Brawls Summary - Great tool to check all information you need.

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Welcome Splinterlanders :),

I have postponed this post several times, but finally, I managed to gather all the data I needed. There are few tools for collecting brawl data and statistics on the market. I would like to present one of them, created by our YGG Legacy guildmate @nevermeltice. The tool is very clear and intuitive, and most important very useful. :)

I had some gladius packs opening posts before with the summary of the gladiator cards collections so I won't do a similar thing here. I wanted just to aware you of how those cards are important now. We have new summoners with conscript ability, which allows you to use those cards in ranked and tournament battles. And those cards make so much difference, I will present some battles from the last brawls to get my point.


Let's jump to the details, I will present shortly stats for every guild I'm in, and in my opinion one of most interesting battles.


We are Tier 3 guild, as you can see below we usually end second or first position. Individual performance is quite important here, because of guild's GAP program, I don't want to go more into details, you can read more about YGG here.
I play Gold Foil Wild Bronze Frey. Sometimes it's not easy, because my GF collection is not great, but with some help of rented cards, I always try to do my best.

Guilds overall

We manage to do second place, the gap between the first and second was huge. My performance was not bad, I think it's perfect time to present the tool I mentioned earlier. Best way it is just launch the site and check by yourself, here some examples:

For this screen it's detailed data for current brawl (BTW second place again ;( )


Performance of every guild member of the current brawl:


This is more interesting because for GAP program to be in higher prize tier you need to achieve specific win rate for all brawls when program is active. The bo0mburst tool is perfect for it, now you can select specific numbers of brawls cycle which you are interested and see the overall performance.


And of course specific members:


Last thing which could be useful to determine frey member allocation is win rates for each type of freys for every member. Now it's possible to check which frey performance of the guildmates are the best and try to relocate "resources" to achieve better results.


Let's jump into more statistics :). Immortal Gods 4 is one of the strongest guild in tier 3. I play here usually Regular Foil Wild Diamond Frey. My performance is not so great, because I rely on rented cards completely. Recently the rental market got some hickups, so I was not able to play at the highest level. I hope with those recent changes situation where you cannot rent any cards will not happened again :)

Guilds overall

For current brawl my performance was ok, I got some of very strong opponents, like Nardian of Anubis85. Overall the frey is quite demanding and for sure not the easiest :).

I will not bring all statistics like before, just one to show how strong IG4 guild is :) :



Last but not least :). Unfortunately, it's not the main Summoner's Tribe guild, not yet :). In my opinion ST is the strongest guild now, the only guild in Tier 5 for now. I play one of my alt accounts just in Adepts. Recently we got some problems getting good score in brawls, but I hope the situation was fixed already. We got new members and try to compete for the highest position in tier 2 brawls.

Guilds overall

Here I play quite easy fray Regular Foil Bronze Chaos Set only. I always try to do my best and with additional collection of gladiator cards it's not so hard. :)



I have promised you some battles, but the post is already quite long. Let's check one battle to illustrate how strong and important gladiator cards could be.


In first glance I thought it will be an easy fight, I have higher level cards, good counter with Thadius vs Obsidian. Additional protection with armor for all my monsters with new soulbound reward card - Ravenhood warden.
Guess what happened, how much attack power could Katrelba Gobson get ?


She could be really the monster, 7 melee double strike attack :). It was no heal rulest, that's why I didn't want to get another great card Quora , you can read how OP is she here.


Guys, most important, don't sleep on gladiator cards. If you are not in the guild or do not participate in brawls now it's a good time to start. You can earn merits to buy gladius packs, SPS, and most important to have a lot of fun.

The main purpose of today's article is @nevermeltice aka Bo0mburst's tool presentation. The website is really great, clear, and easy to navigate. You can check all important data related to guilds: building statistics, all very detailed brawls statistics and more. It is even more useful because on the main game site, you cannot get any information for previous brawls. The developer is very active, so you can find some new features from time to time. Definitely worth trying.


If you like this kind of content check my Monday and Wednesday stream. If I only have the chance I try to open gladius packs, chaos legion packs, season chest and anything which I currently have :)
On Wednesday's stream we got a prediction game, Monday is more chill with some tournaments and brawls battles.

If you have any comments, please do not hesitate. Do you think I could improve anything just tell me :)


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All images used in this article are open source.
Thumbnails borrowed with permission from the Splinterlands team or made in Cooltext


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