Splinterlands EARTH DECK Guide! $50, $100, & $250 Bronze Silver & Gold Builds!

Let's Build A Splinterlands Earth Deck for Modern League!

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Obsidian is not my favorite Chaos Legion summoner of the bunch. However in Splinterlands it is always good to diversify your decks as every rule set change and mana number can make any deck viable. While I don't love my Obsidian deck as much as Kelya or Thaddius, it is still a very viable option. Many people especially love Obsidian for bronze and silver play as there are less counters to magic than at gold and above.

With these builds you should be able to find success in bronze or silver. If you spend the $250 you should be even able to succeed in gold 3 with a lvl 4 Obsidian. Note you can also use these builds for rental decks if you can't afford to purchase them. For these three builds you can watch the video for some of my explanations or follow along in this blog. You can also look through the Google Sheet at https://bit.ly/3MCK0jT.

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Here are the list cards you will need to get for the $50 Deck (current market prices of course may vary).

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Strategy Tips to Implement

  1. Tanks - Your main tanks will be Unicorn Mustang and Mycelic Infantry. Use Unicorn Mustang when you think the opponent will go mostly magic damage or slow speed attackers. Use Mycelic Infantry when you are expecting heavy melee and range damage from your opponent. Grund and Pelacor Mercenary are situational tanks. Use Grund if you think you can keep him alive long enough with heals to do his massive damage as he dies quickly if focused. Pelacor Mercenary is great for earthquake battles or if melee monsters can attack from anywhere. At level 3 he gets the important 3 melee damage instead of 2. Use Mycelic Slipspawn as a backline tank with taunt. This works especially well if you can add the neutral Spirit Hoarder to your team for a backline heal via triage.

  2. Damage Dealers - Obsidian giving +1 magic to all monsters means that most of your damage will come from magic attackers. Regal Peryton and Goblin Psychic will be your most used. Regal Peryton is great at dealing damage and avoiding attacks. Place them in the back to block sneak, 2nd to block snipe, or even in low mana matches place in front as a tank that will dodge attacks. Goblin Psychic will be used almost every match from mid to high mana as it does a good amount of magic damage plus heals your tank. On higher mana matches make sure to use your Mitica Headhunter for 8 mana as it does massive 4 range damage at level 1. Hunter Jarx from time to time can also be a good option if you want to take out their backline with snipe. Other attackers can be good in certain rulesets like Goblin Tower and Venari Seedsmith in reverse speed. Or pair Goblin Thief with Uraeus from the neutral deck for a surprise sneak attack from your earth deck.

  3. Supports - Goblin Psychic will be your main support as it's the only affordable healer for the modern league. Although until the modern league comes out you can rent Wood Nymph for powerful double heal combos, and Mushroom Seer to silence the enemies magic damage. You can also vie Hill Giant and Mycelic Morphoid as supports. I often use the Morphoid in my backline to do thorn damage to their sneak attackers. You can also use Hill Giant as a tank in low mana matches, or as a support to block sneak attackers with 7 HP for only 3 mana.

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Here are the list cards you will need to get for the $100 Deck (current market prices of course may vary).

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What's Different Than Before?

A lot of the cards between are $50 and $100 are the same because we are now spending $55 on a Lvl 3 Obsidian vs $19 on a Lvl 2 Obsidian. However there are a few upgrades in here to talk about.

  1. Venari Knifer at lvl 3 becomes more useful as a tank or sneak attack block with 3 melee damage and 5 speed.
  2. Venari Scout gives a chance to use a monster with opportunity now that it has 2 melee damage. Before it was at lvl 1 and it only gives 1 melee damage so it doesn't kill off many backline members.
  3. Goblin Psychic at lvl 4 now has affliction to stop the enemy team from healing their tank. This is very important as many teams have healing on the tank in silver.
  4. Lvl 3 Regal Peryton becomes even more of a must use card with 2 magic damage (+1 from Obsidian making it 3).
  5. Djinn Biljka is added to this deck to add more magic damage to our team with only 3 mana. It also has camouflage so it cannot be targeted until it gets into the frontline.

With this new deck you will have a massive advantage over players in silver 3 and 2 who still only have level 1 cards. At this point you should be able to defeat opponents and hit a rating of silver 1 with enough practice.

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Here are the list cards you will need to get for the $250 Deck (current market prices of course may vary).

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Key Points

Spending $250 on your deck may seem like a lot to some, but if you can work your way up to it over time, you will do well in Gold play with this deck. Here are some important things to note as you play with this deck.

  1. Your range attack becomes a much more viable option, even though your summoner doesn't boost your range stats. Hunter Jarx, Child of the Forest, Beatrix Ironhand, and Venari Seedsmith all gain extra range damage attack being leveled up to these points. Add the already potent Mitica Headhunter and you can surprise your opponent with a massive amount of range damage to their tank when they are expecting you to use Obsidian for magic damage. Bye bye to their tank that only had void!
  2. Backline attacking options become more potent. With the $50 and $100 decks our best option is try to use our magic damage to blow up the enemy tank before our backline dies. Now with this lvl 4 deck, we can pair up things like Iza the Fanged, Uraeus and Goblin Thief for a stronger sneak attack. Or pair up Hunter Jarx, Child of the Forest, and Acid Shooter for a snipe/scattershot backline attack.
  3. More Legendary power! Djinn Biljka and Iza the Fanged gain extra attack damage when leveled up. You also now can afford one of the most expensive legendaries from Chaos Legion, Queen Mycelia. Queen Mycelia is a strong legendary that armors up your entire team while dealing magic damage to their frontline. This will keep your vulnerable backline alive much longer.

P.S. Add A Few Neutrals If You Can Afford Them

Some of the more important neutrals to level up for these Obsidian decks if you have the extra funds to do so.

  1. Magi of Chaos Level 3 will add more magic damage to your team.
  2. At least a lvl 1 Spirit Hoarder for magic damage plus the triage backline heal.
  3. Level 5 Supply Runner for your $250 deck will make your whole team faster. This is important as the green monsters can be a bit slow.
  4. The standard neutrals that are good to have for any deck (Lvl 2 Chaos Agent, Lvl 2 Xenith Monk, Lvl 2 Uraeus, Lvl 3 Gargoya Devil).

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I hope this was helpful in considering out building your Earth Deck for the Modern League in Splinterlands! Let me know in the comments below what you think about these builds and what you would change, add or remove!

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