RULESET: Equalizer

All unit start with the same health, based on the highest health on either team.

Buffs and debuffs are done afterward - this impacts base health.

Ruleset and lineup

The ruleset of the battle is as follows:

Equalizer - All unit start with the same health, based on the highest health on either team.
Ferocity - All Monsters have the Fury ability.
Keep your distance - Monsters with Melee attack may not be used in battles.
Mana Cap of 39.
Available Splinters- Fire, Water, Life, Death and Dragon

My Team:

Summoner: Quix the Devious (-1 to Speed, -1 to Ranged attacks)

1. Pelacor Conjurer - No Damage Dealer with the Flying, Magic reflect, Divine Shield and Phase abilities
2. Rage - Magic Damage Dealer with the Flying, Void, Weapons Training, Life Leech and Affliction abilities
3. Chaos Agent - No Damage Dealer with the Dodge, Phase and Backfire abilities
3. Dax Paragon - Magic Damage Dealer with the Amplify and Affliction abilities
3. Venari Crystalsmith - Ranged Damage Dealer with the Tank-Heal and Dispel abilities
3. Prismologist - Ranged Damage Dealer with the Blast, Force Field and Silence abilities


The mana is decently high and with Melee attackers out of the picture I decided to go for mainly magic damage while debuffing both magic and ranged damage a bit.

Position 1 - Pelacor Conjurer:

Great low mana high speed tank with Magic reflect and a high dodge chance. Combined with a Weapons Training card like Rage it is a well spent 2 mana.

Position 2 - Rage:

The keyplayer of this match. 3 + 5 + 3 Magic damage because of the Weapons Training ability a very nice tank against magic attacks because of the Void ability and the chance to prevent healing on the target.

Position 3 - Chaos Agent:

The Chaos Agent was already decently powerful for a 1 mana card, even before Weapons Training was introduced into the game. Now it is almost too good in certain matches - like this one. 1 Mana for a card with 3 magic damage, 11 HP and 3 abilities is madness.

Position 4 - Dax Paragon:

Used mostly for the Amplify-ability, to make the Pelacor Conjurers Magic reflect hurt even more.

Position 5 - Venari Crystalsmith:

A little tank-heal can never hurt. Especially when you have 2 great tanks in your line-up. Rage with the lifeleech has the ability to gain more and more HP every round, making the heals more and more effective.

Position 6 - Prismologist:

High damage and the Blast ability but pretty slow and likely to miss. But the main reason to use this card was the Silence ability anyways.

Round 1:

Overall it seems like I have the more powerful team, Ilthains Return Fire ability doesn't seem so bad with the massive amount of HP my ranged attackers gained because of the Equalizer Ruleset. I don't like that half of my team misses this round while the opponent only misses once though.

Round 2:

Early in this round my Pelacor Conjurer bites the dust and Rage is already forced to the front. The reduced magic damage combined with its Void ability gives the opponent a really hard time though.

Round 3:

My team finally gets rid of the opponents revived Pelacor Conjurer while Rage managed to stay in the 2 digits thanks to the Life Leech and Tank-Heal combination.

Round 4:

The Runemancer bites the dust and Rage actually gains more HP than he loses in this round. Seems like this match is settled already, even though there is still 4 opponents alive.

Round 5:

Without an affliction ability to worry about in the opponents team, Rage just doesn't care about the little attacks and gains more and more HP every round now.

Round 6:

Already past the 20 HP mark, the only reason I don't skip this match is to see how high Rage's HP will be in the end 😀

Round 7:

The answer is 26 HP!


Even though the start had me worried for a while, Rage in combination with Venari Crystalsmiths heals were too much for my opponent. Even though the costs of 16 mana for Rage seems massive, the 2 Monsters that gained 3 magic damage each through Weapons Training were just 3 mana and 11 Magic damage for 19 mana doesn't seem like a bad deal at all.

The full battle can also be watched here

Thanks for reading and happy battling!


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