Part 2 of Rent-to-Earn Series in Bronze/Silver League - DEC Reward Bonus Trick through 0.1 Cheap Rentals


If this is your first time reading, you might want to check out first part of the series: @mhozilla/part-1-of-rent-to-earn-series-in-bronzesilver-league-01-dec-cheap-rentals

Regardless, you can still continue to read. There are different values in each post :)

In Part 1, I shared how you can gain value through having more variety of cards, which in turn increased your chances of victory, which might lead to more DEC earned.

In this Part 2, I would like to share how you can earn more DEC per victory through renting. There are many ways you can achieve it, but in this part, I will talk about how you can achieve it through renting alpha/promo cards. Or to be more precise, renting cheap alpha/promo cards.


But first, why alpha/promo cards?

In case you are new, or have never paid attention to your DEC wins. I would like to share with you the below information.


There is this thing called the "DEC Reward Bonuses", and there are various ways you can increase and activate these bonuses:

  1. Win Streak (at least 3 wins in a row)
  2. Gold Cards
  3. Alpha/Promo Cards
  4. Guild

If you are a new and (possibly free-to-play) player, it might be hard to achieve 1, 2 and 4. 1 is relatively more achievable if you invest time in learning the strategies.

Today's topic is on 3. Alpha/Promo cards.

In comparison to Gold Cards, where the lowest is going for USD$1.15 which is around 321 DEC (as of the current rates), it can be relatively expensive, though renting the cheapest possible gold card will cost around 0.34 DEC. We will talk more about this in our third part: Renting below 1 DEC, but for now, it is still quite expensive.



And how can we achieve that?

Alpha/promo cards provide a bonus (10% DEC reward bonus), similar to gold cards.

While alpha/promo cards cost a bomb to purchase, let us take a look at their rental prices:


WHAT? You mean I can rent an alpha/promo card for 0.1 DEC/day and enjoy that sweet 10% DEC reward bonus?

YES! Neat trick isn't it? Of course, do take note that you can enjoy the DEC reward bonus ONLY IF you use that card in battle.

Refer to the first part of the series for some of my general recommendations of cards to rent: @mhozilla/part-1-of-rent-to-earn-series-in-bronzesilver-league-01-dec-cheap-rentals

However, please note to rent the alpha version of the card, as only the alpha version gives the bonus.


After that, pick the good ones to use in battle and enjoy that sweet +10% DEC Reward bonus for every alpha card you use. I believe the amount stacks so you can use up to 6 alpha/promo card and enjoy up to a maximum of +60% DEC Reward bonus, provided you win, of course.


You can take advantage of this cheap trick and this is applicable for all leagues. Even if you are earning in Bronze II, 10% is nothing to scoff at, you will eventually earn more than the 0.1 DEC that you pay for the card. At higher leagues, you are earning more DEC back through the 10% (provided you win).

Therefore, start applying this trick in your renting. Hopefully this post doesn't cost rental prices for alpha/promo cards to rise.

There are many small things in Splinterlands that you can take advantage of, not just to make more profits but also to have fun. I hope I can discover more things to share with all of you and hopefully this post has been helpful.

Do share in the comments down below if you have tried out this trick and if it has been useful for you.

I will continue to share more information to the best of my knowledge.

If you enjoyed this post, please kindly give a like (or follow) if you can as it will help to motivate me and also provide more resource credits for me to produce more posts.

I have withheld from writing more posts due to limited resource credits but have been writing drafts so that I can post once I have resource credits. I have also converted some DEC that I have profited through flipping cards into HIVE tokens so that I can gain more resource credits.

Thank you for reading.


Credits to @nate-qts for the dividers
Image credits to Splinterlands

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