The Flank Effect - Rebellion Edition Ability

The Rebellion edition cards are sporadically spreading on battlefields, monster armies are being ambushed by rebellion groups, and the powerful forces can't stop rebel attacks, as they are growing in numbers day by day.

The new monsters are well trained, they know how to use their best melee warriors from behind, and they believe in tactical combat rather than frontal confrontation. Their newly invented Flank ability has allowed melee units to charge from behind without being damaged.

In this post, we are about to talk about Flank ability and its utility in battles. So, let's dive into the sea of Splinterlands cards and discuss Flank ability.

How to Use Flank Ability?

Flank Ability Icon

Flank is a new ability given to some Rebellion edition cards, it grants Reach ability to any melee unit that is in 2nd position in battleline.

Flank ability only works when the Flank monster is in first position as a tank, otherwise, it won't have any benefit if the Flank monster is placed anywhere else in the battle lineup.

Reach ability grants power to a melee monster to attack from 2nd position and hit the enemy unit in the first position. Possibilus the Wise was the first summoner to grant Reach ability, but previously there was no monster who could provide Reach ability to another friendly unit. But, now there are some decent cards with Flank ability in the Rebellion edition which can be used to make battle more challenging.


Flank Ability in Battles

Now, we'll look into 2 battles, 1 ranked and 1 brawl, to give you practical knowledge about Flank ability. It works quite impressively when used with a powerful melee unit in a battle. Watch both battles carefully and observe the effects of Flank ability.

Battle 1 is fought between Earth and Dragon units, it is a 99 mana battle, and I have used the best monsters in the battle lineup. Ulundin Overseer is the monster with Flank ability, I have placed him in first position to activate the Reach ability for Grund. Ulundin Overseer is a beefy unit and the best thing is that it can be used with any faction due to his neutral class and being a common card this huge fat hippo can be bought at a cheap price.

You see how Grund is chopping the enemy's frontline from 2nd position with his double strike melee attack. You can try different combinations of summoners and backline monsters to bring more variety to your battles.

Battle 2 shows a similar approach but this time I have used Earth summoner Immortalis with Void and Shatter abilities, Void reduces the magic damage and Shatter removes the armor from enemy units when hit.

Grund with Shatter and Double Strike is pretty dangerous, as his first attack removes the armor and 2nd attack eats the health of the enemy unit. This strategy is best for using monsters with Double Strike against opponents using cards with heavy armor.

There can be numerous strategies to use these amazing monsters with Flank ability and empower melee units.


Advantages of Flank Ability

  • Players can use powerful melee units at 2nd position in any battle.
  • It creates an opportunity to use dual attack monsters such as Drybone Raider or Quora Towershead at 2nd position to make use of their melee attack from behind.
  • It can also work like a protection from direct attacks for being in first position, now melee units can be placed in 2nd place.
  • Flank monsters are best for medium and high mana battles.

Disadvantage of Armored Strike

  • Flank monsters have very low attack damage, most of them are with 1 Attack at level 1.
  • The Flank cards start from 6 mana to 11 mana, which means they cannot be used in Little League ruleset.
  • There is no Flank monster in the Death and Dragon factions.


Card with Flank Ability

Rebellion edition brings 5 cards with Flank ability, there are 2 Epic, 2 Rare, and 1 Common units to play with.

Torch Myrmidon is a rare Fire unit, it requires 8 mana to be placed in a battle slot. Although it is a ranged monster with Close Range ability, it is a good unit for first position against monsters with Thorns or Retaliate abilities. Myrmidon can be stronger if protected with extra armor and adding extra ranged attack using a summoner's buff.

Infernal Firestorm is a good magic unit with 2 magic damage, 5 armor, 3 Speed, and 9 Health points. It is an epic card from Fire Splinter and consumes 10 mana to be placed in a battle slot. The card is good for high mana battles and can bear nice damage before it dies.

Croire is an epic Earth unit with Flank and Weapons Training abilities, although he is quite weak in attack and speed, he has no armor, so it can be hard to make him survive against strong opponents. His only advantage can be his Weapons Training ability, as he can add a melee attack to any monster with no attack such as Failed Summoner, Lurking Puffer, or Ulundin Overseer.

Silverblade Fighter hails from the Life faction, he is a rare unit with impressive armor and health at the cost of 6 mana. Although, his attack is not as good, but he can hold the ground for longer rounds in a battle. He receives Void Armor from level 2 which means magic damage hits his armor first. This unit is considered a low-cost alternative to be used as a Flank tank compared to Ulundin Overseer.

Ulundin Overseer is a neutral behemoth that requires 11 mana for a battle slot. He is a no-attack monster and he is the best at having good health and strong armor. Flank is the only ability he can have throughout each level, but his Health and Armor increase as he gets new levels. This unit can be used with a melee monster with Weapons Training ability to give him a melee attack, Croire, and Kulu Mastermind can be a nice combination with Ulundin.

Hopefully, you have watched the video and learned about Flank ability in this post. Now, it is your time to show us some amazing battles with the Flank ability and share your experience of using this new Rebellion ability.


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