Dr Blight: Yes, you need to rent him at Level 3 - don't be like me and assume Level 2 is good enough.

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Recently I lost a lot of battles to a Level 3 Dr Blight. It left me feeling really annoyed - afterall, all I wanted was to win - and I had a Level 2 Dr Blight. It seemed unfair, and then I thought: I need to up my budget and stop renting L2 and go for a L3. And guess what happened? I started to win, and let's face it - there's nothing wrong with that!

To give context for my post today, I have been playing in Diamond 2 Modern - so of course a Level 4 Dr Blight would be better, but the budget don't always stretch where you want it to, am I right?

Let's start then by having a look at this little fella:

Right from the start, there is a lot to like about this card - it's NEUTRAL for starters, so it can be used across all the splinters, but it is also only 4 mana, which means it is perfect for Little League rule sets.

I was renting this card at Level 2 - primarily to use it's AFFLICTION and POISON skill; thinking of its +1 attack as neither here nor there - perhaps a penalty for those other skillsets. And I just kept looking at the difference between L2 and L3 and finding it a bit underwhelming; sure you gained an extra +1 magic bolt - but was the Scavenger really worth it? What I found out was that it was absolutely worthwhile! In fact, by going to Level 3 that scavenger was the sole reason I was winning matches I was previously losing.


Over to the rental boards then - you can see the dilemma of Dr Blight pretty clearly - (Ok, you can't, my screen grab doesn't show it) A Level 2 can currently be rented for 14 DEC per day, or you then have to stump up 260 DEC to take it to Level 3. That was the value proposition: is it worth spending an extra 246 DEC to get the extra level? And of course, the answer is absolutely!


Let's check this guy out in action:

And here's a perfect battle to see Dr Blight in action. A Little League battle where slow goes first!
In this battle I play a solid line-up at the rear of my team, with Queen Mycelia and Djinn Bilkja bringing a +6 magic attack to the table, and complimenting Dr Blight's +3 magic. The Archer gives me +1 arows and the Mycelic gives me +2 melee - but the truth is, my first 3 cards are there to slow down my opponent's attacks and be fodder for my Blight's SCAVENGE.

My opponent plays only a 5 card line-up, and it seemed he may have expected a melee attack from the rear, given he has his SPIRIT HORDER in the second position. But in total, he plays exactly the same amount of magic as me, but he plays additional +1 arrows and +1 melee.

From a health point of view, I play 18 health between all my cards, whereas my opponent plays 23. One might assume then, that I'm behind as this battle gets underway. But let's see where it goes!
(On re-count, our Djinn Bilkja's both have weaken, so it will be 12 vs 18)


End of Round 1:
At the end of the first round, I had moved his Mountain Giant - 9 health to knock off took most of my efforts, whereas my opponent more easily discarded two of my cards - and I had a luckily dodge, with the CHAOS AGENT using PHASE to miss a magic attack. This puts me in a good position to start round 2 - but it's worth doing a health check:

My total health: 11 (Started at 12) (Dr Blight made +2 which balanced losses)
My opponent's total health: 10 (Ok, so I'm now up from a health point of view!)


End of Round 2:
Round 2 was really about dumb luck for my opponent, you see - in the reverse ruleset, when it's all the same health, I understand that the lower card level goes first, whereas in a normal ruleset, the higher card level goes first when the speeds are the same. In this battle then, by virtue of my opponent having a maxed deck, and mine not being maxed - my Queen Mycelia took the first hit to knock his Spirit Horder out of the battle, followed by Dr Blight who took his Queen Mycelia - next up my opponent's Bilkja took out my archer, before my Bilkja dropped his. This left us at the end of the round with the Acid Shooter being promoted to the tank position - and, from a health point of view, you can see I now play 17 health to 4.


End of Round 3:
Also the end of the battle, as Dr Blight takes the final hit and moves to 12 health. I think it's fair to say, this was a very big win.


Want to re-live the battle? Check out the link here:

I ended up putting Dr Blight in as many battles as I could yesterday, including my brawl teams! It turns out, at Level 3, this little guy really knows how to pack a punch - and I'm pleased to say that he was worth putting the extra 244 into renting! This battle shows me just how valuable his SCAVENGE is and why he is so important in the little league ruleset, and battles generally.

That said, in putting this post together, it occurs to me I may have made a mistake. I think I should have put my Djinn Bilkja in the final position, the reason is that if my Djinn made it to the TANK position, he'd die in 1 round, and I'd lose his +4 attack, whereas if my Dr Blight became a 'meat-shield' of sorts, with 11 health up front, he could sustain many attacks and ultimately, that might be enough to sway the battle. A good thought that I look forward to putting into action!

Until then, thanks for joining me - I hope you might think about how Dr Blight could enhance your team - and, if you're sick of losing to L3 Dr Blight like I was - go rent him!

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