Brawl Summary #04 - Brawls need innovative changes

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Hey Splinterlanders :)

It's been a while since the last brawl summary, so I think it is high time to get some updates. In the last post about brawl and the last Strategy Corner article, you could read about some concerns I have about the direction of the game development. Some of the players resign completely from the game, some of them playing just brawls. Unfortunately, the YGG Gap Season is ended, and there are not many incentives to try harder in brawls. People are just bored. It's the same situation as for tournaments, we need some changes, some innovations. I hope the dev team finally can see this and will react accordingly :)

I still try to play brawls on the highest level, but usually, I don't rent as many cards as before to have a better chance with stronger opponents.

Of course for all data stats I will use a very useful and simple tool . You can check the full summary and more details here.

Today we will again concentrate on one guild YGG Legacy - Gold Bronze Wild Frey and in the summary we check our result for YGG Gap Season 3



For this current brawl, we really nailed it :). Maybe the opponents weren't so strong, or haven't paid enough attention. Overall as you can see below stats for almost all players was really good.


My score was not bad as well. As I mentioned before I play more difficult frey with Gold Foil-only cards. Sometimes it's not so easy to fight versus several million collection opponents. This time I have lost only once, we will see that fight in the Battles section.


As I mentioned above we got really nice score, 4 of our guildmates hit 100% winrate, and another four got only 1 loss. Overall really nice performacne.


GAP season was ended, so right now overall performance is not so important. Previously everyone try to hit this 60% threshold to get better rewards. Now I present the last 10 brawls, still, I cannot get our brawl winrate leader @davethegreat :) master of bronze league :D




As always time for some battle presentations. I hope someone could get some tips on how you can beat even stronger opponents, and which cards could be a key for lower league gold foil battles.


The first battle, all our today's battles will be around MYLOR CROWLING , and we would see how important it to have him as an option in lower leagues battles. Mylor with Thorn Damage is so strong and can easily dominate whole battles. Here opponents make quite a big mistake with almost only melee units. This strategy is very easily countable, even without Mylor. You can use any monster with Thorn Damage in the last positions, plus some protection or triage. Because of so high mana battles, I risked playing Grund, usually not so great choice.



Second battle, for this battle unfortunately Mylor was a big miss. I risked using him, counting that my opponent will see the melee mayhem and get to my trap. Unfortunately, he used a totally different strategy, and with so many heal abilities I had no chance to break through his tank. A good lesson for later.



The last battle is a good example, of how even using melee monster we can win versus Mylor. I think the water team has the best rare/common cards and when I see Rise of the Common ruleset, Kelya team is the first thing I got in my mind. Double opportunity team with bloodlust buff is great, additional armor as we could see there was enough to survive all those thorn damage, and additional repair ability from the new soulbound card: Swamp Spitter was a nice bonus.




Some summary time, as you could see we still have some interesting battles during brawls, but as I mention in the prolog section I think more and more people paying less attention to it.

For today's battles, I try to present to you how important Mylor Crowling is in a lower league, but still, there is a chance to beat him. I got lucky, that one of my guildmates could delegate this card to me, but if you play lower league brawls or tournaments I think that card is worth renting.

As you see below, there are some of my YGG badges that I earned for 3rd season. Unfortunately, I failed to get the higher e-sport level badge, but for brawls, I managed to achieve a threshold of 60% winrate and get the higher reward.


I really don't want to complain more, but I hope we could see some innovation, which brings more interest for guild battles among all players.


I hope you like this kind of summary and battle presentation. More strategy analysis, discussion, and prediction games you can find on my Wednesday stream. You can check the schedule here

If you have any comments, please do not hesitate. Do you think I could improve anything just tell me :)


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Thumbnails and other pictures borrowed with permission from the Splinterlands team or made in Cooltext


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