Tournament Report - Splinterlands Madness - Can I get to the final ?

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Hey Splinterlanders :)

Today's post as always will not be the regular tournament report :). Last time we had an Open Diamond Chaos Set Sunset report. Here I would like to share a great idea, I think something which should be implemented as one of the options for the tournament mode. I'm talking about ladder-style tournaments, it is totally different experience, and now it takes a lot of work and time to create and maintain it. Thanks a lot, @hawks21 for taking responsibility to do this, I hope it won't be the last time. You can check the below video to get more information about it:

And here is a report from the first round:



The tournament structure was not so simple, so let me try to explain. There are two different tournaments for silver and diamond league level, you could participate in both. Firstly it was two regular 24 hr tournaments. I will focus on the silver one because it was the only one I participate in.


There were 53 participants, and the top 32 will qualify for the next ladder round. My score wasn't the best, and position mattered, because of bracket positioning. The top players would play with the bottom ones. The competition was very tough, usually, I can win more than I lose, here it was difficult, but I was in.


Here, you can see the current state of the ladder. The first round was the best of 2 matches. The opponent was demanding, but I managed to win 2-1. Next round, best of 5, I was focused and quite smoothly went 3-0. Silver Modern is my favorite format, and I understand the format pretty well.



Let's jump to the current round. Unfortunately because of the type of tournament, it takes several days to finish all the matches, so it's still going :). I hope I will get to the final and will have options to write another report. My opponent @wes7 is a rather higher league player because I don't see his name often in lower level tournaments. Let's see how good he is in silver :).

First battle:


The ruleset defines everything here. Scattershot and magic only, I was wondering how can I surprise the opponent with a different setup than Thaddius Brood, but I couldn't find anything. The battle was a coin flip, everything was about applying the poison from Venari Bonesmith. My opponent made it first, but I still got some buffer with more HP and finally got it on time. It was a crazy fight and sometimes you just need more luck. :)

Score: 1-0.

Second battle:


I rented some cards, especially to have a better chance in this round. I really like Mimosa Nightshade in Noxious Fumes ruleset, there wasn't so effective, because the opponent didn't bring any healing ability. Overall I got a more resilient monster to the poison damage and it was enough to win this fight. Coeurl Lurker is though and with an additional Martyr bonus it took some time to finally kill it.

Score: 2-0.

Third battle:


I really wanted to take advantage of the blast ruleset and try not to use melee monsters to avoid any counterplay. Snipe ability seemed a good option, but the opponent completely surprise me here. All reflection shield abilities stopped any blast damage. I was crushed, Kelya is quite strong in lower mana matches and has very powerful melee monsters.

Score: 2-1.

Fourth battle:


Another battle where the ruleset completely defines the line-up. I hope you see how important it is. Recently there is a battle mage secret weekly challenge, where you can read about different rulesets and how to be prepared. You can check my articles about them, links are at the bottom. Back to the battle, we have a new ruleset that allows playing 1 gladiator card, but more important is of course range only and amplify. I think Ilthain is so obvious choice here. I was wondering how can I surprise the opponent, but I finally just take the best range units with some healing support. It was enough, amplified return fire damage was a huge deal, Fernheart couldn't stand a chance.

Score: 3-1.

Thanks a lot, @wes7 for a great match, I hope we can meet somewhere in the next tournament :).



The tournament is still going on. Looking at the bracket my next opponent is the highest class, whoever will win. @Mondroid is a versatile player who could play any league, and @roguepatton is so experienced TCG player who specialized in lower league tournaments. It will be a sure great match.
I hope this tournament will not be the last of that type. It for sure requires a lot of engagement and work to run it. Thanks again @hawks21 for organizing it. Another thing the tournament was sponsored by Immortal Creed project. I hope in the future there will be more sponsored tournaments where you can count on better prizes.

I really hope to get some in-game implementation for a different mode of tournament play. Count on you @weirdbeard :D


I hope you like this kind of battle and strategy presentation. More strategy analysis, discussion, and prediction games you can find on my Wednesday stream. You can check the schedule here

If you have any comments, please do not hesitate. Do you think I could improve anything just tell me :)


If you wish to try out Splinterlands you can use my reference link.

Thumbnails and other pictures borrowed with permission from the Splinterlands team or made in Cooltext


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