New Best Friends: Crypt Mancer and Disintegrator (And the third wheel, Harklaw)

New Best Friends Crypt Mancer and Disintegrator (And the third wheel, Harklaw).png

Blog's Purpose:
To give you some strategic advice for playing in the DEATH Splinter in SILVER.

Hey Splinterlands friends, I am pretty stoked to share with you my latest strategy for dealing with the daily quest - with a focus on when the quest ends up on DEATH. When I log in and see my daily quest, and it's DEATH, I will always re-spin - figuring, anything else will be better! I love playing in WATER, when it's SNEAK I'm delighted; FIRE or EARTH - Sounds good to me - but DEATH is that one SPLINTER where I just tend to lose a lot.

Now, my strategy I'm going to offer you won't lead to a high win rate, but it will give you a viable way to get those fives little circles filled up, like me. Being mindful that I play in SILVER league, and with a decent rating at around 2600 a few days from the end of the season.

The key: A Legendary Summoner - The CRYPT MANCER.
This card is truly legendary, and at a cost of only 5 mana - it's also not too pricey and gives you lots of options in your line-up. The reason this card is so good is that it robs your opponents of 1 health per card, reduces their speed and reduces all of your opponent's melee attack. Usually I like to play summoners that give my card an advantage, but this guy is a bit different - his focus is on destroying your opponents' offense.


You might be thinking though, 'This guy sounds expensive' - and you'd be right, if you were hoping to buy this little guy he'll set you back $274 for 1 card! If you do buy him MAXED at Level 4, you'll be buying 11 BCX at $224 each.


However, if you picked this little fellow up as a rental - he is very reasonably priced! You can pick up a 1 Star card for under 15 DEC. If you wanted to get him at MAX Level 4, you'd be paying closer to 200 DEC per day, or around 100 for a 3 Star. All in all, this represents good value, given the value he'll give to your line-up.


But of course, while you're in the market for a rental, you may as well rent a couple of cards out in your pursuit of winning matches! I also chose to rent the SOULSTORM - this is a card I don't think I've ever seen before - but I am very glad to have given him some time. You see, he's got incredibly high speed, and his +3 arrow power is mighty! I also like his FLIGHT ability, because it means if I have an EARTHQUAKE battle, this will give me lot of opportunity to win the battle simply by flying over that damage each round. And you want to know the best part? You can pick the SOULSTORM up for only 1.5 DEC - I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING, BARGAIN OF THE CENTURY!


It then led to the question, of what other cards would allow the CRYPT MANCER to shine - and I ended up coming up with an amazing idea.

I thought - why not play the DISINTEGRATOR - I was already dropping my opponent's MELEE attack by 1 by using CRYPT MANCER, so I figured, why not drop it again by enacting DISINTEGRATOR'S DEMORALIZE skill. This skill impacts the entire enemy team, and any melee attackers lose 1 attack. You see, what this means is, if an opponent's card had 3 Melee, I would now have reduced it to 1! This would be the moment for the evil laugh!!


And then the last piece of the puzzle clicked, the Legendary HARKLAW! His SHIELD ability is amazing, because it will half the damage an opponent does to him. It means if they attack with 2, they only do 1 damage, but if they attack with 1 melee, they won't damage him at all. This is where the SYNERGY with DISINTEGRATOR kicked in - by robbing my opponent's ability to quickly kill my tank, I would position myself to use my backline to do some significant damage. Depending on who I was up against, this card would absolutely be the game-winner.


This is a key battle which demonstrated just how powerful this strategy is. You can see that once CRYPT MANCER and DISINTEGRATOR have both stacked, I have reduced my opponent to only having 1 card with more than 1 melee attack. I hate coming up against LORNA SHINE, but in this case, I am feeling incredibly confident.


And did the strategy work? Absolutely!
It was actually nearly comical how this battle progressed, you can see that my opponent was able to rip through half of my backline, and I had my DISINTEGRATOR hanging on for dear life with 1 health - but did you notice, at the end of Round 5 when my opponent's WORM takes the TANK position, that my HARKLAW has not yet lost a single health, or even a single armour. In short, I was able to destroy my opponent in a battle where his line-up looked like it should have done enough to win just about any battle!


Obviously, I played many, many battles with variations of the above strategy. In truth, a lot didn't play the DISINTEGRATOR - As I hate wasting spots that are not offensive. But have a look at another battle. You'll notice my HARKLAW is out front again, and my opponent has a couple of cards in this one with reduced attack. This is one of those battles where everyone gets their health equalized (I love those ones, and I usually play them in WATER, but it was good to take a different approach).


And you can see just how effective this strategy was, while my opponent was eventually able to get rid of my tank, he does it at a point in time where he has no ability to come-back in this match. I would very quickly be looking to knock off his Djinn Oisin - and he wouldn't have any offensive cards left in the battle. This is what you call strategy working to perfection!


And for good measure, one more glimpse into the potential of this strategy to frustrate an opponent:
In this third battle, you can see just how screwed my opponent is - it's a match with EQUALIZER, and with my summoner, and DISINTEGRATOR both stealing MELEE from my opponent, all of his attacks are reduced to 0! With HARKLAW out front, my opponent won't do a single ounce of damage to me, or even come close to touching my SHIELD. I can see where this battle is headed, before I even begin!


And so there you have it, I think I can safely say that I've found a new strategy, and it will mean my win rate in DEATH will move from 10%, to at least 40%! And that ain't too shabby for a SPLINTER I hate.

Thanks for taking the time to join me, see you on the battlefield soon.

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