RULESET: Counterspell

All units receive the magic reflect ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with magic receive damage back.

Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
Magic units with the reflection shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks.
The amplify ability increases damage.

Ruleset and lineup

The ruleset of the battle is as follows:
Target Practice - All Ranged and Magic attack Monsters have the Snipe ability.
Close Range - Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
Counterspell - All Monsters have the Magic Reflect ability.
Mana Cap of 13.
Available Splinters- Water, Life, Death and Dragon

My Team:

Summoner: Lux Vega (+1 to Speed, +1 to Armor, +1 to Health)

1. Baakjira - No Damage Dealer with the void, slow, strengthen and heal abilities
2. Torrent Fiend - Melee Damage Dealer with the headwinds ability
3. Igor Darkspear - Ranged Damage Dealer with the stun ability


Because of the really low mana, I decided to try to go for a fatigue win. Baakjiras heals itself for a massive 6 HP every round and with a mana cap of 13 it is quite difficult to dish out that amount of damage.

Position 1 - Baakjira:

Tank with the highest amount of HP in the Chaos deck, and especially great against magic attacks with the Void ability.

Position 2 - Torrent Fiend:

Great headwinds debuff, any damage less on my team increases Baakjira chance of survival in the long run.

Position 3 - Igor Darkspear:

The only real damage dealer in my line-up. In case of a Baakjira in the opponents team there is a small chance the stun ability can make the difference in the match.

Round 1:

Seems like my opponent had a similar strategy, with only one real damage dealer in the team. But I think I chose the better team to survive this battle of survival.

Round 2:

Baakjira heals all damage the Vulguine deals and the Grimbardun Smith just repairs his armor everytime it gets hit by Igor Darkspear. So this game is stuck until the later fatigue rounds.

Round 3:

Fast forward to round 22. The first monster - the soul fiend falls to fatigue. The enraged Vulguine combined with the ongoing fatigue actually do a little bit more damage than my Baakjira can heal

Final Round:

After the Vulguine dies in Round 23 my opponent is left without a damage dealer but lacks the survivability to survive the fifth fatigue round while the Baakjira still managed to heal itself up to full HP.


It was a pretty simple strategy and it worked out great. Here a tip for anyone that didn't know: If you click the play and pause button in quick succession, you can pretty much fast forward to the later rounds and don't have to wait for 20 rounds with nothing really happening.

The full battle can also be watched here

Thanks for reading and happy battling!


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