Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! / How is Kitty cat in a fight?




Today I brought a Dragon team with one of the best Dragon monsters and Summoner in the whole game. Luckily I had enough mana to bring them, because the Dragons are quite pricey, but they always have high chance to win the battles.

I played with Kitty quite a long time ago, but this time she was the perfect choice for me and I hope my opponent is not going to counter her. 😊

My upcoming Battle ruleset(s)


What Doesn't Kill YouAll monsters have the Enrage ability.
Keep Your DistanceMonsters with Melee attack may not be used in battles.

The mana cap for my next battle is 58, which is quite a lot and the Enrage ability on all of the monsters might change the strategy of the battle completely, because if they take any damage on their Health all of their stats will be increased by 50%.

The Keep Your Distance ruleset will eliminate all the Melee attack monsters from this battle, which is good, because my opponent wouldn't be able to use any Sneak attack monster, so my backline will be pretty safe. 🤩


My lineup

The Byzantine Kitty is an amazing Dragon Summoner, because her speciality is to give +2 Speed to all of her friendly monsters and on top of that she will be able to heal the first monster in my team. She also has the Aim True ability, so all of her monsters will be able to hit their target without worrying about any Speed difference or dodge abilities. 💪
Rage is an absolute beast in the whole game, because he cost 16 mana, which is the highest amongst all the other monsters, but in return he has a lot of Health and Armor on its own. He also has the Flying ability, which will give him extra defense and the Void ability to protect himself against the enemy Magic attacks. 💪
Baakjira is an excellent tank on its own, because he has a lot of Health as well and the same Void ability like Rage. The only difference is that he cost 6 mana and he doesn't have any attack on its own, but that should be fixed easily using a monster next to him who has the Weapon Training ability. 😇
Berix Snakeye cost quite a lot of mana, which is 10, but he has 3 Ranged attack damage. He has the Weapon Training ability, so he will give his Ranged attack damage to the monsters next to him if they can not attack. He doesn't have too much Health, but he has a lot of Armor instead, so he is well protected. Even the Magic attack monsters need to hit his Armor thanks to his Void Armor ability. 😜
My only support next to Kitty for my Rage would be the Merdaali Guardian who has the Heal ability. She cost only three mana, but she is not able to attack on her own, so need to use a Weapon Trainer next to her if you wanted her to attack. 😆
Daarg Deadblast cost 7 mana and he is a Weapon Trainer as well, which means that he will increase the Magic attack by one for the non-attack monsters next to him. He also has the Swiftness ability, so he will further increase the Speed of his team by one. 😉
The Swamp Spitter cost 7 mana and he has two Ranged attack damage and he also has the Repair ability, so he will try to repair some of the lost Armor on one of his friendly monsters in every round. 😄

The Battle


Please click on the picture if you want to see the replay of the battle.

26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgpqrAP9TBG3ngbmQff8XmGHioYU3At33cTpyHohG4z2ZWA19cNAtQpXz8JTL2Eth5Vxc1U3ozJdzUmyRRsLcmFgYoQ2JHa18eEtgZCjy2QR4hqU22 (1).png

My opponent brought Franz Ruffmane, who is a a reward card and he cost six mana. His ability is to provide +1 Armor to all of his monsters and he would be able to call out for one Gladiator monster into his lineup if he wishes.

Thanks to Kitty who gave enough Speed to my monsters they attacked first and all of them targeted their Taunted monster in the middle of their lineup who barely survived. Sadly my opponent brought a Triage healer Djinn Renova who was able to heal her up a bit for the next round. My Rage stood firm at the front of my team, but he took serious damage as well.

When the second round started Kitty and the Meridian healed my Rage up a bit, which was amazing. Finally my monsters were able to get rid of their Taunted monster and my Rage lost most of his Health again, but what was important he didn't lose more Health in this round than what he lost in the first one.

The third round started with two heal again on my Rage, so hopefully he would be able to withstand another round without dying. In this round my team killed their tank easily and only four of their monster left for the rest of this battle.

In the fourth round my opponent lost another two monsters and my Rage's Health got down to five only, so it looked promising to win this battle.

As it was expected Rage was an absolute MVP for this battle thanks to his high Health and my team were able to kill the enemy monsters easily. 😇

26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgpqrAP9TBG3ngbmQff8XmGHioYU3At33cTpyHohG4z2ZWA19cNAtQpXz8JTL2Eth5Vxc1U3ozJdzUmyRRsLcmFgYoQ2JHa18eEtgZCjy2QR4hqU22 (1).png

Battle Result


Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy worked perfectly and luckily my opponent didn't bring any Snipe attack monster, so they had to kill my Rage first if they wanted to win this game, but they lacked enough damage to kill my tank within one round before he would receive two heal in the next round. 😋

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉

Thank you so much 🙏 that you took the time to read my Social Media Challenge. I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞


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