Bye Bye New Pelacor Bandit, Conjurer, Deceiver & Mercenary! + Gargoya Lion - Venari Heatsmith


In less than 5 hours the next Splinterlands Season will be over and with it a lot of Reward Chests will be opened, where again only a few more new cards will be in there. The current print rate of the cards is almost 100% for the whole Pelacor family plus 2 more cards.

This means that the card prices of the cards that are no longer printed should increase well in the coming weeks. Once again, here are the current prices of the cards so that in a few weeks we can see where the prices of the Reward cards have moved:

16-January 2023 10 AM

Pelacor Bandit

Low_BCX: Normal $0.019 | Gold: $0.722
Price to Max: Normal $7.6 | Gold: $27.436

Pelacor Conjurer

Low_BCX: Normal $0.035 | Gold: $0.713
Price to Max: Normal $14 | Gold: $27.094

Gargoya Lion

Low_BCX: Normal $0.007 | Gold: $0.169
Price to Max: Normal $2.8 | Gold: $6.422

Pelacor Deceiver

Low_BCX: Normal $0.007 | Gold: $0.251
Price to Max: Normal $2.8 | Gold: $9.538

Venari Heatsmith

Low_BCX: Normal $0.009 | Gold: $0.193
Price to Max: Normal $3.6 | Gold: $7.334

Pelacor Mercenary

Low_BCX: Normal $0.017 | Gold: $0.625
Price to Max: Normal $6.8 | Gold: $23.750

Have you already secured your Gold Foil version of the Pelacor? For my part, I now have every Pelacor and the Gargoya Lion on MAX level Gold Foil version fetched, because the cards are played again and again gladly, if the ruleset fits and you get a good extra bonus of RP and SPS.

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