Synergy Strategy: DELWYN DRAGONSCALE and CHAOS DRAGON. Check out this MAGIC!

Synergy Strategy DELWYN DRAGONSCALE and CHAOS DRAGON. Check out this MAGIC!.png

Delwyn and Chaos Dragon - Now there's a synergy!
In my posts over the last couple of months, I've taken great delight in writing about the synergies I'm discovering in this game. And, over the past week, I've been exploring another one which I've come to really see a lot of potential and it's for that reason that I'd love to share the synergy and ask what potential you see with this fabulous duo. Of course, I'm talking about DELWYN DRAGONSCALE and CHAOS DRAGON.

First up, let's take a look at the SUMMONER - which is the starting point for any battle. On the surface, this DELWYN DRAGONSCALE is incredibly versatile because he has +1 Magic for the entire team. This is a significant skill - in EARTH, of course there's OBSIDIAN with it, and in WATER you'll find ALRIC - but he does give potential to MAGIC dudes in FIRE / LIFE and DEATH. For that reason, he's worth looking at.

You'll notice, mine is the Level 4 GOLD FOIL edition, which is only actually 1 BCX. The card costs around $94 so it's not cheap to purchase, so instead, I find that this is a card I cant RENT incredibly cheaply - at around 6 DEC per day! That is a very cheap price to pay for a GOLD FOIL summoner, and the return you will get on it in battles will well and truly cover the cost of the rental!

At Level 4, this card only gives me access to COMMON monsters at Level 4, down to Level 2 Legendary summoners. Ideally then, I would want this card at Level 6, but the rental price jumps up to around 100 DEC per day. From a ROI point of view, the #leofinance guru in me says this one is worth the return at Level 4, thank you very much!


And then, there's DELWYN's perfect partner, the mighty CHAOS DRAGON. The synergy is of course, quite obvious. DELWYN increases magic attack, CHAOS DRAGON has magic attack. It's a no brainer! But the card itself is brilliant! And, at 14 mana to enter the battlefield, you have to expect it to be brilliant too, right?

With DELWYN, this card pops to +4 MAGIC attack, but it's real draw card is it's BLAST ability. The card's SCATTERSHOT skill will often mean it's hitting the backrow, where it will do 4 damage, and then 2 damage on either side - meaning it will be making up to 8 damage per round. Let's face it, that's huge! And the best part is, that's often enough to start knocking out the pesky back-row supports, giving you team a chance to attack a more vulnerable tank!

His speed, at +3 is quick enough to hit early in a battle, and his health at +10 and armour at +4 make this card a very, very difficult beast to try and tame. While DELWYN is quite expensive, as a consequence of being part of a PROMO edition set, CHAOS DRAGON is part of the CHAOS LEGION and this has put a lid on his price point. Currently, you can buy the GOLD FOIL for around $60 - and this is a price which has held now for the past few weeks that I've been watching it. This week, I picked mine up for $59, which I thought was an OK investment. The current rental of the Level 2 GOLD FOIL is 25 DEC per day, so in truth, I'd have been better renting it long time, but I think this is one o those mighty cards that will appreciate in value over time. Afterall, who wouldn't want to keep this little guy?


With the SYNERGY in mind, I was feeling quite confident in my recent brawl and decided that this pairing needed to be brought to life! I play in the GOLD FOIL FRAY, in TIER 2. It's #15. And this week, I had this ruleset pop - and thought, it's time to give it a whirl. I went big, and put in DELWYN and CHAOS dragon, which used up 19 of my mana. I then decided to put the 10 mana GRUMM on the front defense, and to support him with a SCAVO which would cleanse him of his POISON. The goal was simple, use big health cards and seek to stay alive before the NOXIOUS FUMES took me down! And with the CHAOS DRAGON firing MAGIC and BLAST all over the field with his SCATTERSHOT, my hope was to hurt some of the back-row that my opponent was hoping to shield. Let's see how the battle went!



When this battle loaded, I was a little bit concerned - particularly coming up against a GOLD GLADIATOR! I could see my opponent's strategy, however - he looked like he wanted to use his TENYII STRIKER and SERPENTINE SPY to get in and do some early damage, while keeping his CHIMNEY WALLSTOP and MOLTON ASH alive with big HEALTH to out-last me for the win. I wasn't sure how this one would turn out, but I was certainly hoping that my MAGIC might hit the TENYII striker in Round 1. Let's check it out!


And then by the end of Round 1, the board had changed dramatically. If I was being honest, I felt a bit concerned at this point, you see, my GRUMM is nearly dead and if the CHIMNEY WALLSTOP gets the kill, that will activate his BLOODLUST. That's not good news for me. On the other hand, this round may well come down to where my SCATTERSHOT strikes. It's feeling balanced at this point, and my advantage will be that my CHAOS DRAGON still has armour, which will absorb my opponent's attacks.


At the end of Round 2 my GRUMM had fallen, but so had my opponent's TENYII striker. At this point in the battle, it was looking like it was going to be a contest of outlasting between the CHAOS DRAGON and the CHIMNEY WALLSTOP. I hate noxious fumes!


And then as Round 4 starts I was feeling confident. My CHAOS DRAGON's 4 magic was enough to drop the 4 health of CHIMNEY WALLSTOP - and I would get the first hit! This would promote his MOLTON ASH to the tank position, where he would be unable to attack and the battle would be over.


Want to watch the battle? Check out the link here:

Or, let's watch the video together:

For a $60 card, you know that it is going to do a pretty solid job - and the CHAOS DRAGON delivered! In truth, the GOLD GRUMM is a $50+ card, and I thought that he underdelivered in this one! I guess from an investment-use point of view - that actually, the CHAOS DRAGON is worth the money - the GRUMM, oh well.

The pairing of CHAOS DRAGON and DELWYN demonstrated that a single card can, however, turn a battle - as ultimately, it was the CHAOS DRAGON doing most of the damage to my opponents in this one. That said, had the battle not involved NOXIOUS FUMES, I don't think this strategy would have worked. What that tells me is that the CHAOS DRAGON really needs to be in a ruleset where there is a lot of available mana in the cap - this will let him truly shine! In this one, his health let him outlast my opponent, and yet, there's something so satisfying about that too!

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