Happy Holidays // Happy New Year // Card Gifting!

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Hello Everyone,

I want to take this time to wish everyone a happy, safe, and amazing Holiday Season and New Year! With all that's going on in the world right now I'm hoping this will brighten someones holiday season.

In spirit of the holidays and new year, I’d like to gift a card that I feel embodies the essence of the Chaos Legion release. Well at least when the card was originally shown the design was engrained in my mind as the face of Chaos Legion. So maybe it’s just me. Or maybe it's the fact that it has "Chaos" in the name and it's purple. Meh, I don't know. Anyhow, it may be heavy on mana, but I love using it from time to time. In lower leagues, high mana battles, this card paired with Water’s Djinn Oshanus does some crazy damage. I can't comment on higher league battles just yet. Nice defense, and it's not too slow. The card in question is Chaos Dragon, and I will be gifting one lvl 1 Chaos Dragon card.

This is my first time doing this, and I’m trying to be fair to those active in the community. If any of this is out-of-line just let me know, and I’ll modify where applicable.


Here are the rules:


  1. Respond to this post with one thing you like about Splinterlands.
  2. Must have been semi-active: I will look to verify that you have at least one comment in your history. I think this is fair. If you blog I’m guessing you should be commenting back to replies on your own blogs and if you comment, well, you're active. If there's a better way to verify active members please let me know.
  3. These comments can’t be spammed comments
  4. Said comment had to take place prior to me posting this blog
  5. No duplicate entries
  6. Lets be fair and please don't use multiple accounts. Lets give everyone an equal opportunity.
  7. No bots will be entered

--Gifting Steps--

  1. All you need to do is respond to this post with one thing you like about Splinterlands.
  2. On December 27th, 18:00 UTC, I will take all usernames from direct replies, that meet the rules, and put them into a random name picker. Probably Wheelofnames.com. I will record the spin using screen record. If I can’t find a place to host the video (As this is my first time doing this) I will screen capture the winner. This could take a little time as I'll need to look through all names to verify active users.
  3. I will then edit this blog or comment stating the winner.
  4. From there I will reply to the winner to find out which account they would like me to gift the card to.
  5. Once they respond, I will gift it.
  6. I’m not too sure the best way to verify the gifting for you all. I will screen capture before I send it. If someone would like to enlighten a better way, it would be much appreciated. I will then edit the post with that screen capture.

Cheers, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all!


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--Gift Winners--

dyson-the-booper : Chaos Dragon Card

lorddiablo : Chaos Legion Pack

bteim : Chaos Legion Pack

3Speak video is up with the Winners being chosen. Check it out!

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Screenshot of results:

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--Gifts Sent--




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Congratulations to @dyson-the-booper, @lorddiablo, and @bteim

Huge Thank You to everyone who participated:
@bteim, @tim.hendrix, @circlebubble, @dc3ntr4lzd, @tigretimo, @magooz, @cutedawako, @kotenoke, @arkasz, @spryquasar, @lordito, @dyson-the-booper, @pewsplosions, @sinogul, @lorddiablo, @jkeen33, @Theacks, @bigbarger, @failingforwards, @Klawke, @gonlid, @pingeln, @jedha, @polar99, @vicer0y, @incze, @doombledore

The entire community appreciates everything you do for it. It's always a refresher to see what keeps you all coming back. From your comments it seems a majority of you say it's the community, and I couldn't agree more. I hope you all have an amazing Holiday Season and a Happy New Year! See you in 2022!!



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