Strategy Corner #18 - Explosive Weaponry Ruleset - Oh, no, Earth Splinter again ?


Hello Splinterlanders :)

For sure you must be wondering why the green color again on the main graphic, isn't supposed to be a blast ruleset graphic with fire, destruction, and annihilation. :) I hope some of you already know why I choose green Splinter for today's post, more explanation you can find in the battle section.

After last week's rather boring ruleset, we finally got something exciting :). There are of course some different strategies that can be used to effectively take advantage of additional damage from the blast ruleset. But I concentrate rather on some defense aspects, let's first jump to the description of the ruleset.

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All units gain the Blast ability.

Additional damage is equivalent to main damage divided by 2, rounded up.

Include a unit with Reflection Shield in your lineup to absorb blast damage and protect your back line.

Firstly, the description of the ruleset in the game is not perfect, sometimes you got just general information which not giving you all information you need. Best way to read the full description as above from the game documentation at least once. You can check all here.

I seriously encourage you guys to check this site, here is the precise link about blast damage, even more advanced players could find something interesting there.
And finally, we have @iamgem005 article back, after the short holiday break, you can always find there a lot of useful information.

Explosive Weaponry is for sure one of the more interesting ruleset available in the game. Everyone knows how dangerous Yodin is (was ? :) ), I think the dev team got a similar impression. That's why we got some defense mechanism to balance that summoner - Reflection Speed. And of course, this works perfectly for today's ruleset as well. Most players usually try to get advance in the battle with a speed advantage - Conqueror Jacek is a perfect example. Guarantee a great speed buff and additionally, some way to totally ignore some of the defense builds. For today's battle, I try to present one of those defense build. So let's jump to the battle.

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Yes I know, boring, Immortalis the king again, but what can I do? it's so a powerful summoner, and this battle is a perfect example of how can you use Martyr in a blast environment. In the summary section I will try to get some more information about another defense build, but here let's concentrate on martyr cards.


Silver league, it's my usual level of play, we have a tournament match, opponent brought quite an interesting setup with a mix of damage, and some reflection shield protection. I tried my quite typical setup with the taunt monster, Queen and Grund in the first line. The modification was martyr units, as a shield to blast damage. Let's see if it will be enough to survive that battle.


Round 2, a lot of things happened in Round 1, we lost our first martyr card, but we won't cry for it. We manage to kill the last unit from our sneak damage, but it was resurrected. Fortunately, Immortalis is the king, and with void ability and Forcefield, our Mycelic Slipspwan is a very hard unit to deal off.


Round 2.5, with blast damage for every unit, everything was happening so fast. So let's stop in the middle of the round. We manage to kill the opponent tank, and now we have the opportunity to deal more damage with the blast.


Round 3, as you can see after we deal with a reflection shield unit and with additional damage from Martyr buff we just annihilate most of the opponent units in half of the round.


Still Round 3, a few attacks later - it's over, we have lost only two of our martyr units, with so great defense: Immortalis void ability, additional armor from Queen Mycelia, and buff from martyr.

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Yep, everyone knows Immortalis is the king, but I think was more important here - Martyr Cards. I think we have now full martyr cards meta, as you can see in our Strategy Corner article, there are so many ways to effectively use those cards for so many different rulesets. And one interesting fact, my team here is so slow, usually players rely on high-speed monsters to destroy the opponent's team before they can even return fire. For this fight defense was everything. Let's see our choices:


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IMMORTALIS, for this week, this is definitely the first card we want to mention, and it's not the first time we did it. As many of you know it's my favorite summoner recently, and even if you know that opponent can play it, there aren't so many ways to deal with it. Void ability and shatter seem so innocent, but they usually make a big difference.

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MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN I think it's my favorite Taunt monster (Iziar is close, depending on the day :) ), for sure I use it the most often. Forcefield is so great ability, which usually can block those strong heavy melee/range damage dealers. Even without Immortalis Splispawn is solid, but gaining void ability makes him a monster. For the blast damage ruleset we try to control the opponent's damage, without a good taunt unit it's very difficult.

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FUNGUS FLINGER, and VENARI MARKSRAT our today's silent heroes, even when you make a mistake like me and level up those cards, there are still so powerful. They work perfectly for the Explosive Weaponry ruleset, giving some damage protection to nearby units, and eventually granting them a great buff of all stats. I so far didn't find a good way to deal with that cards, even watching my opponent's strategy, they are usually just not prepared, but even if they are they still cannot deal with them effectively.

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Explosive Weaponry is definitely the ruleset that you just cannot ignore. One of the very effective strategies and even it was mentioned in @iamgem005 article is speed, you want to be just faster than your opponents and try to minimize the returned damage. I hope my presented full-defense approach gives you more options for your battles. Another good strategy is quite similar, but instead of martyr cards, you try to minimize all damage from blast units using a monster with a reflection shield ability. It's hard to tell which of those two strategies could be more effective, I think still depend on other circumstances like other rules and mana count.

Of course, as I mentioned above Conqueror Jacek is a great counter for all those heavy defense strategies, granting scattershot ability for all monsters could just destroy all of your well-planned defense line-ups, but still, there is a lot of luck involved. :) I usually try this strategy going really full offence, don't even bothering with any reflection shield units :).


I hope you like this kind of battle and strategy presentation. More strategy analysis, discussion, and prediction games you can find on my Wednesday stream. You can check the schedule here

If you have any comments, please do not hesitate. Do you think I could improve anything just tell me :)


If you wish to try out Splinterlands you can use my reference link.

Thumbnails and other pictures borrowed with permission from the Splinterlands team or made in Cooltext


We continue our game from the previous week, today new battle, new card to win :).

I come to some idea, I hope you will like them and participate. Every week I will publish one battle, and your goal is to point out the first victim of the battle and who will be the winner. This game is exactly the same as my prediction game which I run on my Wednesday stream. I know that not everyone can attend the stream, so I hope you will still have fun that way. More about the rules can be read here.

Among all participants who get the correct answer, I will randomly (probably on my Wednesday stream) choose one winner.

The prize of the blog prediction game for the lucky winner will be the epic card:


Here we got the battle with some of the blast damage aspects:


Game instruction:
Try to point out which monster will die first on the battlefield and who wins the battle

  • t - top player
  • b - bottom player
  • number - order counting from the first position

t2b = monster on the second position of top player die first, the bottom player wins
b6t = monster on the sixth position of bottom player die first, the top player wins
t3t = monster on the third position of top player die first, the top player wins



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