Social media challenge battle of the range armies

What's your splinterland favourite battle ruleset? If you have some super sneaky range monster collection then having range attack battle ruleset isn't a bad call for some of your favourite battle ruleset.

Range armies

Range attackers can attack from any position except when it's in the first position. With the exception of close range ruleset where range monsters can attack from first position

Range attacking monsters have their advantage especially when playing against thorn ability ruleset range monter as their name implies they battle using range attack a distance battle it's the rain of arrow and bow no monster comes in contact with each other your aiming skill will determine if you're coming out dead or alive in the battle arena. Unlike magic attacking monsters range attacker first damage a monsters shield before doing damage to their health expect it's all range attacking ruleset coming up with full lineup of range monter against those with mix monster lineup can be a futile effort.

Most range monster attack from backline making them most suitable as backliner, archers in battle frontline evade opposing enemies from behind making them very formidable in any battle field they can aim and kill miles away just like snipers in today's world.

Below is the battle link for this ruleset for your amusement.

Battle link

Battle detail/ruleset


The battle of range monster ruleset, is very straightforward there's no beating around only monsters with range attack will be used for this ruleset, an opponent dont need to worry what monster collection another player will be coming up with its either a snipe attacking range monter, or a close range attacking some range monter have special abilities which mean we need to still strategise and come up with good lineup monster formation for this ruleset.

For this battle ruleset 38 cost mana cap was given to each player to come up with their battle frontline lineup my opponent opt for fire element monsters while I chose water element monster for this battle ruleset it was a quick wrap interesting battle.

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Battle lineup


ANGELIC MANDARIN First on my frontline is ANGELIC MANDARIN since range monster in this ruleset don't attack from frontline I will be using ANGELIC MANDARIN as a bait for my opponent to aim their first attack on this frontline monster its health stat is quite attractive for a tank in this ruleset so can probably take some damage before been eliminated.


GARGOYA DEVIL Next monster is a close range monster that can also attack from frontline it is also a none flying ability monster that have 25% chance of evading monster with melee and range attack who don't have flying ability.


MERDHAMPIR a life leech monster with good speed a range attacking monster that plus it health unit whenever it cause damage on an opponent monster placing this monster at position three could buy me some spare time if my first and second line monster are out of the arena.


MANTOID My fourth position monster is a snipe range monster it can attack opponent monsters from any position although it also have good speed with some good attacking power it health isn't bad for such position as well.


SWAMP SPITTER This is friendly range monster with shield repair ability it gives plus one shield to any monster that is most affected on the battle arena while it gives additional protection it can also attack from it position.


AXEMASTER This monster is the most formidable in my lineup so it was placed at the backline since it has ability to strike twice with high damage and speed on any opponent frontline it will help in increasing my chance of winning this battle.


Battle strategy

For a range attacking ruleset the idea is to come up with some good health and shield monster, also having multiple attacks on my opponent will give me a better chance of winning the battle my first second and third monster for this ruleset are put up as bait I don't expect much from them while my life leech monster could gain some significant health before reaching frontline position my snipe monster will be attacking randomly as my shield repair monster will also be supporting all my frontline monster with shield while also attacking from behind my double strike monster will cause lots of damage focusing mainly on my opponent frontline tank.


Battle arena


My strategy did play out as planned my bait monster were all eliminated in the battle as predicted, my opponent came up with with quite formidable monsters but couldn't withstand multiple range attacks from my frontline lineup the battle lasted 6 round leaving me with three monsters at the end of the battle.


Round 1 round one was a head to head challenge my opponent first frontline monster got eliminated as well as mine in the first round my AXEMASTER double attack first attack eliminated my opponent first frontline.


Round 2 My opponent second frontline tank was eliminated in this round while none was eliminated from my end.


Round 3 I got my second lineup monster eliminated in this round leaving the battle 3 against 4 at this stage we can easily predict the outcome of the battle.


Round 4 My life leech monster is out of the battle line although it has served it purpose which is buying more time for my backline monster to cause damage on my opponent lineups at this round my snipe monster have been doing lot of action eliminating more monsters from my opponent lineup.


Round 5,6 only one monster left on my opponent lineup which doesn't stand a chance against any of my subsequent lineup.

Range attacking ruleset is fun as it doesn't require use of different monster collection for battle it is quite straightforward but one need to always have better strategy for attacking their opponent for this ruleset I used my three frontline monsters as bait while my subordinate monster strike hard.

Battle link

Join splinterland play and earn rewards while having fun with you monster collection, let's meet the battle arena setup an account for free here enjoy amazing features of blockchain gaming.

All Images used for this post are from Splinterlands website and community with some editing from Canva


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