily Coyotian.

ROUND 5 - 7

By round 6, Uraeus has picked off his second victim. My plan to buff him and Djinn Oshannus has not worked out as planned because Merdaali Guardian has repaired his shield each round. It would have been better to of added an extra sneak attack.

In round 7, Uraeus scalps his next victim. The poison attack coming in very handy here.

ROUND 8 - 10

At round 9, Riftwing, my opponent's tank finally falls. This is followed in round 10 by Life Sapper who has had the life sapped out of her by the poison from Uraeus.

The writing is on the wall and Venari Bonesmith is the last to fall in round 12 by poison.


With the Fire & Regret ruleset, you have quite a few options to play. Either to go for a strong magic attack like my opponent, but to be weary of a buff like Djinn Oshannus or his summoner Thaddius Brood.

You can use the ruleset to your advantage by combining with the martyr ability and maybe also with River Hellondale to rive those monsters to amplify the effect 😀.

The other way to consider is a full frontal melee attack maybe using Possibilus or a sneak melee attack like what I used today.

How do you play the Fire & Regret ruleset?

Thanks for reading.


The title image was created in Canva with images from Placidplace/ Pixabay
Screenshots and characters are taken from Splinterlands.

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