Splinterlands Weekly Challenge | Gem Meteor

What is there to say about the Gem Meteor? A hateful and chaotic spawn of the Chaos Legion, created from beautiful meteor crystal fragments. It recklessly throws it's crystal fragments on anything and everything that's nearby.

In practice, of course, this means that we're talking about a ranged attack monster with the Scattershot ability.


As with most creatures from the Splinterlands, the Gem Meteor has an interesting back-story.

But then chaos arrived [...]. Uul breathed life into these dead rocks and created the Gem Meteor, a creature that soars through the sky and flings crystal shards from its body at anyone unfortunate enough to get in its way. These crystalline missiles splinter and crack upon impact, ricocheting into everything nearby and inflicting devastating damage [...].

They are apparently crafted from the remnants of the creation of the universe. "When the cosmos was borne into creation and the stars were placed into the heavens [...]". Pretty darn poetic, isn't it.

Ruleset, analysis and battle

A 58 Mana battle, Melee Mayhem and Noxious Fumes rulesets.


We're definitely gonna need some high health monsters. Because of Melee Mayhem, the ruleset that allows melee monsters to attack from any position, it's tempting to just use a ton of melee monsters.

Our opponent will be expecting this of course, so we're gonna try to take an unexpected turn and attempt to make a ranged attack-based team to throw them off guard. In addition, we'll be using Yodin to buff our monsters' attacks and give all our monsters the Blast ability.

Team lineup:
  • Summoner: Yodin Zaku (lvl 2)
  • Pos 1: Tusk the Wide (lvl 3)
  • Pos 2: Cornealus (lvl 2)
  • Pos 3: Lava Launcher (lvl 3)
  • Pos 4: Countess Sinash (lvl 2)
  • Pos 5: Gem Meteor (lvl 3)
  • Pos 6: Tinderlock (lvl 4)
  • As already mentioned, Yodin will buff our ranged monsters and give them Blast.
  • Tusk is in the first position mainly because of his high health, and will serve as tank #1.
  • Cornealus is the second tank. It also have high health, and can self Heal. Being a ranged monster, he won't be able to attack if tank #1 dies, but because he's also got the Thorns ability, he'll still be able to bite back on the melee monsters opponent likely will be using (because of the ruleset).
  • The Lava Launcher with it's Close Range ability, will allow it to attack from the first position. It also has a strong ranged attack, which usually is devastating when combined with Blast.
  • Countess Sinash also has a strong attack. Her Opportunity ability will hopefully spread some blast damage in the middle of the enemy lines, while her Swiftness ability will boost our whole teams speed. In addition, her ranged attack is also both strong and fast.
  • The Gem Meteor will randomly fling its crystal fragments at the opponent, hopefully causing further damage in the middle.
  • And finally, the Tinderlock, which sports a strong ranged attack combined with Close Range and Last Stand, which may or may not come in handy.

Time for battle:


Results / Comment

As expected, opponent went for a melee heavy team. Most of my plans actually went very well. But opponent also played well, so I just barely won this won. I do believe it was the Tinderlocks' Last stand that put the final nail in the coffin.

Side-note; Use of SplinterGlossary/LeoGlossary links

You may have noticed that most of the Splinterlands terms I use in these articles are also links that point to entries in the @leoglossary project. You can read more about this exciting project in one of their latest official updates, which should also give you a better understanding of why I'm putting these links in my Splinterlands articles (and why you should consider doing the same).

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