

In a lot of my posts on all topics Splinterlands, I try and discuss SYNERGIES. It doesn't escape me that by creating these synergies between cards, average cards all of a sudden can become power-houses in your line-ups. One of those underrated gems, who adds an awful lot of value, is the epic LIFE card, DAX PARAGON.

Let's check him out:
As far as cards go, you'll notice this guy is cheap at 2 mana. His stats, in turn, reflect this 'cheapness' as he only does +1 magic attack, is quite slow at only +2 boots, and his +3 health and an absence of armour make him a little bit of a push-over.

However, you don't play this guy for his stats, you play him for his AMPLIFY. This is a crazy good skill which will magnify thorns and magic reflect, making any cards with those skills all the more dangerous! Of course this card becomes even better at Level 5 as his picks up affliction, but I've not quite pushed mine that far yet. This card is great in a low mana LORNA team, but in a higher mana battle, I'd probably take Grandmaster Raithe, who gives this amplify skill.


But, let's say I did want to push my card past Level 2 - what would that investment look like?

Let me tell you, the market is mixed on this card. At his cheapest, you could pick him up for $1.10, but there are only four cards available at that price, then it jumps to $1.22, and then after a couple of cards you're up to $1.50 for a single card. This is all looking a little bit erratic, and may be a consequence of this card being card of the week. For me, I need 28 cards - so potentially, I'd be looking for around $31 at the lower end. HOWEVER - I just went through and selected the cheapest 28 cards and they came to a total of $51.57 - with the most expensive single card being $1.98! It's a no brainer then, I'd be best to buy the Level 6 card for $51 and sell my current L2 for around $4.80 - for a total upgrade cost to a maxed card being net $46- look, it's not a bad way to spend a quid, as this card does have a place in those low mana battles.


Now let's have a look at the dream line-up for DAX PARAGON.
I found a 12 mana battle where I wanted to put him to work - and, I know what you're thinking, how did I fit 5 cards into a 12 mana line-up?

First up, my summoner of choice, LORNA SHINE - she only costs 3 mana and I love that she has the DIVINE SHIELD ability, basically, it's a 'free hit' pass as the first point of damage on a card will do no damage. That will contribute to my longevity in this battle.

In the tank position, I play LORD ARIANTHUS, this is a card I've been really getting into recently, and at 5 mana, he's my big mana card - but, I fully expect him to do big damage also. Not knowing what my opponent will play, I'm hopeful that his THORNS and MAGIC REFLECT, paired with DAX PARAGON's amplify will be enough to really frustrate any opponent I come up against.

I then play the 2 mana PELACOR CONJURER. This again is another card which prioritises defense - like Lord Arianthus, this card has no attack, but I'm gambling that the high health and magic reflect will likely do some reflect damage, and if not, it will be a decent blocker to allow my DAX PARAGON's magic bolts to hurt my oppponent.

Then, I play the 0 mana SOUL FIEND. This is a meat-shield really, he won't have much of a function - at best, he might hope to get 1 damage off, but again, with his DIVINE SHIELD - he'll hopefully give my DAX PARAGON more time, if I need it, to try and damage my opponent's health.

So that's my line-up, let's see how this team goes - keeping in mind, I'm going in with only 1 card able to do +1 damage straight away. Is it going to be a risk that pays off?


First Look:
At first glance in this battle, I cringed. My opponent played the CERBERUS, who has the TANK HEAL ability. This instantly gives me pause, as it means my attempt to knock that card out will be frustrated each round. My hope has to be that the THORN AMPLIFY and the +1 magic bolt will make the impact before he can drop my LORD ARIANTHUS. If the LORD falls before CERBERUS dies, then I lose. It's really as simple as that!


Through Round 1, the strategy did look like it would have some merit, as my opponent's GOBLIN SHAMAN took MAGIC REFLECT damage and the CERBERUS took +3 thorns. In total - that means that the AMPLIFY of DAX PARAGON working with LORD ARIANTHUS has created a synergy of +5 damage. Not bad for a card who can't attack! The CERBERUS dropped to 3 health this round from 7, but he will heal for 2. What I'm seeing, however, is a pathway to victory.


And that pathway is looking more set by the end of Round 2. In Round 2 the MAGIC REFLECT knocked my opponent's GOBLIN out of the match - who had a skill that gave my entire team -1 health. The good news then was that I gained +1 health back on my tank, whilst reducing that pesky CERBERUS to +1 health only. Basically, at this point in the match, it is looking like I'll win the battle of the tanks.


And then this win was cemented in Round 3 as the CERBERUS did the final hits of damage on LORD ARANTHIUS, the thorn damage meant they both fell together. This promoted my opponent's IMP BOWMEN to the tank position, but as the arrows would not do damage from the front, he'll just wait in that slow now for my only damage dealer, DAX PARAGON to take his health and claim a really good victory.


Did you love that battle? Want to see it again? Here's the link and video:

I really love synergies, I started my blog by saying just this and I sought to demonstrate this in a very low mana battle by playing a team who was doing just +1 magic damage, this was in contrast to my opponent who was loading up +7 total damage and playing a TANK HEAL card! What it goes to show is that sometimes Splinterlands is just like David and Goliath - the little underrated card, Dax Paragon (who - if you compare him to my opponent's three cards, he's actually the weakest of the bunch!) can step up and steal an incredible victory!

The next question I guess? When can I afford to start buying more of this particularly awesome card!

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