Guild continues to grow and compete in Brawls. Week 3 update.

This is a quick update for the Splinterlands Guild deep Blue Divers. We are happy to add for new members this week.

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We are nearing Guild capacity with 11 of 16 member positions filled so far. The Guild has no specific requirements, but we love to see our members participating in brawls. So far, we have had good participation.

As of today's brawl, we are able to fill 11 of the 13 Frays. This is good because we want more crowns! The GP is in place to move to a level 2 store as soon as crowns reach 40.
For the third week of activity, our crown total is now 18. I think there will be an additional 10 crowns added in this season with the new members. In addition, the number of focuses being completed is on the upswing. The guild is level 1 now, but I think this seasons with the new members we will reach level 2.

If you haven't joined a guild, consider Deep Blue Divers. And add a comment about what you would like the guild to do for you! Screenshots/photos from Splinterlands.

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