Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! / Kitty is the new Fast and Furious!


This week I brought a battle, where I took advantage of high Speed differences, which means that all of my monsters will try to attack before the enemy monsters, so they do not have to sustain taht much damage in case if my team kills their monsters first.

Hope you will enjoy the battle like I did! 😇


I used the Byzantine Kitty as my Summoner, because she is an Untamed Summoner, which means for 7 mana she is absolutely worth to play. On top of that being a Dragon Summoner she will be able to use all the monsters from the Dragon Splinter. 💪




Are You not EntertainedOne additional Gladiator card may be used.
UnprotectedMonsters do not have any armor and do not get armor from Abilities or Summoner Buffs.
BeefcakesYou can only summon units with 5 or more health.

The mana cap was 60, which is more than enough for my needs. I like to play under a high mana circumstances, because it allows me to use my favorite strategies at all time. 😜

The Are You Not Entertained ruleset is also a good one, because it will be possible to use one Gladiator monster in this battle. The Gladiator cards are quite powerful, because the Bloodlust ability on them will increase their stats everytime they manage to do a killing blow.

The Unprotected ruleset is also not that difficult to ignore, but it is important to keep that in mind not to use monsters with really high Armors and low Health, because this ruleset will confiscate all the Armors from the monsters throughout the battlefield, so there is no point to use Armor heavy monsters.

The Beefcake ruleset is a super new ruleset and it means that I need to choose monsters with 5 or more Health only, which is no problem in a sixty mana battle. 😇


My lineup and the decision behind it!

Byzantine Kitty


I like to use the Byzantine Kitty, because she is a pretty strong Dragon Summoner, because she gives +2 Speed to all of his monsters, which is insane. On top of that at the beginning of every round she is able to Heal the first monster in her team and allow them to sustain even more damage. Her third ability is the True Strike, so all my monsters will be able to hit their target at 100% no matter of their defensive abilities or Speed difference. 🤩


Main Tank
The Kraken

The Kraken cost 12 mana, which is a lot in a normal fight, but luckily it was a no brainer choosing him as my tank. He has a lot of Health and not too much Armor, which is good in the Unprotected ruleset.

He also has the Taunt ability, so all the enemy monsters has to attack him, which is good, because he will protect my backline as long as he is able to stay alive. 🤫


Off Tank

Baakjira cost only 6 mana, but his most important abilities is his high Health and the Void ability, so he is quite protected agains the enemy Magic attacks. Sadly he doesn't have any attack on its own, but I have a plan to ignore his weakness for my next battle. 😊


The Weapon Trainer
Kulu mastermind

The Kulu Mastermind is an expensive monster with amazing Melee attack damage and quite high Health. His speciality is his Opportunity to always attack the lowest Health monster and his Weapon Training ability, which means that he will give his attack to the monsters next to him, but only if they do not have aany attack on their own. 😀


Damage Dealer with some Repair
Swamp Spitter

The Swamp Spitter cost seven mana, but he is a very good monster for several reason, The first is, because he has two Ranged attack, which is nice, but he also has the Repair ability as well, which works as a dead weight, because their will be no Armor on anyone, so this ability is useless in here. 😅


Speedy Deamage Dealer
Phantom of the Abyss

The Phantom of the Abyss is one of my favorite monster from the Water Splinter, because he is super strong. He cost 10 mana, which is a lot, but his 3 Magic damage paired with high Speed and amazing evasive abilites makes him quite invulnerable against the enemy Melee and Ranged attacks. 😋


Ranged Damage Dealer
Axe Master

The Axe Master is also a good choice as a damage dealer, because he has the Double Strike ability, so he will attack twice in every round. He also has high Speed and Kitty gives two more to it, so he will attack at the beginning of every round easily. 👍




Click on the picture for the replay


My opponent brought the Helios Matriarch, who gives +1 Speed and she will be able to use an additional Gladiator monster if my opponent wishes to use one. The Gladiator cards are extremely powerful if positioned correctly, because if they manage to kill their target they will be able to activate their Bloodlust ability, which means that all of their stats will be increased permanently until the battle is over. 😇

In the first round all of my monsters started to attack their Iidri Fyre, because she had the Taunt ability, so she soaked all the attacks from my team until she dies. When she died she used her Redemption ability to deal 1 damage to all of my mosnters as a revenge.

My opponent had quite a lot of damage and they killed my Kraken and they even damaged my Baakjira as well. Luckily the Speed difference will be very important, because my team will attack first in every round.

In the second round Kitty healed a bit on my Baakjira, which was amazing and soon after my team killed their tank. Still in the same round my monsters killed their Weapon Trainer as well. Sadly I have lost my Baakjira, which is a shame, but at least I will start the next turn as well, so hopefully my team will kill their monsters a bit quicker each time.

Krash Wanderford became their new tank, which had quite a lot of speed, but luckily Kitty gave enough Speed to my monsters to be able to hit him, so my team got rid of him in the third round.

By the end of the third round only one monster left in their team, which was easy to kill and to win the battle for me. 🤗


I like to help new players 😉, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up and also write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉

Thank you so much that you took the time to read my Social Media Challenge for this week. 🙏
I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞

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