Tier 3 - Brawl Review - Flesh Golem wins MAN OF THE MATCH. Review of FRAY 8 Battles.

Tier 3 - Brawl Review - Flesh Golem wins MAN OF THE MATCH. Review of FRAY 8 Battles..png

You know what everyone loves? A good old fashioned brawl! And in the case of Splinterlands, I've been in Tier 3 for 2 brawls now, and I'm looking forward to continuing my learning about what works and in which fray I should play. Last week I played in Silver Wild and went 3-5. Let's be honest, not my finest hour - but then last brawl I ended up in Gold Wild and went 6-2 - it was a good result, and the second best outcome in my guild. To that end, this post is all about documenting that success so I can start to figure out what rentals are essential and the game that I should be playing. Join me and let's dive into the brawl together:

Match One: This was a particularly good win and it made me quite lucky to start off the brawl with such a good outcome. In this brawl, my FLESH GOLEM kept healing, and my KRON kept throwing powerful +4 magic bolts to knock out the team. Neither of these cards died, but they certainly made quick work of the opposition. My opponent did make a mistake though - he put a SNEAK melee URAEUS in the last position in a ruleset which didn't allow sneak! A little bit of funny in that, but I don't think it would have made any difference.


Match Two: this one become my second win, and it was a rather enjoyable one. I don't often use YODIN, but I felt I was divine in this ruleset. You see, I used the SUPPLY RUNNER and the COUNTESS to give me +2 speed boost and from that point, it was all over as my bolts quickly took out their targets and blasted through the line-up. The GRUMM didn't even get a chance to try and hit me, that's how fast I dropped him. A good, if not conventional, win.


Match Three: I liked this one, any time I get to use Valnamor I'm happy! This match then was all about power. I smashed my way through my opponent with a strong magic assault - yes, he had the REFLECT SHIELDS in place on his tank and off-tank, but given the sheer overpower of my own magic bolts, I discarded him extremely quickly - and while I was doing so, my DJINN OSHANNUS was out the front dodging my opponent's attacks. By the end of this battle, I hadn't lost a single card - let's call it a super win, largely driven by The Ruler of the Seas - whose MAGIC SILENCE skill neutralised his ALRIC +1 attack. If I could give this opponent some advice? If you're playing that much MAGIC REFLECT, play an AMPLIFY attacker! DOI!


Match Four: this one was a bit of fun and was a pretty dominant win in the end. Two cards led me to this win (and it ain't Quora or Kron). My Goblin Physic played the MAGIC SILENCE skill which dropped my opponent's magic bolts to +1 instead of +2 - then, as my FLESH GOLEM has the MAGIC VOID, those bolts didn't actually hurt him at all! This meant that I was able to motor through his team, although LIRA's opportunity did smack down my MUSHROOM SEER - A single casualty on my way to a solid win.


Match Five: this one brought my winning steak to an abrupt stop as I found myself absolutely blasted off the field. My opponent played a Coerl Lurker out front, and the BLAST SHIELD in the off-tank position. He then combined this with LIRA's and SUPPLY RUNNER giving +2 speed - and all this meant only one thing: My opponent got in all the early hits and started to destroy my team, while I couldn't land a hit on my opponent. In the end, I was knocked out of this game with barely landing a single hit. Embarrassing, but also a good lesson in how to use the LURKER. I am wondering how I could use him with QUIX... Will experiment and let you know.


Match Six: Looking at this line-up, playing my favoured Valnamor, I thought I was sitting pretty - and I really was. I took out his tank in the first few hits of the battle - the Ruler of The Seas blasted through the Gladiator in the off-tank position, and this battle was well set up. And then... dumb luck. My opponent's URAEUS landed a POISON hit on EVERY hit. But then, we were down to the final face-off, Djinn Oshannus vs Uraeus. Here was the Scenario: the only way for my opponent to win was to hit my DJINN twice in a row, and make sure a poison hit on the first hit. And of course, that's exactly what happened. A really disappointing loss that would have gone my way 9 times out of 10. It took me to 4-2 in this brawl.


Match Seven: And then the bounce-back. In this next match I feel I played a dominant team - and my opponent really didn't have a lot of health to help him out - whereas I had a couple of HEALERS with my KITTY, ICE CUBE and GOBLIN PYSHIC and KRON. Basically - this poison attack was not going to be hurting me. Meanwhile, the LORD ARANTHUS out front did a solid job of using thorn attack and magic reflect to really smack through my opponent's line-up, and in the end, the POISON ripped through his cards and I still had 4 of my 6 cards looking solidly alive at the end. A good win.


Match Eight: And then another standard VALNAMOR match to finish the brawl off. Look, the truth is that if I go into a match with +20 magic, it'll be a tough ask for my opponent to beat me - sure, his TAUNT Archer slowed me down with the magic void, but in the end, I powered through this line-up and made it look very easy. A great win to end the brawl and to take me to 6-2.


This week I learned a lot in the brawl, and a lot of that learning was about cards I'm using a lot and combinations that just seem to work. But my man of the match this week goes to FLESH GOLEM who I put to use twice for two very good wins. I played Fray 8 in this Tier 3 brawl, and I ended up winning it as the next best player from another guild only went 5-3. To that end, I was pretty stoked with this outcome and can't wait to next brawl (although, I am playing in a Bronze fray, which I don't necessarily want to do. Wish me luck!)

Putting a spotlight on the card, you can see it's a great investment as he only costs 14 DEC per day to hire. Now, since we're getting SPS drops in the brawl, this guy makes more and more sense! It seems to me that this was an investment that gave me an awful lot of bang for my buck.

Which card earned your man of the match?

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